The American Cemani Breeders forum

I hatched my first batch of cemani naked necks. The feathers and legs are black. The skin is not the dark black I hoped for. With only one copy of the fibro gene their little necks are charcoal red. Well maybe next year

I should post a picture of my pullet. I think her father had some silkie in him somewhere, because her skin is really nice. Not jet black, but definitely gray/mulberry, and no red.
I hatched my first batch of cemani naked necks. The feathers and legs are black. The skin is not the dark black I hoped for. With only one copy of the fibro gene their little necks are charcoal red. Well maybe next year

What a neat little project! I have a lavender frizzled naked neck. Hmmm . . . .
They were inside a new coop in PA, and the weather was very cold. In my ignorance, I didn't crack a window, and things got wet in there. I didn't realize the problem until we moved to MS and they got to be outside, and I could see them walk. One of the roos may have to be put down, but the other AC just has swollen toes, no problems with its foot pad. All of them have excellent appetites and are not sick at all. I think I have three roos and one hen. The hen is unaffected.
candice i really love the jealous...for sure...well supposed to be this week for the shipment from gff...cant wait...brooder is waiting the new birds...building the two hoops coops today for the svart honas and the ayam well see if they show up this week...the wait is just killing me but i guess good things take time...that is what i keep telling myself...yepper...anyways have a great day i go to the coop build
I just wanted to share a pic of Bellatrix, my runt. She is my darkest, but also the smallest. She hatched very late, and her toes needed to be straightened. But after a little TLC and some Band-Aid shoes, she is in tip top shape!

Me so happy!

  • @cjwaldon, funny comment earlier about the Ameraucanas...because that is what I have. Lol. My Blue Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel, Lannister, is not very bright. I sit outside every morning with my coffee for a little chicken therapy, and I'm always shaking my head at him.
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  • @cjwaldon, funny comment earlier about the Ameraucanas...because that is what I have. Lol. My Blue Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel, Lannister, is not very bright. I sit outside every morning with my coffee for a little chicken therapy, and I'm always shaking my head at him.

I've had other Ameracuanas, a few lavender and a few splash, and they were fine. It was the wheatens that were so daft!
I recommend that if you can afford it, purchase mature breeders, at least six months old. Look at them in person. Photographs are a two edged sword. On the one hand, they make the combs look more red than they appear in real life. It's a challenge getting good pictures of good birds. On the other hand, photographs can hide minor flaws, too. For example, you can't see the minor color leakage in my hen above. Price should be commensurate with quality. I offered that same hen to someone for $200 and felt a little guilty asking even that much.

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