The American Cemani Breeders forum

Hi Cemani people,

I am a brand-new AC owner. :) I received 4 chicks of this wondrous breed (3 eight week and one 6 week old--hopefully three hens and a roo) 2 days ago. I have them in quarantine in my garage and plan to keep them separate from my other chooks for a month, at least.

My question is--how well do these guys integrate with other birds? I currently have 5 banties (silkies, a cochin, and a d'uccle) who are out in a coop/run, and am getting 5 more day old chicks next week (3 more banties, an easter egger and a favaucana). I will probably have the new batch of chicks out to meet my older girls in like 3.5-4 weeks, but I'm wondering about when and if to introduce the ACs. Do you think I can successfully mix them with my other birds? My husband is currently building another coop and I can keep them separate if I have to. Thank you in advance and please forgive my ignorance, I am new at this and want to do the best thing for my birds. :)

Hi Cemani people,

I am a brand-new AC owner. :) I received 4 chicks of this wondrous breed (3 eight week and one 6 week old--hopefully three hens and a roo) 2 days ago. I have them in quarantine in my garage and plan to keep them separate from my other chooks for a month, at least.

My question is--how well do these guys integrate with other birds? I currently have 5 banties (silkies, a cochin, and a d'uccle) who are out in a coop/run, and am getting 5 more day old chicks next week (3 more banties, an easter egger and a favaucana). I will probably have the new batch of chicks out to meet my older girls in like 3.5-4 weeks, but I'm wondering about when and if to introduce the ACs. Do you think I can successfully mix them with my other birds? My husband is currently building another coop and I can keep them separate if I have to. Thank you in advance and please forgive my ignorance, I am new at this and want to do the best thing for
Hi Cemani people,

I am a brand-new AC owner. :) I received 4 chicks of this wondrous breed (3 eight week and one 6 week old--hopefully three hens and a roo) 2 days ago. I have them in quarantine in my garage and plan to keep them separate from my other chooks for a month, at least.

My question is--how well do these guys integrate with other birds? I currently have 5 banties (silkies, a cochin, and a d'uccle) who are out in a coop/run, and am getting 5 more day old chicks next week (3 more banties, an easter egger and a favaucana). I will probably have the new batch of chicks out to meet my older girls in like 3.5-4 weeks, but I'm wondering about when and if to introduce the ACs. Do you think I can successfully mix them with my other birds? My husband is currently building another coop and I can keep them separate if I have to. Thank you in advance and please forgive my ignorance, I am new at this and want to do the best thing for my birds. :)

My cemanis are very rambunctious, tenacious birds. I have seramas..very small..they bully them and pick on them. I also have RIRs and orpingtons..they r much larger..and the cemanis don't take any crap from Them. I think the cemanis may give your silkie and bamtums a hard time. They seem fearless..very hardy..and get really aggressive when it comes to food. I love them...but gave them thier own i don't have squabbles. Even when i added some younger cemani chicks n with the older cemani youngsters(I kept them in a separate cage in the pen at 1st)...they would chase the little ones around initially..they still chase them when i feed...but the youngsters are really hardy/fearless. It always changes flock dynamics when u add new birds..theres always fussing because the pecking order will change. Introduce your youngsters in a cage near your flock so they can safely get acquainted for several days. Introduce after the normal feed time. Supervise them for bullying. After a couple weeks near my flock..i let the chicks out to run around for a bit while I was there..then gradually let them have more time. The older birds will boss them..but..the chicks learn really quick how to navigate around them. I also kept crates upside down they could duck under to hide under when they were chased.
Thanks abraga, that was very helpful and informative and exactly what I was looking for! That is also what I suspected, but now that I know, I think (for a good long while at least)I will keep the new coop and run separate from my banty coop to give them their space and time to acclimate. I don't want any problems and I'll already be introducing the new ones to my flock so that is enough stress.

These birds are so cool. I hope it's OK to post on this thread? I don't plan on breeding, just want a few for my own enjoyment, and am really thrilled to have some. :)

These are my new babies. I haven't scrutinized their Royal Blackness yet (tongues/vents/etc.) as I don't want to stress them out any more than they already are, but to me they are very beautiful birds! Really active and curious.
View attachment 1085088

These are my new babies. I haven't scrutinized their Royal Blackness yet (tongues/vents/etc.) as I don't want to stress them out any more than they already are, but to me they are very beautiful birds! Really active and curious.

Nice looking group! Feel free to post away! :)

As for integrating, if you free range, they might be ok together, but as abraga said, AC's have very strong personalities... I have had them do fine with bantams, but not confined in a coop with them... they do tend to get cranky and will pick on the smaller ones... other lf that are assertive tends to lead to constant dominance scraps too... they're a wonderful breed, but learning their quirks has been an enlightening experience, lol... plus, they are extremely intelligent and very flight capable...
Thanks abraga, that was very helpful and informative and exactly what I was looking for! That is also what I suspected, but now that I know, I think (for a good long while at least)I will keep the new coop and run separate from my banty coop to give them their space and time to acclimate. I don't want any problems and I'll already be introducing the new ones to my flock so that is enough stress.

These birds are so cool. I hope it's OK to post on this thread? I don't plan on breeding, just want a few for my own enjoyment, and am really thrilled to have some. :)
I got 6 from a breeder. I fussed at them for sending me a couple w/white toe nails and they sent me 3 more. Then i hatched 6 more fron shipped eggs. The way they chirp...reminds me of those little dinosaur thingys n Jurassic park that were small but would jump on anything to eat it! Right out a the egg..they r really easy.. rambunctious eating machines. I have way to many roosters. The male chicks started sparing early...i figured out quickly who the males were. They eat whatever I toss at them. They can be stinkers at feeding time...and will chase off the others.
Nice looking group! Feel free to post away! :)

As for integrating, if you free range, they might be ok together, but as abraga said, AC's have very strong personalities... I have had them do fine with bantams, but not confined in a coop with them... they do tend to get cranky and will pick on the smaller ones... other lf that are assertive tends to lead to constant dominance scraps too... they're a wonderful breed, but learning their quirks has been an enlightening experience, lol... plus, they are extremely intelligent and very flight capable...

Thank you! You seem to be the Supreme Goddess of the All-Black Chickens on here, so I value your opinion. Your birds are freaking gorgeous!

About the flight thing, yeah, my poor bird-fearing husband found that out when he opened the box when he received them and one flew out and got loose around the garage! Poor guy just about had a heart attack! He videotaped the "unveiling" and it is beyond hilarious, I wish I could post it on here (it made me cry laughing, can't stop watching it) but it is chock-full of obscenities so I probably can't....
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I got 6 from a breeder. I fussed at them for sending me a couple w/white toe nails and they sent me 3 more. Then i hatched 6 more fron shipped eggs. The way they chirp...reminds me of those little dinosaur thingys n Jurassic park that were small but would jump on anything to eat it! Right out a the egg..they r really easy.. rambunctious eating machines. I have way to many roosters. The male chicks started sparing early...i figured out quickly who the males were. They eat whatever I toss at them. They can be stinkers at feeding time...and will chase off the others.

They really are eating machines!! Little gavons, they feast on *everything*, and they kinda are like dinosaurs! The roo looks like some kind of alien burned-up stegasaurus with that freaky black comb, lol. They are beyond cool, the first time I saw pictures of them I knew I had to have them. I just hope they eventually get over their terror of me.

This is a weird question, but do they have a funkier smell typically than regular chickens? Cuz mine are a little bit gamey. It's not horrid, just strong and distinctive. They do look and act totally healthy, except for the little one who seems to have a bit of an eye issue which I have to check out.
They really are eating machines!! Little gavons, they feast on *everything*, and they kinda are like dinosaurs! The roo looks like some kind of alien burned-up stegasaurus with that freaky black comb, lol. They are beyond cool, the first time I saw pictures of them I knew I had to have them. I just hope they eventually get over their terror of me.

This is a weird question, but do they have a funkier smell typically than regular chickens? Cuz mine are a little bit gamey. It's not horrid, just strong and distinctive. They do look and act totally healthy, except for the little one who seems to have a bit of an eye issue which I have to check out.
I have them in a coop with my RIRs..but separated..they all stink to me!!!I do not notice they smell any stronger. Perhaps the change/stress/environment/different feed w a new home has affected the other end a bit. Mayb after the adjust to new routine and all the smell will get better. They do remind me of mini vilaceraptor dinosaurs..this morning when i walked out to feed..the babies were doing thst chirp thingy that reminds me of them. I pick my birds up everyday and talk to each one. One of my roosters is really sweet..likes to b petted. When i go out to feed..they will literally jump up to snatch food.

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