The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Question for those who hatch upright in egg cartons, is it normal for them to take a little while to get out of the shell once they've finished zipping?  My first is almost out, head and wings are out anyway.  But it keeps trying to get out of the shell, but no luck there.  Little naps, then a quick burst of struggle, then another nap... okay, should I worry?

I always hatch in egg cartons and yes sometimes it does take a little while to pop out. In fact mine are just hatching now two more have zipped and poped the lid off they are resting now before getting out. Here they are with an already hatched having a rest in the middle
I get up, go stare at the incubator, and the eggs are just being eggs.
I think I see a wiggle, but it could be just a trick, and the eggs are just sitting there.
I imagine I hear faint clicking, synchronized waves of it, and the eggs are just sitting there.
I believe I may be obsessing myself into insanity, here.

Meanwhile, there are several bird nests in the trees and bushes outside my windows that are taunting me with sudden chirping bursts, cruel things.

Congratulations on all those with early chicks! Post lots of adorable chick pictures to distract the rest of us while we wait.
Ha, trying to get caught up - Congrats to all the puppets/zippers/hatchers so far! All the talk of pips made me go check mine and yep, got two pops so far! An Iowa Blue and a barnyard mix! The race is on! I have to go to work in an hour so can't watch. I'll just drive real fast home tonight!!
The hatch is ratcheting up a bit.


Here's one of my BCM/Silkie crosses, sitting atop my BCM eggs.


And my OEs
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I have my first pip!!! It's one of your grandchicks @junibutt one of the Brahma x CLs. Temps reading 99.7 and humidity is 62% should I do anything???

*Edited-make that 2! An Australorp X CL too
Yeah, I am happy they are hatching. Humidity is fine, watch the temp and not let it hit 100, may be lower to 99 if you can but not necessary. Can't wait to see the Australorp hybrid since mine are running couple of days behind for some reason.
I always hatch in egg cartons and yes sometimes it does take a little while to pop out. In fact mine are just hatching now two more have zipped and poped the lid off they are resting now before getting out. Here they are with an already hatched having a rest in the middle
Okay, thanks. Puts my mind at ease then. Sure do find a lot to worry about with these little things.

So, my cats are in lock down now too. While they seemed fine with the chirping as long as it was soft, now that there's a chick with it's head out the shell, they seem to think they should open the incubator. Ah, well. I'm sure they won't mind being shut in the spare bedroom for the weekend.
Ok, my humidity is going up and up with each hatch and pip. 1st hatch pumped it up from 65-71, when I took the chick out it went down to 60 but then after the second hatch its at 74 now. I think the 2nd chick was a little wet. At what point do I open the bator to cut down on the humidity? There is only one Sharpie sized vent and its not blocked.
Most of the Serama chicks that have hatched so far. I still have one egg pipped on the wrong end. He isn't ready to come out yet and I have to leave the house!
What to do!?!?
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Update on our chicks. my wife Schmije posted earlyer in the thread....

we set 30. at lockdown we candled and removed 11 - quiters. we marked 3 others as likely no-go but because of dark shell colors we were unclear so we kept them in.

As of this late morning we have 4 hatched with more on the way.
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