
Hi Lisa! I just started a thread yesterday for some help with my chicks (what kind they are). Pictures are posted there, not sure how to add a link?

:) It takes a while to learn your way around on this forum. Is this the link you wanted to post here?


You can do this one of two ways: Copy/paste to this site OR when you are getting ready to reply to someone, look at the top of the REPLY page. You will see several different boxes. Look for the 'link' picture and click on it.

Your chicks are absolutely adorable!!
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I got insider information that someone did some gardening yesterday and "got 35 okra, 35 green beans, 35, spinach, and 25 cucumbers planted today!" - Which I think is awesome. My digging has just been landscape plants.

Anyone else planting their garden?
What are you putting in and how is it going? And any pictures to share? I need some inspiration - all I have is a patch of dirt and weeds and ant nests.

I tilled my spot a few weeks ago but the clover came back and took over during the cold snap. Our crazy hound ate my seedlings so I'm back to square one. I plan to have tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, okra, various squashes and melons, and more. I'm half tempted to just cast the seeds out and have a surprise garden!
I tilled my spot a few weeks ago but the clover came back and took over during the cold snap. Our crazy hound ate my seedlings so I'm back to square one. I plan to have tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, okra, various squashes and melons, and more. I'm half tempted to just cast the seeds out and have a surprise garden!

Sounds like a great idea to me!

I must admit I got everything planted...but,

not out in the ground...
I got them all planted in egg shell half in the egg cartons...

i did get the ground "worked" yesterday though.

These cucumbers WILL go into the ground today.
Today is hatch day for my little black australorp chicks... so far there hasn't been any signs of activity and we're all getting nervous!

How eggciting!
(and stressful)

Good luck...we will need proof you know...like pics of little fluffy butts this evening!
Sounds like a great idea to me!

I must admit I got everything planted...but,

not out in the ground...
I got them all planted in egg shell half in the egg cartons...

i did get the ground "worked" yesterday though.

These cucumbers WILL go into the ground today.
They look nice and healthy!

How eggciting!
(and stressful)

Good luck...we will need proof you know...like pics of little fluffy butts this evening!
Oh, I will most definitely be posting pics of our little additions! We're down to 3 viable eggs from 10 so fingers crossed
Today is hatch day for my little black australorp chicks... so far there hasn't been any signs of activity and we're all getting nervous!
Good luck! I have hatch today too - but broody doing all the work -- she has 2 chicks but there were 4 eggs so maybe more.

I tilled my spot a few weeks ago but the clover came back and took over during the cold snap. Our crazy hound ate my seedlings so I'm back to square one. I plan to have tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, okra, various squashes and melons, and more. I'm half tempted to just cast the seeds out and have a surprise garden!

That is the kind of inspiration I need -- it makes my mouth water...LOL

Sounds like a great idea to me!

I must admit I got everything planted...but,

not out in the ground...
I got them all planted in egg shell half in the egg cartons...

i did get the ground "worked" yesterday though.

These cucumbers WILL go into the ground today.
Those are gorgeous starts, and they do look really healthy. Great use for egg shells. Just remembering last year -squash borers got my summer squash, zucchini and a rare Japanese pumpkin that tastes just like Acorn squash but is shaped like a little pumpkin that never turns orange but goes dark green. Last year the garden was a pretty much failure.
I got insider information that someone did some gardening yesterday and "got 35 okra, 35 green beans, 35, spinach, and 25 cucumbers planted today!" - Which I think is awesome. My digging has just been landscape plants.

Anyone else planting their garden?
What are you putting in and how is it going? And any pictures to share? I need some inspiration - all I have is a patch of dirt and weeds and ant nests.

I have a whole bunch of tomato transplants potted in gallon pots waiting to go into the garden (I have some weeding and clearing to do in the beds first). Also peppers and eggplants. I'll plant the edamame around the eggplants (that has worked well for me). Cucumbers and zucchini and pumpkins will be directly sowed.

- Ant Farm

The egg on the left weighs 3.332 oz - then there's a quarter, then there's a normal 2.14oz egg. The big egg is from an Isabel leghorn that didn't lay yesterday. 94.46 grams - and beyond the biggest size on my egg chart. That egg weighs more than 1/5 of a pound. MY poor chook. I wonder if she will take the day off tomorrow?

Well you know the saying, everything's bigger in Texas.

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