The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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None of the chicks made it from hatched but died,2 died in shell leghorns, none of the "ameracauna's hatched" I suspected they were EE due to eggcolor and only tossed some at day 7 that were clearly doing nothing even cracked them open just egg no growth..I don't feel bad I always do eggtopsies. Only 2 showed any growth ...shipped eggs but I think just low quality I didn't really candle them I was just leaving it to chance. Good news is I. Still have 4 turkey,2 chicken eggs from my chickens ,1 duck going. The turkey actually reacted so strongly to the light shifted the egg in my hand..

Well then, this is what I call..looking on the bright side! Happy that you got some turkeys, and a duck on the way. Isn't it fun to have the eggs move in your hand? I love it when I can feel them kicking in there. Bump... :)
Well not really but I cleaned my hatcher etc really well and ready for some I know will hatch my eggs plus the others.. i cannot control certain things. Those eggs were replacements I had ordered for some the USPS had beat up they were a little too I wasn't too hopeful about them to start with I would rather get a pleasant suprise of 10 chicks when expecting non..I didn't candle those on purpose a little unknown is always good..
I need help. One of my Khaki Campbell ducks pipped on the side of the egg facing down - not wrong end just facing bottom of incubator. I didn't realize he was pipped so I don't know how long. I do know he has been wiggling ALOT and making lots of noise for over 4 hours. I noticed the egg was kinda turning colors so I turned it over and realized then that he had pipped and there is a dark sticky substance down that side of the egg and it looks like maybe the membrane is drying out? He is not wiggling the egg any more but now that I can see his beak, he is still moving a little but I think he's exhausted! What has caused the egg to turn colors like it has? What is that sticky stuff on the outside? And do I try to help him out now or give him more time?
All these photos of lots of chicks are making me sad I had a terrible hatch. Out of 28 eggs totaling $130 I only got two Cochin chicks, which are the same color. Blessed to get those two at least. Don't think I will be hatching any more eggs for a long time.
65 bucks a chick. That's some nice stock. Maybe you'll have a pair and some $130 a dozen eggs of your own.

RamblinRooster. .It is upsetting Ive never added the $ in hatches ive lost up ....scared too! All i know is ive got sone pricey chckens running in my yard haha and you have 2 $60 chicks! At least you have 2 that hatched.The first $50 or more i spent first 2 hatches i got zero chicks from
I like the way you think.

And I've had some very expensive eggs not hatch, so I' get ya on those other hatches.

UGH! No hatches or even peeping! I know lots of people in my area have been having awful hatches lately, but here's still hoping a few make it out.....
Latest I've ever had eggs hatch was day 28, YUP! a week late. Don't know why that happened. I've had several go to 2
day 25, so don't give up yet.

Finally able to get on another laptop to let ya'll know my hatch results!

Originally set 27 shipped eggs. Had a few rolling air cells and some clears. Went into lockdown with 20 eggs. 19 for sure babies moving and 1 marans egg that I thought may be clear but left it anyway just in case.

I got 18 babies hatched!!! The marans WAS clear! So 18/19 fertile eggs hatched. AMAZING if you ask me!! I owe SO SO much to everything that has helped me... but especially Sally Sunshine and Oz over on the Diary thread. I had some bad air cells and with their help and guidance I weighed eggs and managed my humidity and I really feel I owe it to them for my successful hatch.

And super huge thanks to those that helped me the past two nights with all my frantic questions as chicks were hatching left and right. My 2nd chick out had a bleeding naval... I thought I was doomed! You can read all you want about how to prepare - but when you're going through it, it's a whole other thing.

I will be sure to post pics of the fluffballs tomorrow!!

Here's something I haven't said during one of the big hatches in a very long time.

Chicks still hatching!!!! Going slow, but they're hatching. Well, some are hatching. I have chicks in all the containers with bantam AMs and the Japs have 3 out and 2 pipped. I can see one Silkied AM pipped, but it looks low and hasn't gone any further for hours. I can't see any pips on anything toward the back of the bator. Nothin! I only have some of the mixes setting up in cartons and don't see any pips yet. Everything that has hatched or pipped is laying on it's side. That's unusual for me. Also I kept the humidity down between 50 and 55% and I only had to help out the one chick this morning.

Been so long since I had a half decent hatch, well more than just a couple, that I've had my nose pressed to the door as much as I could today.
I need help. One of my Khaki Campbell ducks pipped on the side of the egg facing down - not wrong end just facing bottom of incubator. I didn't realize he was pipped so I don't know how long. I do know he has been wiggling ALOT and making lots of noise for over 4 hours. I noticed the egg was kinda turning colors so I turned it over and realized then that he had pipped and there is a dark sticky substance down that side of the egg and it looks like maybe the membrane is drying out? He is not wiggling the egg any more but now that I can see his beak, he is still moving a little but I think he's exhausted! What has caused the egg to turn colors like it has? What is that sticky stuff on the outside? And do I try to help him out now or give him more time?
Anyone? I'm not familiar with hatching duck eggs, but when I have a chick pip this way, and the coloring of the membrane looks like this I help.
Anyone? I'm not familiar with hatching duck eggs, but when I have a chick pip this way, and the coloring of the membrane looks like this I help.
I'm just not sure if the membrane is drying or just discolored from the stuff on the outside. I have 3 more pipped and one zipping so I don't want to open again unless I really need to but definitely don't want to lose this guy!!
I'm just not sure if the membrane is drying or just discolored from the stuff on the outside. I have 3 more pipped and one zipping so I don't want to open again unless I really need to but definitely don't want to lose this guy!!
If no one else is going to jump in here. I am concerned about the color of the membrane, and how you said it noticed to be sticky. It could very well be sticky. And, the going down the side..and, you saying the egg has stopped wriggling. It could be resting after wriggling so much. It's a call, you need to make. You would help it slowly if you decide. Sally has a great site for the helping. Go to her signature and find a link there.
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