The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Alright, now we are to that time when we need to start recording egg numbers.

When you are finished setting ALL of your eggs, please post in this thread, how many total eggs you set for this Hatchalong. (anything +/- 2 days from set day counts)

If you ended up not setting any eggs, please also let us know, so we can record it and know when the count is done.

If you can, post pictures of the eggs you set. (Because we all love looking at pretty eggs in an incubator) If you have a broody, don't worry about it unless you take the picture before you give them to your broody.​

If you could also give us the total number you set, it would be helpful. It's a manual process to record this for us, there are over 300 participants and 3 of us. It would help us greatly if we didn't have to add up each individuals number set. Although we are interested in the breeds you set, please include the total number somewhere. Thank You!
I guess if my other eggs don't get here by tomorrow, I will go ahead and just count the ones that I set this morning. Will get photos tomorrow, after my mail has come. :/
So my shipped eggs have been sitting for 48 hours- 24 of those in the incubtor, fat side up, no turning. Do you think it's safe to start turning now. Should I candle again first? I did have quite a few detached air cells when I first got them.
In other news, I got a call today from Mr. Will Morrow of Whitmore Farm letting me know that my Delaware chicks are ready! Squeee!

Repeating my question, in case it was missed.
Sorry, I was out at the movies!

It was God is not Dead. Great movie too.

For resting in the incubator, big end it, it depends on the air cell damage. And if the yolk looks scrambled.

Three to five days usually. I do not really have a set date--the candler is your friend for this. I am going to leave the hatch for Easter on the turner for two days because they came my Pickup about 40 miles on a highway.
I made a score today with getting a hold of some new grow out pens!

This is the inside of the box. It already has a perch.

Now I realize it needs some paint yet. My oldest son ( not the one that is hurt) and I replaced the wire the whole way around this afternoon.

This one was a rabbit hutch but I am going to use it for chicks or ducklings.

And the inside..

Maybe not a big deal for some, but I am quite pleased with today!
I would consider that a huge deal and be delighted with such a find!
This thread is just leaping ahead and I've only got a few minutes here and there to read. NO WAY I can keep up with you all!

Going to finish setting on Monday so I won't enter my final count until then. I'm obviously not counting the eggs I had to farm out either. I kind of hate doing that now. I like to see them all hatch! I simply did not have room.

Someone is making their 90 ct incubator available to me though, so I just tetris stacked all the shipped eggs in one bator for now. They won't get turned for a while anyway. Then I can run the 90 ct for a day or so and get it stabilized. Then I'll move them and start the turners then.

We have the little farm but my mother wishes she could have chickens so she helps. Or enables...

My poor mother, I was having her set her eggs and she dropped a Brabanter egg on and Orp egg. She felt so bad. I told her it was just an egg! I keep telling my kids that people are more important than chickens. I don't know who I'm trying to convince, them or me?
Luckily the egg was only dented, so I waxed it. We'll see if anything comes of it.

The Brabanter eggs were in pretty bad shape after their shipment. Two were badly broken and one was kind of cracked all around. I waxed the cracked one. Might as well. Hoping for a pullet. Just one Brabanter pullet and my mom will be SOOOO happy!
Expensive way to get one pullet!

Set so far,
25 Turkey eggs
10 EE LF
12 BBS Orp
12 Cuckoo Orp
20 SFH
10 Cream Brabanter
2 MF Leghorn
First hatch for me and I have managed to come up with a couple of questions. more to follow im sure however I'm trying to stay current on the threads and soak up the knowledge. Lets start with humidity. I have a little giant still air that I added a fan to. I plan to use a automatic turner also. So I set everything up and had it running tues after a decent amount of tinkering I got the temp to stabilize at 99.4 for about 24hrs. Humidity however was around 10% and that had me a worried so I added water to 2 of the channels in the bottom and allowed it to stabilize. 12 hours later temp was down to 88 and humidity was 81%. decided that was way too high and read on here to not use the channels so I dumped the water back out. Bring it around full circle and I'm back to a dry incubator sitting at 99.5 degrees with 19% humidity for the past 20ish hours. Am I ready to set tmrw morning or do I need to bring the humidity up a bit more. 2nd questions is candling prior to incubation I shouldn't see anything but a clear egg correct? I'm sure its something that comes with practice but not really sure what I should see. I have 12 splash orpington, 12 partridge plymouth rock, and 12 mystery eggs that were purchased local a week ago. All of these appear to have aircells and based on pictures and information posted earlier appear to be normal. I have 5 eggs from my bantam easter eggers that don't appear to have aircells at all? Thank You In Advance and have a good day.
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