The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Soo...I stole this from my husband... I could do this...

...without opening the bator! I just stick the mini snake light through the vent hole and voila! I can candle eggs :)...and I have an internal pip!!!

On a separate note, Gilly the guinea keet is still with me! She's snoozin' a whole bunch, like right now...she fell asleep in her food dish!!

Sneaky sneaky!
sitting at my desk at work Wondering what broody drama may be next on the agenda. I get to leave in 2 hours and hope to find

Broody one in the broody box in the broody pen

Broody two holding her own in the coop and keeping

Broody 3 off of her eggs and on her own golf balls in her own nest.

What would you guys do with Broody 3

a) give her eggs
b) give her chicks
c) give her a stern talking to about property rights and kidnapping
d) give her the opportunity to explain herself
e) all of the above
I am up to 83 chicks they were all due tomorrow and they are popping out so fast I am having a hard time keeping up also struggling with humidity issues my humidity is very high.
a cross post from my getting the flock out of here diary thread:

[COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]We just received the greatest news of our lives:[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]The petitions for adoption for both our kids are finalized.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]We are now officially parents.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]Its still a 6-9 month journey to get them to the USA but its really happening[/COLOR][/COLOR]
That's fabulous! Congratulations!!!
This is only my second hatch. Notice tht alot mark aircell bfor lockdown. Is it really important? I mean after a couple hatch out and roll all the others around its not gonna do any good to mark em, right? Shouldn't the chick position itself to hatch? I jus lockd down and hope someone can answer these questions for me. Thanks!!

Little "19"...still wet, 1st one out, day 19. Speckled Sussex...nice, docile, beautiful breed!

Oh my goodness! Congrats! We have two speckled sussex and I have to say so far they are 8 weeks and the most assertive/dominant of the bunch (sex links, EE, jubilee orp)
Oh my goodness we have hope for one of the eggs in the singing incubator from hell! The egg was rocking! I really have little hope for all of them as a whole but this moving egg now has me really believing it might actually hatch. I have been trying to prep the kids for the sad reality of the situation but now I might have to prep myself if that one egg doesn't hatch!
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