Test Tubes -- Restarted

Warren recognized his defeat, mostly because he was too tire to argue. "Do you... want me to help you with....your...back?" he trailed off, unsure if he should be offering to help. His experience was sorely lacking in the social section. 

"Oh yeah." Melody said quietly, remembering the cuts. "Yeah, thanks." She opened her pack to the section where she kept her basic medical stuff. "Here's my stuff." She hoped she wouldn't have to explain how to do it; this should be basic knowledge for many... mutations.
(anyone want to RP with me?)

((I will))
Keiara looked up as varissa came running toward them. She didn't dare get up; she had bled so much, she wasn't sure she could stand. She sincerely hoped she would be well enough to be able to fly later. Her arm was still severely aching, but her brain had started releasing endorphins to relieve pain. She changed the bandage, as it was soaked through, putting the new one on tighter than the last.
"Whoa, Keiara. You okay?" Varissa asked crouching down to her level, she had some blood on herself, but not nearly as much as the others. She looked around, "wheres Alex, what did i miss?" she asked, a little bit confused. She looked back to Keiara and offered to help her with her bandages.
"We were attacked by Erasers..." Keiara explained weakly. "Wren was shot down, apparently, and I think he's with the Pack. Alex is going to see him." she outlined. Nodding at Varissa's offer, she stopped trying to wrap her own wound and relaxed. (If you didn't read, she had a chunk of her arm bitten off by an eraser. Gross, but true)
"Miana." she said and then kept on walking towards the others, "come on, wouldn't want to be let behind." she said mid-yawn.
She must be a lot less hurt than what I thought. Clayton thought frowning slightly. He caught up easily. I didn't think that I lost Alex, where is she? He wondered next. He had left immediately, without warning, but if he knew anything about the flock, she should have had no trouble keeping up.
"The pack huh?" Varissa remarked, she didn't particularly like them, she called heme mutts in the back of her mind, but knew better than to say it out-loud. Varissa helped Keiara with her wound,it was gushing, and it looked as though a chunk of her arm had been bitten off. Varissa pitied her, but didn't show it, not many people liked pity. "so, you want to know what i got?" she asked trying to distract her from any pain she might be causing. Besides, she really, really wanted to tell someone about her newest bomb.
Miana looked straight forward and kept walking at an okay pace, not fast, but not slow either. She was in so much pain. Miana dug around in her bag and found some spare clothe, she tied it into a circle and then used it as a type of cast to keep her arm supported while it healed. She looked back at Clayton and asked, "the bullet wasn't still in my arm was it?"
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"The pack huh?" Varissa remarked, she didn't particularly like them, she called heme mutts in the back of her mind, but knew better than to say it out-loud. Varissa helped Keiara with her wound,it was gushing, and it looked as though a chunk of her arm had been bitten off. Varissa pitied her, but didn't show it, not many people liked pity. "so, you want to know what i got?" she asked trying to distract her from any pain she might be causing. Besides, she really, really wanted to tell someone about her newest bomb.

Miana looked straight forward and kept walking at an okay pace, not fast, but not slow either. She was in so much pain. Miana dug around in her bag and found some spare clothe, she tied it into a circle and then used it as a type of cast to keep her arm supported while it healed. She looked back at Clayton and asked, "the bullet wasn't still in my arm was it?"

Keiara grimaced as the pain grew when Varissa started tending to the wound. Even so, she raised an eyebrow at her. "Were you... experimenting again?" she said, still weak.
"The pack huh?" Varissa remarked, she didn't particularly like them, she called heme mutts in the back of her mind, but knew better than to say it out-loud. Varissa helped Keiara with her wound,it was gushing, and it looked as though a chunk of her arm had been bitten off. Varissa pitied her, but didn't show it, not many people liked pity. "so, you want to know what i got?" she asked trying to distract her from any pain she might be causing. Besides, she really, really wanted to tell someone about her newest bomb.
Miana looked straight forward and kept walking at an okay pace, not fast, but not slow either. She was in so much pain. Miana dug around in her bag and found some spare clothe, she tied it into a circle and then used it as a type of cast to keep her arm supported while it healed. She looked back at Clayton and asked, "the bullet wasn't still in my arm was it?"
(She didn't get injured in her arm, her shoulder, and it "skimmed" her "shoulder" so no.{I'm quoting you here})
Clayton glanced at her "No, of course not. It just skimmed the top of your shoulder, hit a vein though, that's why it's bleeding so much." He said, pausing waiting for her to finish, not exactly sure why she was putting the weight of her arm so near the injury.

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