The American Cemani Breeders forum

Congratulations on your new birds!
Hi all, happy to find this thread. In fact I didn't know we had another one since the last one was locked and I just pmed a mod to ask if I could start a new one - guess that's not necessary! I just picked up my birds from wolfwhyte on Friday. Here they are:



I am so looking forward to seeing them all grown up!
Since I am in scholarly publication (my real job), I did a search using actual journals and not just news sources like the Independent. It was an easy enough task and I even found one from a poultry science journal at Oxford:

Basically, temperature does not affect sex determination nor does temperature increase or decrease the mortality rate of one gender or the other. Reptiles, on the other hand, can have their sex influenced by environmental factors such as temperature.
Thanks all! Guess I better start their coop, huh? Steadfast, I actually didn't get to go to the farm in light of the recent problem he had that he probably told you about. Instead we met at the swan pond in Manlius and I got to see the pair of swans he donated. They are gorgeous.
Thanks all! Guess I better start their coop, huh? Steadfast, I actually didn't get to go to the farm in light of the recent problem he had that he probably told you about. Instead we met at the swan pond in Manlius and I got to see the pair of swans he donated. They are gorgeous.
Good LORD!

You still have not built a coop for them?!?!?!
talk about putting the cart before the horse....

You are going to be Busting it OUT soon...
ha ha ha....

send pictures of your build....
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Thanks all! Guess I better start their coop, huh? Steadfast, I actually didn't get to go to the farm in light of the recent problem he had that he probably told you about. Instead we met at the swan pond in Manlius and I got to see the pair of swans he donated. They are gorgeous.
You have some time since you should quarantine the pair for 30 days at least. If you don't have a separate quarantine coop, you can use a very large dog crate in the basement or a garage. You should always quarantine birds before putting them with any other chickens (or anywhere other chickens will be present in the future), even if you know the source.
You have some time since you should quarantine the pair for 30 days at least.  If you don't have a separate quarantine coop, you can use a very large dog crate in the basement or a garage. You should always quarantine birds before putting them with any other chickens (or anywhere other chickens will be present in the future), even if you know the source.

Oh, they're in quarantine. That's why I wasn't so worried about having a coop ready to go for them when they got here. I'll definitely post pictures of the build as I go. This will be a solid wood coop. I usually do hoop coops, but with these guys I want extra security.
Oh, they're in quarantine. That's why I wasn't so worried about having a coop ready to go for them when they got here. I'll definitely post pictures of the build as I go. This will be a solid wood coop. I usually do hoop coops, but with these guys I want extra security.
I have mine in wood coops and then welded wire dog kennels plus a perimeter of high voltage fencing (yes high voltage for human predators). I call it Fort Cemani. Good to hear that you are quarantining your birds. So few people do that and then wonder why their flock gets sick. Also remember to feed the ones in quarantine last to avoid spreading any ride-a-long bugs to the other birds. But if you are using a quarantine cage, you probably know that. I just wanted others to know that.

It's a sad commentary that my worst predator is the two legged kind. A couple of weeks ago I found a person wondering around the property looking at my flock. Am I a zoo or what?
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Luckily where I live I should have a good handle on human predators. Everything will be padlocked, someone is home almost all the time, the coop will be in full view of the house, and there will be a baby monitor in the coop. I can't believe someone was just wandering around your property! What a nightmare for biosecurity that must be. Did you end up having to confront them? I'm toying with the idea of installing a game camera facing the coop door for extra security.
2 legged confrontations are not much of a concern for me
because My Property and birds are protected by:


Once folks who are uninvited see (or hear) these farm security tools they become increadibly polite and civil...
its good to live in NC, where we still have gun rights...

But we absolutly need to discuss other LESS LEATHAL options, as well, in detail...

I am interested in exploring more information on the idea of using a baby monitor, the electric fence option, and posting a hunting "Game Cam"

As soon as I can sell some birds,
I plan to install a privacy fence at least around the coop 1st,
until I can install one around the backyard.

how are you folks planning to secure you birds...?

Like every advanced animal...
every good civilization must have POINTY TEETH hidden somewhere to remain free and healthy... -Steadfast
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