
We have been having a nice gentle "more than a drizzle less than a rain" here since early this a.m. Thunderstorms are predicted for later and on into next week. We sure need all this rain we have gotten the last couple of days and I like this gentle rain a lot more than some of the downpours we have had. This will help recharge our water table and well which is a really good thing. The heavy stuff just runs off into peoples tanks and ponds but doesn't help the water table much. Our ducks and geese are having a really good time with it all. The chickens, not so much.
We have been having a nice gentle "more than a drizzle less than a rain" here since early this a.m. Thunderstorms are predicted for later and on into next week. We sure need all this rain we have gotten the last couple of days and I like this gentle rain a lot more than some of the downpours we have had. This will help recharge our water table and well which is a really good thing. The heavy stuff just runs off into peoples tanks and ponds but doesn't help the water table much. Our ducks and geese are having a really good time with it all. The chickens, not so much.
Our poor horses, goats and chickens all have had our field flood. I'm sure they'll love the grass/hay as it grows in for them, but they are sure pretty unhappy with the muddy floods right now. LOL

Our poor chickens are happy that it's not so hot, but they don't appreciate swimming, since they will loudly let us know they aren't ducks :p
We had a lot of rain last night and this morning in north Texas. The coops are flooded so hubby and I spent all morning building up the floor of the coops and pumping out the excess water. Opened up the coops this morning and expected for them to stay inside, next thing I knew they are out foraging in the rain. I didn't expect that, but it was a nice to see that the rain wasn't going to slow them down. Wet, drenched chickens running around having fun. A nice sight to see that they were enjoying themselves.
There's been a dead tree at our back porch for awhile, during a rare storm or two we've stressed it might fall and take our power line with it. It's not something at the top of the to do list for a fun weekend but finally, the Saturday before school starts, it had to be done. Madison had to potty so Conway made her a makeshift 'hard hat' before allowing her into the construction zone. I supervised, held the ladder a couple of times and collected an egg.

We have gotten 5 inches of rain yesterday and last night in Ledbetter. It has started raining this morning. This after 3 inches the day before. It's feast or famine out here. We hadn't seen rain in over a month!
There's been a dead tree at our back porch for awhile, during a rare storm or two we've stressed it might fall and take our power line with it. It's not something at the top of the to do list for a fun weekend but finally, the Saturday before school starts, it had to be done. Madison had to potty so Conway made her a makeshift 'hard hat' before allowing her into the construction zone. I supervised, held the ladder a couple of times and collected an egg.
We have gotten 5 inches of rain yesterday and last night in Ledbetter. It has started raining this morning. This after 3 inches the day before. It's feast or famine out here. We hadn't seen rain in over a month!
WOW, be careful. Stay safe.

You folks are in the flash flood watch area. So, keep alert and be careful.
We got 2" overnight. Both sides of the pond are full and the ducks are loving it. The chickens are on high ground so we are safe and dry there. The ground is soo saturated if we get more it could start to flood do to slow run off. Luckily for us it's supposed to clear off and the rain chances move out tomorrow.

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