The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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You can (almost) see the top right corner of my turner with the cover on it to prevent me from putting any eggs there. The top 16 are my BLRW, and this was testing fitting everything in there. I did take out the big brown ones and put more blue ones. I still have to stack some in the middle (away from the fan and heating elements). I'm second guessing myself about doing that. I guess I'll just try to experiment and see what happens.


I am joining the 2014 Hatch-along. I am a newbie, and I have no incubator. I am using a Prince Lionheart wipes warmer I saw in a box of old baby stuff. So far, the temp is 97°F and Humidity is 61% (using a moistened paper towel folded in the corner). I am testing tonight to see if I can put the eggs in there. I am putting a barrier between the bottom of the warmer and the eggs.
2 Cochins
2 Copper Marans
1 White Leghorn
1 Brahma
Very interesting experiment. I will want to see how it turns out. :)

Quote: Good Luck. They look like they are doing well. I tried to hand raise a couple of kittens that had been abandoned by their mother. They were just too tiny for me and they didn't make it.
I sobbed a lot.

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I got my eggs set tonight.

13 Double Laced Blue Barnies
7 Lavender Orpingtons
7 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

27 total
Set 29 eggs today. Most are in an incubator but 8 are under a cream legbar broody. The breeds I am hatching are:

14 cream legbar
11 bielefelder
There is a group out there that be cannot be named(BYC rules) that knows what is inside a box that says live embryos--I would not put it past a worker that was leaning that way to do damage on purpose to a box of chicken embryos.

Fragile would be ok since it could be china but still there may be some that would have that box too.
I think the exact same thing

I am joining the 2014 Hatch-along. I am a newbie, and I have no incubator. I am using a Prince Lionheart wipes warmer I saw in a box of old baby stuff. So far, the temp is 97°F and Humidity is 61% (using a moistened paper towel folded in the corner). I am testing tonight to see if I can put the eggs in there. I am putting a barrier between the bottom of the warmer and the eggs.
2 Cochins
2 Copper Marans
1 White Leghorn
1 Brahma
Amazing the things we can use when we want to hatch. LOL Good luck!!

I have a question for all you experienced chicken peeps.

I have a lav am & a blue am roos. I put them over barred rock hens. Will the chicks be sexlinked ? If so who has the spot on their head roo or pullet ? And will the barring be present on both sexes when they feather out ?
I've mixed those and just got oddly patterned birds no matter the sex. They were pretty though.

I planted flowers earlier today, but it started pouring before I checked boxes. Not slipping in the mud again, so I may set more tomorrow.
I love my auto turners when I hatch using styros.

A word of advice though.

When though they have forty two positions, latest models have a cap over the position closest to the turner motor. That little puppy generates a lot of heat. I have never hatched an egg in that spot. As you have four spare positions, move the egg closest to the motor .

I have moved it. Never even accrued to me.


You can (almost) see the top right corner of my turner with the cover on it to prevent me from putting any eggs there. The top 16 are my BLRW, and this was testing fitting everything in there. I did take out the big brown ones and put more blue ones. I still have to stack some in the middle (away from the fan and heating elements). I'm second guessing myself about doing that. I guess I'll just try to experiment and see what happens.


The cap to plug the egg spot in that type of turner is necessary for still air incubators. The manufacturers of fan forced incubators claim that the motor will not over heat the egg next to the motor because the fan moves the air and heat away before the egg over heats.

Like Oz, I do not put an egg next to the motor anyway. If I have too many eggs I move them to the space next to the turner and hand turn them. Why take a chance on over heating the egg?
I too have set 14 eggs in the incubator tonight...

3 Easter Eggers,
2 Black Australorps ,
4 California Whites,
4 Rhode Island Reds
1 Wyndotte.

They were mated with either a Buff Orpington or Barred Rock rooster. (I need more egg layers so a mixed flock will work fine).
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