
Lol, thanks! I want to get a small batch from ideal. But..I wouldnt be able to order until mid august. I guess id worry it would be too chilly before it was butcher time

I purchased 10 from Ideal this year. They hatched 5/21 and I've already butchered/eaten 6. The others remaining were smaller hens but it's getting time soon.

I wouldn't hesitate getting them mid August, they'll definitely be big enough to not be affected by the cold.
Bielefelder, do any of you raise these or know anything about them. Are they as good as some say or just hype? Thanks, ET
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I'm so incredibly bummed. I have been raising ten chickens since they were day old chicks since Good Friday. I have been letting them free range in their yard and leaving their coop open because they're protected inside a really large, really tall fence with electric wire around the top. Three of my chickens are now missing. There is no sign of foul play or anything, but I'm just heartbroken. I'm locking them in the coop at night now. I really hope that will fix the problem. I did find out that my neighbor's weenie dog has been digging under both of our fences to get in the yard. I have now put rock down under and in between our fences to keep it from digging through again. I can't get mad at the dog for doing what's in his nature, but I'm thinking that that may be what happened to my chickens. I'm not really sure how to approach the subject either. :( Also, since my chickens are 15 weeks old now, should I be getting things ready for them to start laying?
anybody here in texas have a young rhode island red rooster they wanna get ride of?? i am just north of houston.

I have some RIR pullets, there is 1 that is confusing the heck out of me. I'm new to this. I culled a RIR cokerel that got aggressive a few mo ths ago, but this bird has no comb or waddle, but has saddle feather. No crow yet, so thinking its a hen showing some cockerel characteristics. I'm waiting for them to start laying to be sure though. I plan on dying it's vent with food coloring to see if it does lay any eggs. I am selling the pullets if you want some more girls however. They are hatchery stock.

I'm in San Antonio.
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First post from near Wimberley, TX.

We have 2 Mini Australian Shepherds who watch over 2 crazy Guinnea Fowl and over 30 Roos and Ladies who wander our 10 acres by day and either roost in trees or come into the coop at night. Most are yard mix of the various birds we have added to the collection from the local feed store over the years. Just hatched 6 news black Bantams and have about 6 more hatching in a week.

We have 4 Jungle Fowl / Aracauna mix Roos that we'd like to find a new home for. All very colorful and good with kids, but just a few too many for our ladies.

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