The American Cemani Breeders forum

I guess what I said you didn't either read or ignore. :caf

He might've had a glitch when posting. I know I've submitted something twice thinking it didnt go through the first time. You'll also see where people will post something twice in as row and go back to edit their second post saying "oops double post sorry guys" or something along those lines.
Question. When culling females what do u look for. Other then the obvious. In all the fibros I have grown out I have not had one female leak white or anything in the feathers. I have had the toenail white but nothing else. Most of the hard culling is with the males. I also have never had pink mouths or blue eggs either. Some people do.

I'm still a newbie with them, but it seems the hens express fibro much better than the cocks... take it down to the nitty gritty, is what I would do, birdman... start culling for the white toenails... also, I look at the chicks each hen throws... if one throws excessive amounts of white toes or entire toes white, then that one goes...

Have to ask @cjwaldon or @Pyxis what the proposed standard is? To cull for the finer points? I have the Dutch Standard, is it still being used, do either of you know?
Bad service area didn't think the phone went thru and it restarted so i rewrote it and reposted so it was a double post. Internet doesn't work so well when u live by a national forest. Sorry
"I have never bred birds with the fibromelanism. If it is in every egg of the birds carrying the traits there may be a relationship to a melanism that causes the spots especially if it I'd not in any other eggs set in the same hatch as other birds and no other breed shows the spots. That is why I asked about the navels of the chicks and hatch rates, etc.

Best way to find out is to have the eggs tested for bacteria and see if anything comes out."

This is what was said in returned email

That is all we were saying all along. I'm not sure why the discussion was taken so contentiously but I'm glad it's settled. I will be having my avian vet test a shell in the spring, if anyone wants to have testing done sooner then I'd love to hear the results.

I'm still a newbie with them, but it seems the hens express fibro much better than the cocks... take it down to the nitty gritty, is what I would do, birdman... start culling for the white toenails... also, I look at the chicks each hen throws... if one throws excessive amounts of white toes or entire toes white, then that one goes...

Have to ask @cjwaldon or @Pyxis what the proposed standard is? To cull for the finer points? I have the Dutch Standard, is it still being used, do either of you know?

I breed to the Dutch standard too. There a re few proposed American standards made up by American clubs for this breed and they all borrow heavily from it, so that's what I'm breeding towards. I cull of course any that hatch not all black, feather stubs if they appear get culled, and then for other defects as they age. For example my avatar hen with the crinkled comb has been culled from my breeding flock for that defect. I also pay attention to chicks I'm getting from each hen like Ravyn does and cull any that are throwing a lot of chicks without good fibro saturation.

@Peep-Chicken , Jet started crowing...
Oh my, that was good timing. I like his name. How is the hen doing?

She is doing great! Very quiet, and they come out to greet me when I come in to feed and water. I treated with Tylan and Denegard and it seemed to knock whatever it was right out. She doesn't have a name yet. I am waiting to see her personality, hens get more appropriate names around here when they are lucky enough to get them.
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She is doing great!  Very quiet, and they come out to greet me when I come in to feed and water.  I treated with Tylan and Denegard and it seemed to knock whatever it was right out.  She doesn't have a name yet.  I am waiting to see her personality, hens get more appropriate names around here when they are lucky enough to get them.

That's great that they're doing better.
I'll be interested to hear about her name. :)

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