The American Cemani Breeders forum

We hatched out 8 chicks at the end of March--they are my daughter's new project (along with Ameraucanas--she is on a mission to make people know that AMs are a real breed, not EEs!). We have kept the 6 pullets. None have black mouths. 1 is darker than the others. I would say 2 are darker, but our 2nd small dark girl sprouted gold in her hackles. The other are larger a bit less dark and there is a clear and/or white toenail or 2.

We are now looking for a dark male to add to the bunch. I would like a young male from stock throwing dark mouths and wattles. I am not sure I can afford a full grown black cock, so am looking for a young cockerel or maybe getting eggs from some proven stock. I have been afraid of shipped eggs not hatching (these were a birthday present) and got these eggs from a breeder I could drive to. But now that my daughter has some of her prized birds, we are happy to buy shipped eggs.

Please contact me if you can help!

....not sure if i will be breeding those from gff....they might be freerangers...kinda going to be weird to see couple thousand in birds with no breeding program...but it is what it is...someday maybe ill get a pair that i can breed...keeping my fingers crossed. you start good and you end good...nothing in between in my standards...i think i do have a couple out of the 8 that i got....but well see as everything changes as they grow up.

Maybe you should change your standards to start with the best you have or can afford, and improve from there. If you hold out for perfect specimens, you may be waiting a long time for breeders. FM breeds can be cleaned up within a few generations. You already have so much invested!
One of my recently hatched chicks, named Scotch since I did something stupid and managed to crack the egg almost all the way around three days before hatch day. I patched it with Scotch tape and didn't know if it was going to make it, but here it is.

Ok this is not cemani but you have to see this.

I just inspected my bee hives... My wife shot this awesome photo of one of my open honey cell frames. Yes the wax was THAT yellow. You can expand the photo and see me holding the bees in the reflection of the honey... WOW what a photo.

Removed due to violation of BYC policy - "Raffles are State specific gambling events and generally require require a permit or license." I read the rules but didn't see that raffles were prohibited. Sorry guys.
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