The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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29 eggs set and boy am I nervous. Don't want to kill them and don't want to waste money. I'm going to just walk away!

29 eggs set and boy am I nervous. Don't want to kill them and don't want to waste money. I'm going to just walk away!

Best thing you can do, is that a turner I see in there? Just watch that temp. I see you have a still air. I really watch the temp when I have a turner in those small bators. The turners put the eggs closer to the heating elements. Keep the temp around a 100. Feel them once in a while. I think you will be able to tell if they are too hot. Not to worry you any more than you are or anything..
just check the feel of the them every now and again.
Well I'm past the noon time but I got nervous because my spot check was suddenly reading low so now I'm waiting... UGH!
I just set 7 olive eggers and 13 ameraucanas. My first ever hatch! I have 8 1week old maran chicks downstairs to hopefully make my own olive eggers in the future.
I have a broody question. Do I need to separate her from the others and put her in a dog crate? Right now she is on her nest and I do not want to upset her or break her by moving her.
I need sage advice.
I don't know if anyone has answered this but there are many schools of thought on leaving a broody where she is or moving her to a separate place.
Here is what I do whenever I want to move a broody. Do it at night! Can't stress that enough. I set-up the place I want the hen to be and get everything ready.....then, after dark when everyone is settled in the coop, I use a low light flashlight to see enough to get the hen and eggs into the new place. It helps if the new nest is similar in size to the chosen one so that the hen is not nervous about her surroundings. Spending the night on the eggs in the new nest will usually be enough to make the hen want to stay.
I do not move a hen that has only been on the nest a day. I give here golf balls/fake eggs to sit on and make sure she is serious before moving her. After I know she will stay on the new nest, I give the eggs I want her to have. That's how I do it, "your mileage may vary"
Okay, so I just couldn't stand to wait another second. I almost made it! Lol.
42 eggs!!!!!
2 lavender orphingtons
2 Barnevelder
7 heritage Delaware
4 olive eggers
3 Coronation Sussex
17 of my barnyard mix (EE roo over EE, White Leghorn, Jersey Giant, RIR, Blue Rock, red Sexlink)
1 Guinea
1 Surprise from a friend

You know that the guinea takes 28 daysand they have a real hard shell. It takes lots of humidity to hatch the eggs.
Best thing you can do, is that a turner I see in there?  Just watch that temp.  I see you have a still air.  I really watch the temp when I have a turner in those small bators.  The turners put the eggs closer to the heating elements.  Keep the temp around a 100.  Feel them once in a while.  I think you will be able to tell if they are too hot.   Not to worry you any more than you are or anything..;) just check the feel of the them every now and again.

It's a LG with fan and turner. I have 4 thermometer counting the one that came with it. The thermometers seem to be running99-100.
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