The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Its oozing froth, has not exploded yet. I better bring myself up to picking it up and throwing out.
You have what is called a "weeper". I also had one in my incubator. I took the entire egg tray and put it in my kitchen sink, garbage disposer side, and filled it with water. The bad egg floated off the tray, which I then removed. Faucet on, I unplugged the drain, turned on the disposer, and bye bye bad egg, with no smell escaping. The last thing you want to do is break that shell. Rotten eggs smell horrid.
I think I am too nervous to do a complete assisted hatch right now. I took a file and filed a little hole in the shell on the air cell end then put a tiny hole in the membrane and stuck the egg back in the incubator. At least I know s/he can get air now.
Hopefully I'm not doing anything harmful. Do you think that will be ok?
If the chick is not already dead, you probably have not hurt it by putting a hole in the shell. Sometimes, they are just slow to hatch.
I am so upset right now. I had 9 eggs set to hatch....3 under my broody silkie and gave 6 to my stepdaughter to take to school in her classroom to hatch in the incubator. Well, my broody stopped setting about halfway through, and I didn't catch it in time to save them, so I lost those three. Today is day 21 for the incubator, and there hasn't been any indication they are going to hatch. I have been asking my stepdaughter throughout how they are going, etc. Never once did she mention to me that SHE HAD TAKEN THE INCUBATOR TO HER MOM'S HOUSE!!! So, here I thought my eggs were being hatched in the classroom with the teacher who knew what she was doing, only to find out that they haven't been, and my stepdaughter knows NOTHING about it...even what she is looking for when candling. Why she didn't tell me before yesterday that she had them at home, I don't know. PLUS, when she told me I thought she had taken the incubator home since they wouldn't be in school the day the chicks were due to hatch!!! I just found out today that she's had them the entire time!!!!! I am so upset. If I'd have known the teacher wasn't going to be there, I would have told her to bring the incubator to my house, where at least I could have kept an eye on them and looked up answers to any questions I had!!!!!!

This is not a good thing. Nope.
This was my first time trying to hatch eggs. Epic fail! I ordered 10 fertilized eggs by mail. 10 arrived; 3 were broken. I incubated the remaining 7 eggs. I tried to candle them, but my light wasn't very strong and they were brown eggs. I turned them every 8 hours, or so, the first week, then I got an egg turner to do the job. Nothing happened on hatch day, so I waited two more days. Nothing. I gently cracked open the eggs, only to find they were all scrambled, probably from shipment. Only one had an embryo that was probably a week old (just guessing based on pictures on the Internet). So frustrating, but that is life, right? So enough of my complaining... I went to the feed store and bought 4 baby chicks! I will have a chicken farm after all!!!! :)

Did you let the person know that you bought the eggs from how they weren't viable? Some will make an offer on sending more eggs. Just had an offer on some that didn't do too well.. very kind of him. I did get two to hatch though, so, I am fine. :)
Glad you got some chicks. There's always that good ol feed store.
In my opinion, that chicks needs some attention. That membrane does not look good. I would pull it out, wet the membrane, enlargen the pip hole and see if that membrane is as dried to that chick as it looks to me... but I am also a meddler.

I'm going to throw my 2 cents in elsewhere too. That egg in the corner that you can clearly see the air cell marking... (again, in my opinion) that last marking looks really small for an 18 day air cell. To me it looks more like a day 14 air cell. If it's not a marking for day 18 then just tell me to shut up.)

Set 50 eggs, 35 went to lock down , TOTAL hatch 25. 10 out of 11 BCMs ( from cree57i ), 11 out of 12 BYmix (also from cree57i), 3 D'uccle/EE mix, 1 EE. Hatch rate 71%, i think, if i figured right.
To those of you that sell your chicks... What would you charge for barnyard mixes? I had a Facebook friend comment that she had lost several chicks from the batch she bought at the local fleet store. I commented to her that if she didn't mind barnyard mixes, I had 30 chicks in the brooder and 31 more eggs in the incubator. She and another person commented back to me that they are interested and inquired about price. They would be straight run since I'm not sure I can accurately sex them...

If nothing else, I figure its a good way to enable my hatching addiction!!

We charge $4 each for mixes and $8 each for our Speckled Sussex chicks. We are NPIP certified. We actually just sold all of our HAL chicks except the 5 we are keeping!
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