~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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"Malakai... I want to tell you that I love you.. no that I am free to say so." Her blue eyes sparkled.


"Dock 17 Porthos." Gordon took off to try and contact Serenity. He sent the message and waited.

Loora took them.. then after they docked she limped out wanting to find Porthos.


Kiki giggled. "I feel better." She whispered into his lips.


"Do you have any scales?" He asked taking a drink.
He smiled.


It didn't make it...

Porthos nodded, and headed straight there.


"Good." He smirked.


*spew* That got her drink all over him. (ROFL)


Dea got the hives ready for winter.
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Hasis rested the sizzling muffins on the counter. He looked at Loreena, "Ready to eat?" He asked, blowing softly at the steam.


Harmony was dangling off the branch, but had her legs wrapped around it upside down. She glance at Lily, "Yes, correct." she smirked, swinging away, randomly. "Do you like it?"


"Well I really don't like people kidnapping other mates, so I have decided to help you, but how..." Talos scratched his head, thinking of ways to bring them to safety. He spiked a finger, "That's it." he chirped in excitement. "How would you like to journey to Agrithia?" He questioned, sitting down next to Yarsha.


Nyra shrugged, "That's just how I was raised and learned to cope with them." She draped her wings along the couch, saddened. "We remain with the mate that we had a child with, like you." she flashed a dainty smile. "But I can change, and remained with you, but I have a fear of my ways telling me you went off to another female. It's quite complicated to adapt to new ways."


Esta walked out and looked at him, "You're silly." she rolled her eyes and headed to the kitchen.


"No your heart is only taken if the person that you love, loves you back." Zandor explained, taking an evading step back.
"Yes very." She grabbed 2 plates and pushed them over to him.


"Yes." the girls giggled.

Zander just smirked. He wasn't used to so much play. He just relaxed knowing they were all safe.


"Uh remind me where that is? I have to pay a debt still. I owe Purple something. Bad enough having those freakish Dark Orcs trailing us.


Well try to adapt. It was my daughter... and She introduced me to my mother.. who I never knew.... " Derek sighed. "And if you have a child I want it to be mine."


"Yup." *munches*


"Oh... " Skita thought. "Do you want to love? I know many villians that don't" She settled down and then took a seat again.
Hasis looked for the thickest muffins of them all. He snagged both of the gliding plates and flopped two massive muffins on them. He slide the plate back to Loreena, "Here you are." he smirked, leaping up, and siting by her. "You have the biggest one."


A male waiter emerged next to them and smiled, "Welcome, I heard your orders quite well." he snickered, twitching his black ears. "Do you want anything to drink? Other then the juice Harmony provided?" he questioned, checking out the eldest. XD

Harmony climbed down and sat by Zanthas, "I'm good with mine."


"Well it's quite far from here, but let me tell you it's worth it." Talos informed, heading to the console. "It's where many creatures took refuge like my sister...You will love it there." he assured. "What do you owe pimple?"


Nyra dropped her mouth, "Aww so adorable." she leaped out of the couch and scurried to him, "Tell me, how was it like?" she asked, ignoring the adapting part.


"How does it taste?" Esta wondered as she poured herself some left over tea.


"Yes I would love to actually fall in love again, but quite complicated when you're not out of this realm." Zandor sighed, deciding to last longer in her room.
"Aww how sweet.. but you are much bigger than me.. you should get the big one." Loreena nuzzled him then broke it in half to cool down.


She noticed and turned her head away and was quiet.

Zanthas smiled. "The juice is well enough.. but perhaps some milk for the little guy here."


"Alliegience of a power child of mine... I crossed him in the last host. If I do this I get my wife back. I have .. been with quite a few girls and she is the first one to be pregnant with a powerchild. He won't keep it.. just bind it to his service when he is an adult." Roger sighed.

"How was what like?" Derek asked.


"Just fine." Duvall took a second bite and smirked.


"Maybe you don;t have to look outside this realm." Skita said quietly while fiddling with her fingers. The timer on the slow cooker beeped indicating that dinner was done. She had made stew.
"No because you're my big, sweet muffin." Hasis whispered and pecked her cute, soft cheeks. "Let me know how it tastes."


The male Shiloh nodded, "milk it is for the little guy." He smirked and left, but winked at the eldest before leaving.

Harmony smirked and silently drank her juice, knowing.


"Who's the Powerchild's oracle power?" Talos questioned, setting the coordinates to Agrithia. "Because I will not tolerate Pimple right now...We are going to Agrithia, because that is where I also meet other Powerchildren." he smirked.


"Meeting your mother for the first time." Nyra rolled her eyes and gently grew closer to him.


"I still think it's bad." Esta huffed, and sat at his table. She took a swig of the tea, "Your drink is good." she complimented.


Zandor blocked out the sound, but gazed at her face. "And who would I fall in love with?" he asked, swaying closer to her.
Loreena giggled. "Okay." She then took a bite. "Mmm that is good." She nodded.


She sighed not liking the idea that some kid was flirting with her.

The boy reached over and touched Harmony's arm and looked up at her.


"No... just will be born with an ability.. Mine.. it has a high chance of happening when any of us living magic take a Terrellian or Kelishan mate." Roger informed.


"Oh... I was shocked.. but his it.. all my emotions.. went out of whack and I learned that my father took me away from her at birth and sold me off because I was a weak baby.... she is beautiful.. and I want to be there for her. She is also pregnant with a boy and alone."


"Yes and you get drunk on it. No tea unless I am home." He snorted. "Probably not good for our baby either...." He reached for it to take it away.


"You have taken many prisoners.. perhaps one... if you take the time has a personality that suits you and maybe will care for you and fall in love as well..." Skita suggested.
Hasis examined his, "You really think so?" He plucked his and examined it. "Since you made the bananas plumped and more fresh...maybe it is more yummy." He smirked, nibbling on it.



Harmony felt the boys touch and shifted focus on him. She looked down and smiled, "Hello." she smirked.


Talos wasn't quite sure what either of those creatures where, but smiled. "And why only those two species?" he wondered, sitting down to take a breather.


Nyra brushed his hair and kissed his revealing cheek. "That's dreadful, you know your not the only one that went through that." She sighed, sitting on the couch and pulling him down along with her. "I actually ripped families apart."


Esta nearly drank it until she listened to him. "What? It's just tea...what harm can tea do to our baby?" She raised a brow, letting him take it. "I understand other things such as beer and that heavy wine you drink...but tea?" She blinked.


"Hmm now that you mention it, "I do like one prisoner I kidnapped." Zandor smirked, looking up at her. "But I'm not sure she would like me in return."
"Yes... and I think it's your cooking. Then again I have never had a muffin before.. I did have a cupcake twice." Loreena bumped with her elbow.


He gave a slight smiled then went back to his juice.


"Something to do with their combination of light and genetics." Roger shrugged.

His Terrelina mate stood there silent through all this.


"And did you care when you did it?" Derek asked her.


"If it makes you drunk it might do the same to the baby." He clarified.


"Well if you give her a reason to she might." Skita sighed and shrugged. "But most prisoners detest their captors... yet Barabus knew how to seduce them and they love him now." She frowned. "I hope you find happiness with her." She got up then went to he food. "Are you hungry?"
"What?!" Hasis dropped his jaws as he was stunned. "You never had a muffin...well in that case we must get you more...more flavors." He whispered in her ear. "My favorite is banana nut." he winked and took a bite.


Harmony smirked at him and took a seat at the flirty waiter retuned.

He miled at the eldest again, "Your milk, sir." he set it down. "And all your orders." he smirked, placing them in the orders they came.


"Hmm still have no clue." Talos sighed, glancing over head, seeing there was any followers. He didn't look at Roger's mate, but did sense her presence.


"Nope...I didn't have feelings for anything." Nyra clarified, sighing. "But now I'm realizing I do have a choice and feelings."


"True." Esta sighed, sliding it away. She rose up and headed to fetch some juice, "Never thought of it that way."


Zandor was oddly falling for Skita, but couldn't discover why. He walked up behind her, "Maybe this girl I like, likes me back." he whispered enchantingly in his ear. "Yes I am." he sat down.
"you are a nut." She laughed teasingly. "I would love to try it my love." She took another bite. "Living in the forest has it's deprivations."


Zander nodded and smiled. "Thanks."

The eldest, Mara. Took hers quietly trying not to make eye contact. "Thank you."


"Well.. who's to ay I cant repay Purple later... but I need to get that tracker off the ship." Roger sighed.


"You do have a choice.. and I hope you have feelings." Derek poked her side. "I only stay with Duvall because of family."


"Indeed." Duvall too another bite of lasagna.


Skita was getting tired of him talking about loving others and making her feel odd when he whispered to her. "Maybe.." She quietly served the stew then brought him a large bowl. "Here you go." She gave a nod. She then went back to get hers.

Cauis was trying to put a hoof in his mouth.
"You know there really isn't difference between a muffin and cupcake...they are very similar." Hasis pecked her cheek and leaped off the counter. "Just the taste." he plastered the muffin in her face.


"You are all very welcomed." He smirked at Mara then disappeared in another corner.

Harmony glance at Zanthas, "I prefer a chicken Quasadila." she sliced it into pie forms.


"Right...So do you still want to halt by that area you suggested?" Talos questioned, reseting the coordinates to the original location.


"I know now, but maybe I can make some changes to my ways." Nyra cuddled up to him. "Because, I love you and I want to keep you, and go by your ways.

Esta shook her head in disgust, "I can't believe you're still eating it." She sighed, pouring her some juice.


Zandor examined it, "Looks great." He complimented. He was about to eat, until he spot Caius which was really extraordinary to him. "Odd." he uttered, watching him.
Loreena jerked her head back. And blocked it with her hand. "Much sweeter."


"Those are nice." Zanthas nodded enjoying his french dip.

Mara got up to find the restroom.


"Yes... hopefully we make it before they find us again." Roger sped up the engines.


"Thank you." He finally held her again. Derek tried to bury the hurt, but is wasn't easy. "I forgive you." He sighed.


Duvall stuck his tongue out with food on it to gross her out. "Yummy."


Skita looked then snickered. She bent over and snagged his hoof. "What are you doing silly boy.. are you hungry too?" She picked him up then rested down to nurse him. "Everybody's hungry." She chuckled.
"You're quite fast." Hasis snickered, glancing at her. "Not as sweet as you." he sighed, randomly laying on the floor.


"So tell me Zanthas, are you enjoying your life here?" Harmony questioned, eating her pieces.

The cafe was basically a jigsaw puzzle. The same Shiloh spotted her from the distance, and finally decided to confront her. He strolled up, "Lost?" He flashed a friendly smile.


"Yes, and while we head there I'm going back to Yarsha." Talos rose up and prepared to travel that way.


"Forgive?" Nyra flattened her wings. "What is that? I never heard of such a word.."


"Duvall!" Esta screeched and shunned her eyes away. "I don't want to see your sea food...blech."


"When do they start to walk?" Zandor grew curious on her species. "Never thought I would see such things happen."
"Not always.." She sighed.


"Okay." she nodded.


He heard the noise and came in.


Once Meva was done she brushed to teeth. (LOL)


"Hard to do that at times..." Vicky twas clueless.


hush you)

She nodded, "Okay."
She took his hand and headed back with Loki.


Hestia rubbed her arms and scrunched up. "I was really hoping.... it's okay you would not be the first to not want me.. the only one that wanted me was your old man." She stared at the floor blankly. Something was troubling her and she had to tell Nila.


Well for some I have the pics I can post them if you get the forms up.)

Angelica stroked his face. "Maybe we should wed just in case he goes back on my father being spared..? That way he is there." Angelica released a few more tears.


Ellendeil nodded. "Yes tell them FIrefly 2 is running hot but in lukewarm water." She said quietly. "I may not live long... anyhow... I took off the sustaining devices and expended my powers... " She wiped a tear away. "My mother is friends with King Zander."


"Oh.. can I meet one at least?" Sam hoped.
He brought her to a small bakery, |"My treat this time."


"He might of not been our father.." He said, "To my knowledge he had no royal blood..."



HE nodded, "Agree."


"Okay." She nodded, heading to contact them.


"Sure." He nodded.
"So..." Nightshade looked over the cushion to his eyes.


"Then I'll will do it." She slide the tear off with her finger. She fired the tear in the fountain lighting it up.


"Thank you." Honeyheart smirked, lightly dicing her meat.


Sunny kissed his lips, "I can tell by your actions." She returned the wink.
o.^ "You are such a stinker." He smirked.


Victoria watched. He silvery white hair whipping about.


"Anything you desire my dear." Marc winked.


"You... tempt me woman." Maxim smirked.
"Hmm I'm not the only one." Nightshade snickered at his face.


"What is this other creature do you seek that needs to converse with his wife?" She asked, extracting the gems from her necklace off.


Honeyheart generally shook her head, "Nope, but I'm enjoying this evening with you." she winked.


Sunny removed herself from him, "What? Why is that?" she crossed her arms.
"Well I may be but I only seek vengeance on those who deserve it." He winked. "Still want to hang our here?"


"The Centaurian.. uh horseman. They came with me.. but I was told they would be here?" Victoria was uneasy about that fact. "He is the one with the sandy colored hair and brown coat."


"Good.. I am too." Marc reached across and grasped her hand. "This is the first time my heart has felt something Honey."


"By you closeness... everything about you makes me desire you..." Maxim finally had to take a seat.
Nightshade flopped back upside down on the chair. "Ehh I still do whatever I feel like to others." she smirked. "I don't mind, and is too lazy to move."


"Yes, they shall return in a few." She smirked, setting her hand in the fountain. "I'll reset the course for the horseman...as you call him," She swiveled her finger in a whirlpool.

Within a few seconds a portal evolved and popped out the fish that the Centaurian dwelled.

"There he is." She smiled proudly. THe fish pounced opened.


Honeyheart meet his intense, gorgeous gaze. "Mine too." she whispered. "And it's growing with your love and never halting."


Sunny sat on the bed, "Now why is that?" she innocently observed around.
"Mhmmm nothing wrong with that with discression." He kissed her. "You don;t need to move/" he kissed her again.


He stumbled out. "Can I walk next time." He grunted the saw Victoria was alright and galloped to her. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." VIctoria sighed then tole him in his ear what happened. "Tell you wife... but no one can know where we are."

He gave a nod. "Were you hurt?"

"No.." She rested a hand on his arm. She looked at the woman. "He is my body guard."


Marc smiled and kissed her hand. "It must be true then."

"Its just the way you move.. the way you speak, your beauty is alluring... I have butterflies."
and I have to go. Wont be back until tonight. Have fun :p I will reply later.
Some of them shook their heads from what they thought was a putrid aroma. "Quite far." One snarled, not enjoying the scent.


"Hmm I bet they are plenty more." Zandor chuckled to himself. "My heck Vortex was a playboy." He shook his head, still laughing. "Oh that? It's going swell." he reduced his laughter.
Milan backed away more then slowly headed back seeing if they would follow her. It was good for her that her pheremones were detestable to them.


"Good... and yes he was. but I need the children of my opposition to force alliance with the new heir.. and on that note I am surprised Hasis is settling down with the one. She must be special indeed." He snorted.
They would not follow her, but they mysteriously vanished as she watched them.


"Heir..to what?" He questioned, never heard him talk like that. Yes...that little brat caused him to return to his normal state." Zandor crumbled his cup into pieces from the surging anger.
Milan stopped. She watched a while. Debating on trying again. She looked back the way she came and the way ahead.


"then you can deeply wound him with her." Vader mentioned. "Heir to one of my projects which when complete.. Purple will hopefully be eliminated."
They did vanish, and nothing was in her sight, oddly.


"I know, but I've been thinking why control Hasis? if he has a pot full of kids?" Zandor shook his head. "I doubt that...He and his siblings...By the way have you seen Charity anywhere?"
Milan saw her guiding light way down the hall. She then made a run for it. Her feet completely silent as she did so. She knew deep down that no matter what she would be harmed. She had to try.


"Last I saw she as hanging out with those griffins... been a while." Vader yawned. "And can his children keep vortex's open that he may close is the real question Zandor... I was thinking you can use the fact that his precious little nightlight will be left alone if he keeps out of our business."
A vast of twilight out of the blue, draped around her, forming a ball.


"Oh I'm pretty sure he'll leave us alone, and if he doesn't I'm pretty sure he knows what I'll do." Zandor formed a devious grin. "Need anything, Vader?" He questioned.
Milan stopped. It made her feel awkward. She slowly tried to touch it to see if she could break through.


"Not at the moment. I am still trying to negotiate a dark touch offspring. I may have some one for you to fetch for me." He nodded. "Now if you'll excuse me.. I lady waiting." He got up. "See you around Zandor."
Every time she poked it, it seeped through her skin like a slithering snake.


"Let me know who it is." Zandor smiled and watched him leave. "And you have fun with that female of yours."
She pulled back and stopped touching it then she sat down on the floor holding her finger in pain.


"Oh I will." He laughed.
The ball of twilight vanished as she finally quite moving it.

"Wouldn't doubt it." Zandor signed off.
Milan ran for it again.


(until later dun dun dun )
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