The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I'm back from taking the two RIR chicks to my friend's house. Turns out the one I posted the picture of has not only slipped tendons in both legs, but dislocated hip joint as well. There was nothing she could do...she tried everything she could and even put her in a harness, but the injuries were too bad. So she sent her to chick Heaven.

On a happier not, the other RIR is splinted up and doing ok. Turns out his knee/leg joint was dislocated as well, but my friend popped it back in place and Vetrapped the leg up. He's putting weight on that foot now!!!

While I was gone, my mom texted me to let me know one of the eggs hatched. I called her on my way home, and this is pretty much the conversation we had:

Mom: "It was one of the silkie eggs that hatched. But I think there's something wrong with it."

Me: "Oh no, what's wrong with it? I know it took over 24 hours to hatch, so I figured something might be wrong."

Mom: "Well, it's acting's just...Becca, it has a tumor."

Me: "A tumor?"

Mom: "Yes, a tumor. There's a huge tumor on the top of her head."


Apparently, Mama didn't know that Silkies are born with a very tall skull cap.
It's a holiday from school for the kids, so figured since I am working they can get some chores done...

My daughter's chore...


MIne are out filling feeders and filling waterers . . . . lol

Though I thought I heard a cheep this morning . . . .turned out to be a down stairs chick. THe disapointment.
[COLOR=800080]The one in front is blue laced red, the one to the left is splash laced, and the really dark chipmunk stripes were black laced.[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Your's could be splash laced but you need to look at its back to tell.[/COLOR]
Great visual! It does have a darker stripe down her back, so not splash. Thanks!
First pipper from last night just zipped and hatched about 15 minutes ago!!! It is the Blue BR x PR, and she is BLUE!
A lovely blue color, but does seem to have a bit of a white spot on her head, so probably barred blue. ADORABLE, and peeping its head off for company! LOL. Come on other chickies! I have 8 more pips now!

Pics coming soon...
8 out and 7 more piping already of 26 and they were set to hatch tomorrow!!! I might have to check my incubator for temps, hot spots, and such. I have never had this many hatch this early before. Of course, I did the drawn down side up style at lockdown (thank you Sally 101!) and maybe that had some effect. OK, off to get the second brooder ready to go... I have 30 week olds in the little brooder at the moment. What am I going to do with all these babies????
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Lots of peeps, pips, fluff going on in the incubator. The A group of IBs are popping steadily, the B group just started. My first cream legbar chick is out! Woop! Come on chickies!

I'm back from taking the two RIR chicks to my friend's house. Turns out the one I posted the picture of has not only slipped tendons in both legs, but dislocated hip joint as well. There was nothing she could do...she tried everything she could and even put her in a harness, but the injuries were too bad. So she sent her to chick Heaven.

On a happier not, the other RIR is splinted up and doing ok. Turns out his knee/leg joint was dislocated as well, but my friend popped it back in place and Vetrapped the leg up. He's putting weight on that foot now!!!

While I was gone, my mom texted me to let me know one of the eggs hatched. I called her on my way home, and this is pretty much the conversation we had:

Mom: "It was one of the silkie eggs that hatched. But I think there's something wrong with it."

Me: "Oh no, what's wrong with it? I know it took over 24 hours to hatch, so I figured something might be wrong."

Mom: "Well, it's acting's just...Becca, it has a tumor."

Me: "A tumor?"

Mom: "Yes, a tumor. There's a huge tumor on the top of her head."


Apparently, Mama didn't know that Silkies are born with a very tall skull cap.
That is wonderful! How cute! Great post :) By the way, you guys are talkers!
Behind 33 pages from last night
There is no recovering from that!
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