~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

(its above the picture :p And yes they use swords and arrows still. Along with projectile weapons and magic (well some use magic) Their swords are special)

Nautilus smirked then shook his head. "She hast a sense of humor." He winked then went in and headed offer to his machine an started to brew up some jo.
(Sorry, the question about moons -- I can't quite remember what it was)
(sure of that)

"Then we must get involved." She stood up then gave him a hug. "Do you have faith?" She asked.


"Are you trapped between realms?" Mershan wondered.


When she came out there was a knock on her door.


"How is the food here?" Sam inquired. "The last place was aweful."





She adjust the robe and open it, "Yes?"


"Great for school food." He laughed.
"Good. We need a lot of dough to fund what we need to do." Theia sighed. "I have a good chunk saved. In fact I didn't spend any of what I earned with the Tolok. I am fairly light maintenenace." She smirked.


Menetack pulled her close and held her. "He can't have you. He won't."


"Tay." Grace cuddled close to Marie. He little gem lit up and a calming sensations seemed to seep into Marie.


"I don't know what is best." Lithia cuddled against his warmth.


"You..." She then shifted back to herself and lifted a hand breaking the mirror with a dark spell. "I help you and you abandon me in that cell when he offered me a way out. I thought you had good in you and that's what attracted me. but no... no... selfish is all you are. Just like him." She growled. "I would fight you but I had to make a deal with him to get out of that living hell. And anyone who knows Rumple knows you can't break his deals."
He laughed.


She numbly nodded.


"Is that you saying sorry about the cheek pinching?" (XD)


"It hard at time..."


"Well I couldn't say much in that cell about a idea I have." He hissed to her in a low tone, "that would get us both out, even his deals can be broken, I know."
He nodded back. "Name is Sly. I hope you are not Kiki." He chuckled.


He covered her up then went to make rice crispy treats.


Torid nodded. "And about the intruder?"


Crut rocked her and kept humming.


"Your plants have gone wild I hear. We have tamers." Glendoa informed.
"I am not." He remarked.


She was out for a while.


"I need a description of him to figure out what type he was." She sighed.


"That would be good, if they aren't torn apart first." The female commented.
He took her arm and led her down a grand hall.


He gave her a spoon. Then sat down with the container.


She took the scissors and tried to cut it but they broke and her hair seemed to frost over then disappear. Hara frowned. "You try."


The Sati then decided to go in as well. He looked at her when he came in.
She stiffly followed.


She dug in.


His brow line furrowed, "I am going to try a dagger..." He got his dagger, and tried to cute it more.


She didn't seem to notice.
"I guess not.." Kaliska nodded, smiling at him.

"I love you too." Barrett grinned.

"I'm sorry." Jesslyn looked down, feeling awful .

Braxton followed in.

"It's coming, hold on." Jasmine had some water on her hands and turned and flicked it at him. she smirked.

They walked inside. "Look!" He pointed speaking to Anna in his arms.


The tender came over. "What will it be and mind you all you beverages are alcohol free."

Myrna laughed. "I hope so. I will have a strawberry pina colada."


"It's not your fault, it theirs." He sighed. "They always go for the prettiest mares. Hence why most half Rukes are good looking." He sighed and rubbed her arm. "Besides my problem is not from you Jess. I have been in this job a long time and had a lot of fights. My body is just .. fighting with itself now. My eyes/ well lets say my head can't take too many more hard hits like that if any. I would have ported you to safety and they not taken you if I could have seen properly."


"Ah!" He played and stepped back. "I'm melting melting."

Lanna giggled and threw a rag at Ferris.
Anna stared at the fish with huge eyes. Ronin did the same.

"Oh, those are good. I'll have the same." Barrett said.

"Well, they didn't. They are in custody, and will never abduct another mare, so everything's fine now." Jesslyn gave him an encouraging smile.

Jasmine laughed and started to whistle "ding dong the witch is dead". Braxton watched with amused blue eyes, and couldn't help but laugh.
"Pretty fish." Brenk kissed her cheek. "What do you think Kiski?"


He nodded then went to making the drink .

Myrna swayed to the music playing.


"Too close for comfort." Thrain stopped since they were now outside. He turned to Jesslyn. "You were smart to do what you did." He then kissed her lips and hugged her.


He then did a zombie walk over to Jazmine and tickled her. "Give me Bacon."
I will get back in a bit. Making blackberry pie and cleaning the kitchen.. it needs it too. plus chicks hatching :p

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