The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Hey you are in my neck of the woods! Are you part of the southern York poultry club? Oh, silly me...
sorry I'm late... I didn't see your post before. Thank you :) I don't think I am... is that a Facebook group?
Yes it is. We have a gathering this Friday evening at Bill Bateman's in Stewartstown, just off of I 83. You can also look me up on FB @ Oak Acres Poultry. :)
[COLOR=800080]Oh Yeah!! Can't wait. I need an evening out!:celebrate [/COLOR]
So do I. Lol
A while back, I posted about my incubator (my 2nd one that I was going to use as the hatcher...) not heating up. I switched tops with another old style hovabator and it heated up pronto and worked great as the hatcher. I got around to calling GQF yesterday and they talked me thru testing to see if it was the power supply or the electronics. It was the electronics in the lid, so for only 8 more $$$, I ordered a digital control center new lid instead of the older lid with the toggle switches in it. They are shipping it as soon as the factory has it ready...

which will be GREAT because...
Here I go again!

New Silver Birchen Maran eggs are on their way to me from Raven1.

I'll be incubating 18 of them (if they all make the trip in fine shape) all alone this hopes that I have a small army of Silver Birchens in May.

just call me crazy chicken lady, along with my friends who call me crazy cat lady.
Dumb question, but the chicks wont eat that rice she has in there and possibly choke will they?
I fret over everything, but dont want to see it happen as she already had enough crap with the dog and last hatch!
As you know sally, no dumb questions. . . . for that reason I don't use rice , however when I see newborn hatchilings running around trying everything outside, the logic side of my brain kicks in and I then have to convince myself the chicks do know what they are doing. They can'/wont eat large particles. I think chicks are better equipped entering the world and we moms can turn, or try to turn off, our mom raidar. lol

Final count for me is 0. I only set two eggs, which I've done before with good results, but this time was a failure.
Oh, tooo bad. This means you get to try again though!

The votes are in! The winners of the Photo Caption #2 Contest are.......

1st Place:


2nd Place:


These are wonderful!!!!

A while back, I posted about my incubator (my 2nd one that I was going to use as the hatcher...) not heating up. I switched tops with another old style hovabator and it heated up pronto and worked great as the hatcher. I got around to calling GQF yesterday and they talked me thru testing to see if it was the power supply or the electronics. It was the electronics in the lid, so for only 8 more $$$, I ordered a digital control center new lid instead of the older lid with the toggle switches in it. They are shipping it as soon as the factory has it ready...

which will be GREAT because...
Here I go again!

New Silver Birchen Maran eggs are on their way to me from Raven1.

I'll be incubating 18 of them (if they all make the trip in fine shape) all alone this hopes that I have a small army of Silver Birchens in May.

just call me crazy chicken lady, along with my friends who call me crazy cat lady.
GReat!!!! Glad you could work out a solution and get a nice replacement!!
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My chick that pipped yesterday at 7:30 PM, started zipping 20 minutes ago and is out already and cheeping away. Its a CCL. Will post pics in a few. My first ever hatch. I am so happy, so far it looks good and active. Day 20 is not finished yet so hopeful for another 7 by tomorrow if everything goes well. Thanks everyone who re-assured me last night.

Here is the first pic. Not very clear since the incubator is a little foggy. Will post one after he/she dries out.

Thanks to Sally I finally built a cabinet style cooler bator, my first one ever! Im so excited I never thought I would actually do it but her "how to" thread and all the helpful people that are posting on that thread I finally got it up and running and tweaked it enough that Im pretty certain the temps are even through out. I just put 9 barnyard mixes in it for my test run. The only adjustment I need to make is to add 4 hardware cloth shelves framed in wood. The pic shows one metal rack shelf with harware cloth, I didnt like these shelves so I will change it out after my test run. Here are some pics

Very! I do wonder if they are crested like they are supposed to be. I was told they came from a mixed color Polish pen. All the chickens in the pen are Polish. I've never seen a newly hatched Polish. Anyone gave any input?
The crest comes from a vaulted skull. You can tell if you see a skull like that. You might see some of the crest when the chick fluffs up, but sometimes you do not see it right away.

They will be very cute!
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I thought I would post a pic of my Easter hatch chicks. 12 of the chicks are in the picture out of the 17 I hatched, because 5 went to a new home last night:)

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Thanks to Sally I finally built a cabinet style cooler bator, my first one ever! Im so excited I never thought I would actually do it but her "how to" thread and all the helpful people that are posting on that thread I finally got it up and running and tweaked it enough that Im pretty certain the temps are even through out. I just put 9 barnyard mixes in it for my test run. The only adjustment I need to make is to add 4 hardware cloth shelves framed in wood. The pic shows one metal rack shelf with harware cloth, I didnt like these shelves so I will change it out after my test run. Here are some pics

YOU GO GIRL!!! tell them it wasnt hard!! GO CHICKIES!!
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