The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Does anyone remember @Mahonri ?

ron, yes, is he still in Arizona? Still a dentist I would suppose. :D
We actually had a bit of snow, if you could call it that..more slush than show. Then it would stop for a while, then it rained for a while, then the wind started up, then a nice loud crack of thunder! That made me think of Sally, and thought, we best get our generator out just in case. No more lightening, but still raining off and on. We don't complain around here..we need the moisture..we are behind for come summer out here in the desert.
BTW today is day 7 for my Calls and I have 12 going strong. I am slightly worried about air cells though. The ones that were shipped detached are much bigger than my homegrowns. Wondering if I should start misting them daily now?? Any advice?

It's day 7 for my calls also. Three out of the 4 are developing. I started misting them yesterday. The air cells are huge. I just barely rock them a little. Still too scared to lay them down. I have another 12 in a different incubator that I put in a few days ago. Don't know how they are yet, but all air cells were messed up on those too. Some not as bad. Altogether I have 22 calls set, all were shipped eggs. All with messed up air cells....
Do you have yours upright still? Are you turning them?
This should be interesting!
We actually had a bit of snow, if you could call it that..more slush than show.  Then it would stop for a while, then it rained for a while, then the wind started up, then a nice loud crack of thunder!   That made me think of Sally, and thought, we best get our generator out just in case.  No more lightening, but still raining off and on.  We don't complain around here..we need the moisture..we are behind for come summer out here in the desert.

We had pouring rain earlier, then it turned to sleet for about two hours, and now we have had snow for oh gosh, two.........three hours... Yeah there are flood watches, flood warnings all around us... I understand that we need the moisture but not all at one time like this. It doesn't do us much good when it runs off instead of soaking in.

To tell you how much rain we have had, I am going to have to open our well pit in the morning to make sure it is not flooded due to so much rain. It happens almost every year at least once, sometimes more...
I finally have my final count

I set 275 BYM for a friend on 03/27
6 silver laced Wyandottes on 3/29/14
8 gold Laced Wyandottes on 3/29/14
4 RIR (thrown in with the Wyandottes) 3/29/14
12 Lavender Orps on 3/29/14
2 kansas blues on 3/29/14
12 Rodebars (I think) on 3/29/14
4 mystery eggs on 3/29/14
12 english blue and black orps on 3-30-14
34 BBS Orps on 3-30-14
10 Black Copper Marans on 3/29/14
2 BYM (included to fill carton with the marans) on 3/29/14

For a grand total of 381 eggs set total

Now that is a lot of eggs lol Crazy thing is I still have more room in the incubators lol now when it comes to hatching I might have a little more of a struggle but I picked up something really cool today at a yard sale that I think will help with hatching

I forgot about the 7 muscovys I set so I guess I am at 381
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