The Aloha Chicken Project

this is the one i was talking about with the circle on the top of the comb. i dont know if its roo or hen but the coloring is very nice with yellow legs so something to look forward to :)
same chick, different light.

an example of what most of the chickens look like as far as coloring goes. leg color is still a mixture of pinks, yellows, and a few greenish grayish, lol

a few of them have these nice white breast feathers. pinkish legs on them.

we have 2 with very white markings, and one more with a lot of white and black mixed in with the red, that one is my personal favorite and sadly i dont have a picture of it. this white one is my husbands favorite, he calls her marshmallow, and we hope its a girl.

by my understanding of what alohachicken wants this is one good looking chicken. nice color, yellow legs, very nice size compared to the others. but he/she has a complex. if you can tell, this is the only one of my chicks with a full tail. all the others have very little, or no tail feathers at all and this one is the culprit. its the meanest chicken i have which is too bad, cuz its probably going to be a great aloha.

and an updates picture of shelly, her feathers are starting to come in a little better.

over the past week i have been allowing the chicks out of their little coop during the day to wander around the yard and spend time in the kennel/coop. at night they always return to their little brooder coop where they still have one red light for heat. today i rehomed 6 chicks to a good friend down the street, so i can keep track of what they'll look like, she took mostly smallish pink leggers tho. i also sent her home with my little coop and tonight was the first night for my chicks to permanently stay in the kennel/coop. they were completely distraut! they had no idea where to sleep and i imagine wanted their comfy roosts near the light in their usual spot. even tho i eventually did put the light in the new coop, the roost is a little higher and there is so much more space it might be a little cooler, and there is no pine shavings on top of a wood floor, this floor is bare dirt ground. the chicks just wouldnt sleep and i was so worried that i had stressed them out too much. finally when i couldnt handle it anymore i took a large cardboard box out and put it near their light so they can sleep in there. hopefully it will make them feel more secure or something.
Notinoz I had a similar problem to you the other night, it is extreamly frustrating. Your chicks are very cute, it's a pity they aren't displaying. :(
I've quoted you in the hope that this time they will show.
Grrr! Notinoz your chicks are cute! It's such a pity they aren't showing, I had something similar happen the other night and it's extremely frustrating.
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thanks to you both for trying to help out, its very strange and yes frustrating.
i was thinking about it last night and maybe its because i was adding pictures that i had uploaded to my profile (i guess). so i am going to try one more time and just insert the pictures straight from my computer. if it doesnt work at least you can see the chicks when you quote it.

this is the one i was talking about with the circle on the top of the comb. i dont know if its roo or hen but the coloring is very nice with yellow legs so something to look forward to :)

same chicken different light
YAY that worked. thats the way i'll be posting pictures from now on :)
i'm going to spend some time and get all the rest of these pictures on here, sorry for the crowding, i'm just eager to show off my colors.
lol, i forgot to add the rest of the pictures...
an example of what most of the chickens look like as far as coloring goes. leg color is still a mixture of pinks, yellows, and a few greenish grayish.

a few of them have these nice white breast feathers. pinkish legs on them.

we have 2 with very white markings, and one more with a lot of white and black mixed in with the red, that one is my personal favorite and sadly i dont have a picture of it. this white one is my husbands favorite, he calls her marshmallow and we hope its a girl.
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well, it wont let me load any more pictures so i guess i'm done. i'm going to go read the new usage rules again... heres the last part of my original post.

over the past week i have been allowing the chics out of their little coop during the day to wander around the yard and spend time in the kennel/coop. at night they always return to their little brooder coop where they still have one red light for heat. today i rehomed 6 chicks to a good friend down the street, so i can keep track of what they'll look like. she took mostly smallish pink leggers tho. i also sent her home with my little coop and tonight was the first night for my chicks to permanently stay in the kennel/coop. they were completely distraut! they had no idea where to sleep and i imagine wanted their comfy roosts near the light in their usual spot. even tho i eventually did put the light there, the roost is a little higher and there is so much more space it might be a little cooler, and there is no pine shavings on top of a wood floor. this floor is bare dirt ground. the chicks just wouldnt sleep and i was so worried that i had stressed them out too much. finally when i couldnt handle it anymore i took a large cardboard box out and put it near their light so they can sleep in there. hopefully it will make them feel more secure or something.
Notinoz -

Just got back from being out of town for weeks to see these photos! Your babies are SO CUTE! Some of those golden mottled ones look extremely promising, THANKS for the pics!

Over here, a lot of my babies are turning out to be "near misses" - like the eight yellow-legged buff chicks I hatched. Five don't have enough white, and three had WAY too much white! Arrrgh! Looks like I will be rehoming all of those and trying again. Better luck next time . . .

And my giant red and white baby rooster I was so excited about, one of the October-hatched chicks, is now developing a lot of barring. Double arrgh. (I only let Barred hens stay in the flock to keep the gene from turning into a homozygous dominant trait.) His brother, though smaller, is turning out to be a wonderful dark Buff Mottled. I have never seen a "big chicken" colored like him before. Perfect 50/50 mix of golden yellow and pure white. But he has barring too. GRRR.

However, some good news! Got a few real Swedish Flower youngsters for the program, whoo hoo! I will try using a rooster in a select breeder pen to see what happens, and I also have one lovely hen that I can't wait to cross with Aloha roosters. However, I want to make sure that I include no more than 50% of any one "outside" breed, whether it's Speckled Sussex, Swedish Flower, New Hampshire Red, or whatnot. But I'm hoping the Swedish Flower roosters can help introduce the yellow leg color on my Sussex/Aloha crosses, and hopefully lengthen the tails on my NHR/Aloha and Buff Rock/Aloha crosses, too. (I love the NHR and Buff Rock bodies, but they lack the long, glorious tails of my current Aloha roosters. I see the Swedish Flowers grow long tails, too.) I can't wait to give it a try.

Need to take some pics - will update soon.
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THANKS for this advice! "Pepper" and this other hen (unnamed) are now clearly barred. However, both are really large - "Pepper" in particular is a freakishly large baby girl, larger than even the biggest rooster chick. Wow! This is great news, finding out that as long as I only pair her with solid roosters she should be fine . . . as her size should help the program a lot.

All very nice chicks but I trimmed to these two, I think the top one may be barred but really need a better pic of the black on the flight feathers or tail feathers. The one in the second pic is clearly barred but I wouldn't say 'too barred' with barring either you have it or you don't. However, if she's a hen and you mate her to an unbarred roo all of her daughters will be unbarred and all of her sons will be barred. Thus you can use her in your breeding program and keep any of her daughters knowing they are free from barring.

Here are photos of two of the Thanksgiving hatch chicks. Top photo is Pepper, who is as big as the largest rooster chick in there. (She is two months old, and already almost the size of the smaller adult Aloha hens.) The other photo is of her sister, who is nearly as big but not quite. DARN all this barring!!!
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Here are photos of the yellow mottled rooster. ARGH, it turns out he has barring too! But I didn't notice it because his color was so light. I still am going to grow him out. If I get one as nice or better, but without the barring or with yellow legs, I'll cull him then. We'll have to keep an eye on Notinoz chicks to see what kind of roosters she gets. :)

This is him with his much bigger, and very clearly red-barred, brother:

Methinks he could be a fun cross on those half Sussex, half Aloha hens? Perhaps to lighten the Sussex mahogany?? (Just as long as the hens have no bars.)
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Here are photos of my new SWEDISH FLOWER CHICKENS! (Note: these are NOT "Alohas" but Swedish Flower Hens, or Blommehons, that may be used in the program later.) I would like to try crossing these to some of the Aloha stock to see what happens - but I will not be introducing more than 50% blood of any one breed to the foundation Aloha stock.

I wonder what the yellow-barred mottled rooster would create crossed to this GORGEOUS hen? Or crossed with "Flame" my lovely red-mottled (but kind of small and needing yellow legs) rooster?

And of course there are these boys . . . I would love to cross them with my unfortunately very tiny, but very lovely "Ginger" mottled girls. They need serious size improvement and yellow legs. Here you can see the Swedish Flower boys in with the one hen:

And here is a photo of the three "Ginger Girls" that I'd love to cross with one of these fine boys to improve size and introduce the yellow leg color in the offspring:

(Note: Below hens are ALOHA CHICKENS, and do not contain any Swedish Flower bloodlines.)

Oooh, I can't wait! So excited!!!
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