The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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She ran them around the block first so they would settle down.
Darn, that's what I
Happy Easter From the lil coop on Da Bayou... 7 made it out... One died... 4 died during zipping and two are not doing anything... Two didn't develop... 6 out of 15... Always have trouble with my black silkies hatching out.. I don't know why?? But I'm still glad I have 6 fluffy butts....
My hatch is complete. Here are my stats.

Olive Eggers, they were a bit camera shy.

BCMs, BCM/Silky crosses and a couple of Buff Orpingtons that suddenly appeared after DW went to the feed store (not included in my stats)
I don't have a picture as our camera broke and our new one won't be here till next week.

But of the 54 eggs I set, 51 hatched and 2 are still rocking and pipped in the incubator. The one that did not make it looked like it passed as it went into lockdown.
Final Count: 15 Hatched

20 eggs set, 19 made it to lockdown. Of those, 1 died while zipping, 3 never pipped. 2 of the hatched were assisted, and the last to hatch is doing a bit poorly, but I'm still rooting for her. Which brings me to a question:

Does this look like it will work? The little one has dried blood over her, and the others keep pecking at it. One of them even dragged her across the brooder by the wing, would not let her go. The box is made of plastic canvas, no top. She's got a little milk cap with water in with her, and food sprinkled on the ground. The thermometer will come out once I've checked temperature. I could leave her in the incubator, but it's pretty disgusting right now.

It looks like it should work. I hope she makes it through all this.
I had two more hatch including the one which I dropped and cracked half way while locking down. So up to 43/52 on lockdown.3 more have pips.

Now tough call! One egg pipped almost 24 hrs ago. Can't seem to zip. I left it alone and was thinking it's dead. Took it out to candle and there was loud cheeping. So put it back but the membrane has completely dried up and is yellow/brown. I remember when I first saw it pip yesterday, there was a little blood on the pip site. Shall I open the shell and rescue? Its been almost 3 hrs now since I put the egg back, so a total of 27 hrs since it pipped.
No final total yet. I'm waiting for the last EHAL egg. It's pipped. It's the egg that has the air cell at the wrong end. As soon as it pipped, I broke the membrane so it could breathe, since it pipped at the large end. I have one more egg to go, but it doesn't count towards the EHAL. It's been a rough day. 9 eggs were late quitters. I had trouble keeping the hatcher temp steady. It dropped to 97 quite a few times and spiked anywhere from 101 to 103. A also had to cull one of my NYD HAL pullets today due to crop issues.

They're good eaters!

No final total yet. I'm waiting for the last EHAL egg. It's pipped. It's the egg that has the air cell at the wrong end. As soon as it pipped, I broke the membrane so it could breathe, since it pipped at the large end. I have one more egg to go, but it doesn't count towards the EHAL. It's been a rough day. 9 eggs were late quitters. I had trouble keeping the hatcher temp steady. It dropped to 97 quite a few times and spiked anywhere from 101 to 103. A also had to cull one of my NYD HAL pullets today due to crop issues.

They're good eaters!

What breed are the chipmunk chicks?
Well Bad news set 80 eggs, 38 brown egg mixes in an older incubator I had and 42 in a new incubator (28 blue/green Easter Eggs, 6 OEGB mixes, 8 Golden Comets.) The old incubator malfunction and the temperature dropped at some point...only 3 hatched from it 1 died. The new incubator I have all 6 OEGB hatched 7 Comets and 11 EE's. So that means 26/80 hatched/survived. Not good odds for the first hatch this year...just bought another new incubator gonna get sanitized and try to hatch some more soon...hopefully my next hatch will be EE's and Lavender Ameraucanas and gonna try some Coturnix Quail!!
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