~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/68580#post_12585506"]
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The stallion nodded and walked away. There was a large block in the foothills with no paths.  And a few small trails to the north side of the valley.


The stallion saw Festus and still had his bow drawn.   He lowered it. "Thanks... I think." he was unfamiliar having never been in the area before. "You the Blacksmith?"


Rabit had finished drinking  by the time they arrived and was munching on a fresh salad.


"Well family time is always nice."


Seraleena did and was fairly light and warm.  She lay atop him. "Oh you are cozy." She sighed. Then she sat up ans started massaging his back with her fingers. "Hows that?"

He decided to go down one of the smaller trails.


"Yes, I am. Who are you?"


They sat in a row and and all started lapping up the water at the same time.


"Yes... It is." Fuzz sniffed the air as they approached the hall.


His muscles started twitching at the unfamiliar sensation of the massage and he started laughing, pawing at the ground, unable to roll over on the ground with her on his back. "No.Stop.Don't. :gig "

Once into the forests the snow was no as thick, but had heavy drifts in places. The trails coming and going.


"Name's Lee.  Moved here a month ago. I was out trapping and my best trap broke. Wanted to know if you could fix it. but your mare. I dunno what I did she threw a log at me.  so I decided to wait a while before trying to come back again. Then the next thing I know I  got pounced on then stalked by them big cats of yours." he had a claw swipe on his haunch. 


Rabbit washed his face and watched the, then he smiled.


"What ya gonna get?"


Seraleena slid off giggling. "Did that tickle?"

He scouted the area and looked for signs of any game.


"Hm.. Sorry about that. They've never done any such thing before... You have the trap with you?"


One of the kittens walked off to find someplace to cough up a hairball.


"Probably that dish with the eggs cream and mushrooms." He looked at the menu to see what it was called.


"Yes." He quickly rolled over.

There were some fresh rutting sighs up the hill a bit under a large oak.


"Uh yeah."  He limped a tad down the hill and grabbed it. It was a larger trap. It looked as if it had been smashed. "It was in better shape. I dropped it and fell on it when they pounced me." He snorted.




"Creamy eggs with mushrooms? Yeah that sounds good... I like the cheese stuffed eggs."  He grinned.


"Oh I am sorry." She nuzzled him.

He continued scouting the area.


He took the trap and looked it over. "I've dealt with worse. It shouldn't take long."


"What?" *blink* "Fur is fur. I need to keep clean." :idunno


"Those are good. But the melted cheese gets tangled in my whiskers." He pawed them to make sure they weren't dirty.


"No, it's okay....Just unexpected." He replied as the chuckling wore off.

500 feet into some brush were piglets.

Mamma was no where in sight, these boars could often reach the size of a small cow.


"Thanks... uh does you mare often throw things at your customers?"  He raised a brow.


*shudders*  Well Owls just poop theirs out.


"You can groom." He chuckled.


Seraleena nodded. She saw a patch of ants by their nest and gingerly got down to look at them . "Oh those are so tiny! How cute!"
He stayed in the area, waiting for the sow to come along.


"No. Only when she thinks they're spying on her... I'll have to talk to her about that."


*coughs up another hairball in surprise* "Now that's something I didn't need to know..."


*yawn* "I will." He pawed at his ears in such a way to make sure the tips were pointy.


:th "You should probably move away from there....And definitely don't pick any of them up."
Quote: "Having fun?" She smirked.


Star bent down and grabbed the one that was flying, as they walked.


Cherry and the others headed for their homeworlds.

Spirit tended the ones that were injured.


Twilight and red mist was lurking in their, and sorts of chemicals.
"Yes!" He nuzzled her.


"Call him hover for a nickname." Kuru chuckled.


The colts came up to him. "Can we help somehow?"


"This may take days.. protect what you can.. I will be dealing with this around the clock.... wait.. is rain even a part of her still." He started to get very nervous.. the baby.." He ran more scans.

"She was expecting?" Arthur asked.

"Angel was yes." He was very focused. "good." Nova smirked, rising up.


"Yes we hsall do that." Star sncikered, taking a seat.


"Yes, can you provide beverages and garlic bread to the ones who need it?" Spirit replied. "oh and bandages."


Sign of life did pop up in her belly. "What shall we play now?" They wagged their tails.


Kuru put all 4 pups in his lap and gave Star the goodies.


"Okay." They did just that too.


"It's alive...." He kept looking for Rein's DNA. "If he separated them... she won't make it here. I wasn't finished with my research to stabilize her.... She will have to go back to her realm, but in this condition...."

"If I know anyone.. you can do this brother." Arthur nodded. :Sure." Nova smiled, walking off.


Star grabbed them, "Thanks." she smirked.


"Can you fetch me more of those bottles?" he pointed.


Rein's dna was found, but not all. They followed her.


"Mhmmm.. but you have to share." Kuru winked.


A colt nodded then trotted over and picked them up. bringing them over. "Here." He said.


"I fear he may have killed Rein.... Angel will not be happy." He growled Barabus ran tests while Arthur worked to protect the vitals. Time passed and Barabus put a filter on her "Once I get that blasted thing off turn that on." He began to carefully work on the collar while chanting spells. Nova slowly increased her speed, "You liking it?"


"I know." Star whispered, watching hover, carefully.


"Thank you." Spirit smiled and proceed to patch up the hurt onees.


The collar repeatedl caused eletric charge surging through everywhere. And now the electricity began to pierce her skin, entering. "Yes!" They kept following.


Kuru had a paw on his back.


The boys did everything they were told.


Arthur kept casting spells to protect her from it.

Barabus backed off... "SKY!" He summoned her. "I have something that will fix this.. but hate using it." He sighed. "Good I bet you like fresh grass." Nova smiled.


Star looked up.


Spirit was finally finished after they set off some slaves to their home world. He checked if they were any dragons on board.


Sky flew down and landed near him, "Yes?" "Grass?" *cocks head* We are carnivores and fruit eaters.


The movie started. Valor started growling at it. Kuru snickered.


There were no dragons or mody's. The colts were disappointed that their mothers were verified as not there.


"I need you to fetch a device for me... from the vault. Take nothing else." He summoned a map and key. "It is a ring, a gold ring... quickly now."

Barabus ran more scans to see if his injection was helping to neutralize the red matter. "As in the softness." Nova informed.


"shh." Star giggled.


Spirit and Cherry after letting go most of the slaves, they headed to Centauria.

Sky took the map and key and flew to his vaults.

The red matter over powered the injection. "Oh! Yes on our paws.. but we don't feel it that much."



Valor looked at her like "Whut?"


The cold eagerly waited. "I hope mamma is here. "

"Me too."


"You adapted.. even though I contained the one I interfered with.... unless. no you are the same one aren't you. Release my wife." He growled.

"Who are you talking to?" Arthur asked.

"That stuff... it has a conscious."


The ring was hovering. Instructions not to put it on were clear. "I bet you don't...Where is your parents?" Nova asked.


Star licked Valor's forehead and continued to the movie.


Cherry landed the ship and opened the latch, "here you are, you bundles of joy." she smiled.


"Nope it's my new host now." The red matter replied.


Sky snagged the ring with her talons and scurried back to Barabus. "Somewhere." One yawned.


Oddette barked at the giant.


They got off looking around. Their granparents were there to receive them.


"Leave her.. you are no meant to be inside her. She cannot do her purpose with you there." He growled. "If you don't I will swear to wipe your entire species out." Barabus saw sky coming and took the ring. He stepped back and started chanting as he put it on. "Well I hope I don't cause problems." Nova sighed, running off.


Star shoved popcorn in her mouth, but gentle.


Cherry walked along with them, "Excuse me were are there parents?"


"That's the point." It smiled, seeping into her heart and brain again.

Sky rested on a shelf. They followed. "We haven't met them yet."


Her bark was cut off and she made a face as she munched on it. but then realized she liked it.

Kuru snickered again.

Valor growled again but at the irritating bad guy.


One of the Grandfathers had a slight frown as he held his grandson. "They are still missing."

"Thank you for bringing them back to us." A grandmother smiled with gratitude.


The ring lit up like green gossamer, archs of lightning began to come from it.

Arthur took a huge step back. "I didn't know you had that!"

"Shhh." He growled. "Then meet your death." He placed in on Angel. It was life power. "This is the giver and taker. and I take you!" The ring began to grab the red mist it as to be sucked into the ring to add to its ability.
"Oh..I'm sorry." Nova pouted.


Star shoved anothee popcorn in hovers mouth.


"You're welcome." Spirit nodded.

"We can try and get them back." Cherry smiled, setting her hand on their shoulder.


The red mist seeped into the ring."this isn't over." It growled.
"Well I think they will come." They danced around.


He crunched,

Kuru was quietly chucking ans snickering.


The grandfather shook his head no. "I am afraid it might not be that simple."


"Indeed it isn't." Brabus held the ring up ans it sealed its magic inside itself again.

"Risky using that... who do you think it set free?" Arthur asked.

"It lets me choose who to free." He stated. For the ring would take power, but hlt whoever held it prisoner. only 50 could be locked inside it at a time, so Barabus had to free someone to put the red mist in. But the ring would keep the power ability. "I set Gaia free, she will not be a problem."
"Well i'll be glad once they do, so you can find them out." Nova smiled.


Star squinted a naughty eye at him, but watched the movie.


"Really? Why not?" Cherry sighed, looking up.


The twilight mist randomly vanished. The red mist did disappear in the ring, but the other parasites and chemicals did dwell.
*snicker* "Your welcome." he chuckled and put it in the oven.


Jolly panted a bit in his arms not used to being held like that for a very long time. Then she relaxed into his affection and closed her eyes. "I just wont tell anyone, for all they know I wandered into the forest to live alone..... you really think I am gorgeous?"


Everyone had gathered ad ported to the moon. The Duke Calavas (Crut) as waiting to greet them.


"Oh..." He leaned in and kissed her again.
Shella rested her hip on the counter, "What do you want to do while we wait?" she asked.


Alto felt her tightness and complications. He slowly wrapped her tight, "Yes, I do. Well then I guess you can aboard with us." He pecked her forehead.


Harpy was sitting in Skite's arms as they strolled down and to greet Crut.

Zahara elbow locked hers with Skite.


Amalurra kissed him back, she found the enchanting strong.
"Um.. play cards?" He suggested.


Jolly felt some guilt, but she was fighting it. "You are quite loving towards me." She slowly let her head rest against his chest.


Crut smiled and bowed his head. "Welcome friends to the house of Odin."

Kasha smiled as she was by their side. Nostros as well.

"Come inside." he led them into the beautiful estate.


"That's it." he whispered.
"Hmm that sounds fun." Shella nodded and perked her leg up, reaching to kiss his lips.


Alto gently stroked her hair, "Your beauty and playful is drawing me towards you." He whispered. "I admire you."


Harpy waved at Mystterion as Skite walked in.

"Thank you." Zahara dipped her head at Crut, entering.


"It's odd doing this." Amalurra sighed, fighting the enchantment.
He smiled then bent down to kiss her. "I love you my Dove." *smooch* (ha ha ha)


Jolly was flooded with guilt, but her desire was greater. She finally kicked it them put her arms under his resting her hands on his shoulder blades to return his hug. "Me too very much."


Mysterion gave a big chubby cheek grin and waved back.

Once inside the family was there along with the babies. There were 6 in all not including those with Kasha. "Our family." Nostros smiled. Everyone gave a friendly greeting.


"How so? You don't desire me to make you feel this way?" He asked continuing his affections. (
(She's short.

"And I love you my impressive Stag." Shella announced in his lips, quietly.


Alto endorsed the hug tenderly, "No one will know that you were ever gone." He muttered in her ear.


Skite strolled up to a few of Kasha's family members, "Hello." he greeted, joyfully.

Harpy watched the family herd.

Zahara walked up to Kasha, "My oh my, you have a beautiful family." she complimented.


It was difficult to seize his love doing to his luring touch. "It's difficult to understand." (
(*smooch* lol she's cute :p)

Gerard blushed and lifted her up while caressing her lips.


"Well not to many are too close to me so that easy to do." She looked at him. "I just want my others quilt from my place, and their pictures."


My brother Krits and wife Evanna, Crut's wife Leyal, Her brother Moro and wife Itha, Itha's sister ina and her husband, who is also Layal's grandfather.. Sarkis. And That is Leyal's and Crut's adopted daughter Kendra and her new husband Dezanthos 'Dez' who is to be the ruler of the Light Kelishan." Nostros introduced around the room. Ina and Itha were twins.

"Thank you." Kasha said. "The only Royal lines are my Husband, Krits, and Crut. I am a dukesline which is close."


"Well let me help you.. just don't fight it." he spoke soothingly. (whut XD)
(Ya, reminds me of Edna. XD)

Shella drifted a light breeze against his face, puckering her lips.


Alto evaded from her hug, his palms sliding along her arms, "Yes, we can do that."


"What a massive family, but wonderful." Skite smirked, setting down Harpy.

"Not too many, but hey you're getting up there." Zahara nodded, patting Kasha's back.



Amalurra sighed and looked at him, "Why?" She lightly grumbled.
(who's edna? My aun't with that name was no charmer :p)

"No how can I resist that?" He kissed her. "So sweet."


Jolly got the goosebumps from the sensation. She then gathered herself and gave a smile. "Race you?"


"Yes, many children being born as of late. It has been quite a blessing." Kasha smiled.

"Indeed." He put Mysterion down to play. He and Harpy were the only toddlers, the others were just starting to try and walk, or still very small. Mysterion was very gentle with his cousins.


(LOL I think that smiley is cute)

Because what you are feeling is called nerves. Its normal, it gets easier later." He winked.
(aunt....In law...)

"You couldn't." Shella flew up on the counter and pecked his lips one more time. "Are child is going to be pretty big."


"You're on." Alto grinned, teleporting out of the ship. "You say the numbers." he grinned, swishing his tail.


"Yes, I'm very grateful for your kind." Zahara dipped her head and removed her hand from Kasha.

Harpy walked up to the cousins and examined a few of them.


(It's ranting. :p )

Amalurra sighed, "Really? Oh."
(lol well at least yours was sweet. Mine was off, great great aunt though :p)

"Thats what I said.. I am no small thing." he stroked her leg. "When one comes. He nuzzled her."


"K that way." She pointed. "3...2...1..!" She bolted giggling as she ran.


"thank you."

"I have prepared a feast of a breakfast." Crut nodded with a smiled. "This way."

The little ones. o.o o.o o.o o.^ o.o



"Yes..." he then tried a trigger point being well versed in them.

"I can tell my bulky stag." Shella pecked his cheek. "Were you going to continue your sentence? Or was that all?"


Alto darted after her once she announced number three. "Big bad wolf coming!" He hollered.


Zahara and Skite strolled and followed, as they seceretly watched Harpy.

"I" Harpy waved in a greeting.



Amalurra huddled closer, but her body still fought off the enchantment.
She threw her hands up. "Why are you running away?" She had never really played much before, other than hide and seek. She scooped up more snow then moved so she could try and see him.


*head under pillow*

"I managed to do both?" He blushed. "Yeah yeah I am." He gently grabbed her hand and kissed her dainty fingers.


"And if I was passed out how far would it have gone?" he grabbed her arm and pulled her close. You know I don't want others touching."


Yarsha nodded. Keeping up with his every step.


"It makes you that ay not me." He chuckled. "Well at least you liked it." He snickered.


Skita flushed and looked away. She wasn't sure if this was okay. She felt fear now, Barabus could abandon her, but if she chose another he might kill her, because she still was technically his. And what if Zandor was just playing her. She'd had enough of that but.... what if he gave her what she wanted? "Are you just admiring my looks or are you implying that you want something of me?" She spoke very quietly.
"You have a good arm!" Hasis hollered back. He poked his head as he listened to her steps, sploshing in the snow. "Hi." He grinned, watching her as shr noticed him visible to her.


Harmony smirked feeling his ticklish touch, "Want to hear something?" She smirked, enclosing her fingers among his.


"I was born to play with others." Nyra sighed, stroking his arm. "I've been a toy not to just one." she added.


"He's not going to hurt you, or whoever." Talos stated protectively. "No one." He grumbled, darting away now.


"Oh I love it, other then making me tell secrets and the truth." Esta aimlessly giggled.


"I'll let you answer that yourself." He winked, snatching his sword. He strolled over to the door, "What do you think?" he formed a questionable smile.
Loreena giggled. "Your it!" he tossed it towards his shoulder then ran away.


"What?" he smiled.


"I know that but you said you would be mine remember. I haven't played with anyone. I want to be enough for you." He toyed with her lips. "I don't intend to share."


Yarsha felt like everyone was staring at them. but most just ignored the two. Not far was the passage that lead to the shipping docks.


"Oh realy so I can ask you anything now and you'd tell me? All your secrets about your magic and the infamous Z... " He snickered.


"Barabus told me that any male that told me I was gorgeous and offered me tempting things at the same time would be lying to me..." She looked down. "....and if I was foolish enough to go along with it that He would remind me of who I belonged to." She shook her head. "I still have my fears of him.... and you are tempting me." Skita admitted.
"Oh you're going down." Hasis giggled, scooping up more snow. He compacted it into a ball, as he trailed after her.


"You're immortal." Harmony whispered delicately among his ear.

Nyra slanted her head, "I am yours, and everyone's." She kissed his lips. "We're mates, which are boyfriend and girlfriend. Soul mates are husband and wife." She explained.


Talos began to cloak her and himself as he nearly reached their destination.


"hehe, why not?" Esta giggled, constantly touching his face, clumsy.


"really? lying? Because as much as you told me, he toyed with your love." Zandor approached her solemnly. He reached his lips to her ear, "He loved someone else other then you." He smirked. "He chosen a princess over his lasting wives, and only gave you love, that didn't mean much."
Loreena squealed as she ran from him. She looked at a tree and tried to climb but instead disturbed the ploom of snow and fell now covered in a small pile 0.0


Zanthas chuckled. "Is that a pet new pet name for me?" He'd never hear that before, but went with it not knowing her culture.


"No.. I don't want you to be everyones... and I will take anyone out that tries." he gave her a serious look. "Or am I not fun enough for you anymore? Do you want me to play with others too?"


"How are you doing this?" She whispered then saw guards posted at each junction. She got really quiet.


"Very well. Tell me my love" He stroked her face. "It will help me if I know who I ay have to fight one day."


Skita felt chills run down her spine. She closed her eyes taking a quiet breath as she released a tear. She was now slightly quivering as she whispered. She felt like she was betraying him after being with Barabus so long. She was a princess herself being the daughter of a Chieftain, but the branch her father had was absorbed by Barabus many years ago. But Zandor was right, she felt this a very tempting gamble. "Will you protect me from him?"
Hasis darted after her, "Is it cold?" He giggled, watching her burial of snow.


Harmony rolled over giggling constantly. "No....no...Not a pet name." she tried to spill her words of laughter. She rolled back to him, "As in you live forever."


Nyra backed her head to her spin, "You're fun enough, and if you recall to play with others, then do." She pecked his cheek. She return his gaze, "Oh you want me to be only yours?"


Talos kept going, he looked at her, "Quiet." he pleaded, reaching to the ships.


Esta remained giggly, "And who will fight you?" She constantly pet his face and flipped her head around.


"Not just me, others." Zandor whispered, tenderly among her ear. "I will protect you."
Loreena popped up as frosty. "Y-yes!" She squeaked.


*Sheepish blush* "Oh Ooh!" He laughed. "Realy? How is that?"


"I haven't wanted to play with any others, and yes I just want you." he insisted glaring at the Doc.


She heeded his words. He breathing indicated her being nervous. 3 shippers were loading to leave.


"Who ever hurt you if they come for you again." He mentioned.


"I don't want to be chased by others.. nor do I want to be weak...." She inhaled after muttering. "Okay... I'll trust you." Skita agreed reluctantly.
Hasis examined her, "Yes I will, my frost angel." He snickered, plucking her out of the snow. He huddled her against his chest, "Better?"


"Because we are mates." Harmony whispered back to him.


"Alright, I'll be yours." Nyra shifted his eyes off the dock and into hers. "Okay."


Talos continued to the docking bay, he halted studying the loaders. He approached the ship that seem to have the less crew.


Esta waved her hands around unknowingly, "And who would that be?"


"Oh but you'll never be weak." Zandor whispered in her hair as he splashed her hair away. "That's good."
She shivered. "Y-yes." She wrapped her arms and legs around him.


"That is an amazing gift Harmony." He kissed her tenderly.


He smirked then kissed her deeply. "I knew you were my kind of woman."


No one noticed them. But one guard down the way scratched his head ans seemed to be looking in their direction.


"The 'Z' you told me about." Duvall sighed laying his head down. "I knew you wouldn't say anything. It's okay I guess."


Skita felt her heart race and breathing increase as he was so close. He was stirring things up in her. "I won't be able to hold my son for long. He will grow fairly fast....." She commented her other concern. "Do what you will. You promised not to harm me." She whispered.
Hasis cuddled her close and swung her back and forth like a whimpering child.


"I'm glad you accepted it." Harmony whispered in his ear, after kissing him.


Nyra cuffed her hands around his neck, "I love you too much, to not too." She cuddled closer, trying to make the doc jealous.


Talos halted and made sure him and Yarsha remained deathly quiet, and still.


"What 'Z'? If you say his name, or if I do since I was there before, I might become 'different.' " Esta informed, playing with his strands of black hair.


"Oh I plan too." Zandor shot an eerie smile, rising up. "You have a wonderful time, I need to go do a few things."
Quote: Thay all started laughing at him. "Inferno this guy is great! I love him!" *Roaring laughter shaking the ground*

"Ahhhh thats a nice foot massage Shaki-baki keep it up."

(This is freaking hilarious)
Bump Chickneers this was posted 8-21)


(yes you're right... let's take it to a whole new level)

...three hours later...

"I'M GIVING YOU TO THE COUNT OF THREE TO BOW DOWN BEFORE ME THEN COMMIT SUICIDE BEFORE I PUMP YOUR GUTS FULL OF FIRE!" Shaki-oli roared. he sounded like a pip-squeak compared to the dragons watching him. "ONE... TWO... TWO AND A HALF... TWO AND THREE QUARTERS..."
They were busting up. One was quiet and smirked *Puffs fire ball at Shaki's head* "Play?" *snickers*
By now, Shaki-oli had no energy left. he fell to the ground, fell asleep, and dreamed that he fell into a black hole. all the while yelling: "MOMMY!!!!!!" in his sleep.
*hides face with tablet* "Not the night watchs but the day shifts yes. i can give you a comm and if you ever see anything happening you call it in right away." He reained behind the tablet.


"If you can find it it means you can wield it... would you honor us by finding some more here on our world.


"i see a red winged beauty.. a blaze of red furious glory in all her splendor." He spoke close to her.

(no I am han solo, a scruffy looking nerf herder


At sun ruse the stallion arrived on the beach.

Kitkat examined his rosy cheeks, "Why not night shifts? I can hide in a tower or a high building, observing." She protested, moving his tablet away.


Avery snagged the enchanting plantium."yes, I would love to reveal were it slumbers here." He winked, leaving the metallic room.


Theniza shoved him as she listened, "oh my." She gasped, drastically looking away.


Shade waited by the ocean, scanning around for the stallion."hello." She greeted, discovering him as he approached.
He sighed. "Because the other guards would be worried about you... but if you really want to you have to interview with the regional director for infringement. I can take you to him." Erol nodded.


"We would be most grateful."


"Hey? Did I say something wrong?" He snorted.


"Good morn. how are you?" He smiled.
Kitkat played a playful grin as she walked up to his face. "Or are you going to be worried about me?" She gazed into his eyes.


"Yes, and it's everywhere, you just got to know the location." Avery grinned, strolling more away and into the forest.


Theniza removed her hand and revealed her rosy face, "Not something wrong, but sweet."


"Great!" Shade announced overjoyed. She shot a swift smile, "What about you?"[/QUOTE]
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