Tetra Tints?


5 Years
Feb 23, 2014
Can anyone who actually has Tetra Tints tell me anything about them? What are they hybridized from? How is their egg size/production in reality? Thanks!
Might depend on the hatchery/breeder, but a RIR father and a WL mother is what I have found.
They are commercial hybrid from the Tetra Poultry corp of eastern Europe. The parent stock are themselves hybrids and specialized lines of private breeding stock. These commercial layers aren't simply crosses of known breeds. The parent and grandparent stock has long ago been bred far away from any breed as you and I would understand them.

Here's the link to Babolna Tetra Poultry. Bábolna Tetra Ltd. - babolnatetra.com

They lay like crazy no doubt. That's what they're bred for.
So is eating an egg from such a hybridized bird unhealthy or less nutritious than say a pure bred bird? I eat local, organic, non GMO foods and have been pondering the idea that it might not be as good of an idea to have hybrid birds? Anyone know more about this?
An egg is an egg. There's no health difference between the eggs of any two chickens that are eating the same diet.

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