
Yay! My 12-week-old pullets went up into the coop by themselves last night! Granted, they are sleeping in a pile on the floor as close to the chicken door as they can get, but baby steps...the two nights before, we put them in the coop after dark (the first night was a chicken rodeo before we got all four in there) and yesterday I kept all 7 penned in the run (3 bigs, 4 littles) without any major incident. They have been free ranging together for a couple of weeks - meaning the 3 bigs range all over the yard and the littles stick close together around their grow out pen. I may leave them penned in the run one more day so the littles will get into their chicken brains that "oh, this is home now" and then let them out to free range the next day, after removing the grow out pen. I'm very encouraged that they went up by themselves last night though!
Well all 5 of the Blue Americanas I put in with the most current batch of Chocolate Orpingtons hatched. I plan on hatching two Olive Eggers in the next batch. I have a Black Americana hen with my chocolate Orpingtons and she is laying.
No. sorry. I have Blue Americanas that are ready to lay. I have chocolate Orpingtons chicks and eggs. I have French Black Copper Maran eggs. At the moment those are the breeds I have available.
I have both. The fly sticks are working fine. The Fly traps attracted some sort of nocturnal creature - I have/had four and they got pulled and dragged all over the yard/contents dumped. I haven't gotten them set up to be fixed yet, but it made me nervous that they were attracting those sorts of animals, even if my coops are pretty predator proof...

- Ant Farm
O no, I haven't had any problem with predators getting the traps. This is good to know. Thank you.
You may not have that issue - others haven't. That's just what happened for me. I keep intending to try attaching them to something to keep them from being dragged off. For a couple of them it wasn't all spilled, and with rain, there is some small amount of liquid in them, and wouldn't you know - they are catching flies! So I keep meaning to re-fill them with something stinky and add more water.

They do really stink just from the packaged "attractant", though, be warned. I don't know if you process your own birds, but someone on another thread suggested adding bits of liver or heart or whatever to them instead of the purchased attractant, and that worked well for him (though obviously totally stinky). Haven't tried that yet, but plan to save some from next cull...

One option would be to dispose of poop in a compost pile far away from the coop (a good idea anyway), and put the fly trap there - if it DID attract critters, at least it wouldn't be attracting them to the coop...

- Ant Farm
I really am not used to humidity but i do love it. Had some rain lately.... my ac went out this weekend guy today says it will be a couple of hot days before he can get it fixed. The humidity in the house reads 76%..... it is only 64% inside the incubator! Lol well fun but my hstch has started i have 1 cute little croads langshans and 1 pip and waiting on #3. Long story short im only getting 3 goid eggs from the 22 I sat. It is now as of 10 min. Ago day 22. Hope #3 is just a bit slow!.


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