
Now that is what I call cool! Yuck yuck!
Seriously though; I put 60w work light out in the coop for my half grown girl who is all on her own since the coon attack. I hope she will be fine.
We have not seen any snow that I know of, but it sure is cold out there.
Now that is what I call cool! Yuck yuck!
Seriously though; I put 60w work light out in the coop for my half grown girl who is all on her own since the coon attack. I hope she will be fine.
We have not seen any snow that I know of, but it sure is cold out there.

I have 250 w bulb for the babies, so I'll see how they are doin when I get home.
My husband will be so glad to hear there's snow in El Paso - especially since he's not there anymore!
He spent 8 months working out there and there is definitely some beeee-you-tee-ful scenery when it's snow covered! He was staying in an RV and the not so beautiful part was that the water lines all over town were frozen for almost a week last year. Sheesh.... He's glad to be home!
It's been cold here at 7L high was 36 & the dang wind will cut you like a knife. I'm cold & tomorrow will be colder. I think we are headed for a cold winter here in the lone star. It's not even winter yet.
Hello Texas peeps!

I am anticipating having to move to Austin this spring. I don't see an Austin-specific thread anywhere, so I thought I'd post my search here. I'm going to need to rent a house in the city and I was hoping to find someone on the BYC who has a rental home or knows someone who does. My problem is that I have two medium-sized dogs and one cat (and I'd love to get chickens again), so I am going to have a hard time finding someone to rent us a pet-friendly place. But on the positive side, if we go there my husband will have a good, stable job. We will be fully able to pay pet deposits for each of the critters and rent up to about $1100 a month. I'm looking at needing the place beginning around February through April. We anticipate renting for about two years, so a one-year lease is fine. I know that I'm likely to get a very small house, but I'm hoping to get one on a larger lot. And NOT a duplex. My dogs bark when I leave the house and I don't want to drive any adjoining neighbors crazy. Thanks for any help you guys can give me!
Consider going outside of Austin instead of in Austin proper since you have animals. Depending on where your husband works, you could look into Lockhart, Elgin, Bastrop (though probably not very likely given the recent fire and people still looking for homes), Hutto, Manor, Red Rock, Mustang Ridge, and Elroy. These are more rural in nature on average and may be more advantageous for you.
I was coplaing about the cold.

So I finally get home and get my chores done and I'm takIng off my muck boots so I can get a bath. I look up and my 3 year great nephew Jonathen is standing in from of me with a puzzled look on his face. I ask him JonBoy what is wrong with you. He tells me well Bibi I want to know what is colder then a jailhouse rat and why would you say it is colder witches boob. I looked at him and said what are you a mouse in my pocket. He said no silly I'm JonBoy and I have ears like an elephant.

By this time I'm rolling with laughter and telling my niece you. You better go get me some depends cuz I'm gonns pee my pants

Then he speaks and said well you can us my putty chair.:rotfl:

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