
Don't faint, but we finally got some rain: 1/8"!!! At this point, I will take anything!!

Rachael, I am working on her! Some of us on the FF thread think it would be neat to have Bee here for a Country Seminar. Wouldn't that be wild???

Lisa :)

YES! That would be SO awesome Lisa. You know, I sent her a message telling her how grateful I was that she didn't let the naysayers tell her she couldn't speak her heart or mind about God. She is just about the sweetest person I have met on here (I love all of y'all but you guys aren't exactly sweet
Bee, whose real username here is Beekissed, is a great lady! Just a wonderful person. I think we should vote her "Honorary Texan" for her viewpoints. Cause they are pretty much in line with native Texan viewpoints. Stray dogs, she has a way with dealing with those. Any other varmit that eats or hurts her or her livestock, get a similar treatment. And she allows no one to mess with her, her faith, or her... shall I say livestock? No bleeding heart "I'm offended" stuff there. She agrees or doesn't. Is strong and holds to her beliefs.

Yes Honorary Texan!! I think she is from West Virginia. My father in law is from WV and he is definitely cut from the same cloth. Self reliant, do it yourself and don't complain. I always kid him that his hillbilly blood is why my children hate shoes
We are Texans right? We are tough, we are strong, we don’t back down, but we are also gentle, we are kind, we help our neighbors in need, we accept other for who they are, the whole time without losing who we are as individuals.

If I find a predator on my land, my first duty is to protect my kids, then my dogs, then my chickens. That is my right! However, it is also 100% someone else’s right to not agree with that. Maybe they have other solutions that work, maybe they don’t, I can listen to what they say and either apply or agree to disagree. However, I will stand firmly on fighting for the right any person to voice their opinion, even if I don’t always agree. No matter what, everyone should be treated with respect.

I love to hear different opinions/methods without attacks about personal character or beliefs. I will apply what works for me and not apply what does not.

Nope, don’t expect everyone to agree with this post either.
This thread has become soooo opinionated and is one of the reasons I haven't been on much and notice some of the regulars are not on much lately either. We all have opinions but it seems a few people are trying to push buttons just to get reactions. Everyone has their opinions and are entitled to them.
Just so everyone will know where I am on things....I believe in God, I believe he created the universe, I don't believe he did it in 7 days, I believe we evolved and are still evolving but we didn't evolve "from" apes, I don't believe that heaven waits for only those who congregate, I believe in killing and eating animals, I believe in spanking children that need it, I think marijuana should be legalized, I think we should eliminate High School football from the program (too many head injuries), I don't believe in Obamacare, I don't believe in welfare, I don't think we should bomb Syria *Catches breath* I think we should put the military on the border and shoot the sneaky ******** as they try to come across, I think George Bush did the best he could. I think Walmart is evil and I think GMO is a bad thing. I have thought and read a lot on all of these topics and believe I am right on all accounts and don't think anyone could change my mind on any of it at this point. But these are mine and I respect any ones that differ from mine.
Can't we try and calm it down just a little?
This thread has become soooo opinionated and is one of the reasons I haven't been on much and notice some of the regulars are not on much lately either. We all have opinions but it seems a few people are trying to push buttons just to get reactions. Everyone has their opinions and are entitled to them.
Just so everyone will know where I am on things....I believe in God, I believe he created the universe, I don't believe he did it in 7 days, I believe we evolved and are still evolving but we didn't evolve "from" apes, I don't believe that heaven waits for only those who congregate, I believe in killing and eating animals, I believe in spanking children that need it, I think marijuana should be legalized, I think we should eliminate High School football from the program (too many head injuries), I don't believe in Obamacare, I don't believe in welfare, I don't think we should bomb Syria *Catches breath* I think we should put the military on the border and shoot the sneaky ******** as they try to come across, I think George Bush did the best he could. I think Walmart is evil and I think GMO is a bad thing. I have thought and read a lot on all of these topics and believe I am right on all accounts and don't think anyone could change my mind on any of it at this point. But these are mine and I respect any ones that differ from mine.
Can't we try and calm it down just a little?

Thank you! This was my point, that everyone has an opinion, and its great to share, but at some point you have to just agree to disagree.
....although Rattle-LESS snakes might be kinda cool....but not any different than the gobs of other non-rattling poisonous snakes that still BITE.

....although Rattle-LESS snakes might be kinda cool....but not any different than the gobs of other non-rattling poisonous snakes that still BITE.


A snake is a snake. And a poisonous snake is dangerous to mess around with. Especially with little ones around. My weenie dogs have both been bit by rattlers, and big ones by the bite marks. Luckily it was on the head, and you can bet that I did not mess around with having it near my property with 4 small children. Not to mention my dogs and chickens.

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