~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Quote: (Chic, Owl? You guys up for this? :p)
Sorry, yes! I'll get right to it! And my brain is hatching some plans... Hehehe
Oh goody!
100 Years Ago....

The city of Rienne was abuzz with activity. Cats flew about, going this way and that, and weaving through the maze of buildings, reaching for the stars above. It was a fairly busy day, but for being the largest city in the Lunar Cat Empire, it was relatively peaceful.

Amongst the flying cats was a pretty silver tabby and white she-cat. Her underside, ears, and muzzle were white, and her paws and tip of tail looked as though they had been dipped in white paint. Her eyes were like glowing emerald orbs that seemed to glitter like chips of the coldest ice. She flew with the swift grace of a dove, and her eyes scanned the city before her with sharp keen eyes. Folding her wings, she began to drop towards the ground, unfurling them right before she landed. She hit the ground with the grace of a feather, and she ruffled her wings gently.

But she hadn't even been on the ground for a couple of seconds, when she felt something grip her tail and yank her back with the strength of a dragon. She scrabbled with her paws in blind confusion as she was yanked back into a dark, shadowy alley. The figure above her blended in with the darkness well, and she was nigh invisible; however, her eyes gleamed with a light unlike any other. The she-cat felt her stomach lurch.

The shadow...

The figure above her seemed to read her mind. She gave a short nod. "You are to come with me." Although she had only been murmuring, her words had the same strength as though she'd been shouting.

The she-cat flinched in surprise. "W-why should I?" Her words rang with a confidence that she didn't have.

The figure above her didn't even miss a beat. "I rescued Kado," she growled, "And I'm charging you to repay the debt."

"But..." The she-cat turned away from the guilt plying at her conscience. It was true that she owed the shadow dearly; without her, Kado would be stuck in that IS2 cell, perhaps for the rest of his life. But being taken on a task of which she knew nothing of, with a creature that could easily... a shudder crept down her spine; she was unable to finish the thought.

A terrifying growl that was not unlike distant thunder rumbled in the creature's chest. "If you don't help me... I'm afraid I'll have to return your little friend back to where she came from."

What? The she-cat's mouth hung agape at the shadow's cruel justice. She had thought all along that she was her ally... How wrong she was. "Return... They'd kill him!"

The shadow made no indication that he'd heard, and grabbed the she-cat roughly, pulling her to her feet. "A deal is a deal. I kept up my end." Her eyes, only a fraction of an inch from the she-cat's green ones, looked deep into hers. A shiver went up the she-cat's spine. "It's time you kept up yours."

"You're as devious as the owners of IS2 themselves!" the she-cat cried in disbelief, some of her cowardice relenting. "You offer help, made me trust you with your "kind" deed, then you turn right back around and demand retribution! You're nothing but a . . ."

The shadow pushed her forwards, startling the she-cat into silence. "I've long past caring about what I've become. Just help me, and no harm will come to you or your little friend."

"I don't believe that."

"You have no choice."

"I should let my fleet know, I may be missed."

The shadow snarled. "Don't take me for a fool. You are as transparent as a moonbeam. I know your every intention, your every move, whether to escape or fight. You can't wheedle out of this. Let's move."

Terror gripped the little she-cat's paws. She felt her heart fluttering away in her chest at the rate of a hummingbird, and her limbs quivered like leaves in the wind. Every grain of her instincts told her to run... But as she felt a dark mist began to surround her, she found that she had no choice. The Brenka- no, the universe-would need her in the not-so-distant future...
Jasmine worked out in the far pasture, repairing a broken fence line. 

A stallion entered the gate without asking. He had obviously not been invited.

Jasmine looked up, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears. She frowned at the sight of the stallion. "Hello!" She called out. "Can I help you?" She asked, setting her tools down. She wiped her hands off on her tshirt glancing back to see her father go into the barn. 'Good. Dad's close. Just in case.' She thought.
Jasmine worked out in the far pasture, repairing a broken fence line. 

A stallion entered the gate without asking. He had obviously not been invited.

Jasmine looked up, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears. She frowned at the sight of the stallion. "Hello!" She called out. "Can I help you?" She asked, setting her tools down. She wiped her hands off on her tshirt glancing back to see her father go into the barn. 'Good. Dad's close. Just in case.' She thought.

"Hey; sorry to trespass." The stallion seemed a bit sheepish about that. "I left the gate open on my main pasture while I was fixing up the fence. All 40 of my beef stock cows are out. I was wondering; could I have your help?"
Jasmine worked out in the far pasture, repairing a broken fence line. 

A stallion entered the gate without asking. He had obviously not been invited.

Jasmine looked up, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears. She frowned at the sight of the stallion. "Hello!" She called out. "Can I help you?" She asked, setting her tools down. She wiped her hands off on her tshirt glancing back to see her father go into the barn. 'Good. Dad's close. Just in case.' She thought.

"Hey; sorry to trespass." The stallion seemed a bit sheepish about that. "I left the gate open on my main pasture while I was fixing up the fence. All 40 of my beef stock cows are out. I was wondering; could I have your help?"

Jasmine let all her guard down. Just a local farmer.. She thought. "Sure, no problem." She nodded. "Give me a second, and I'll go get my dad to help." She smiled, and turned towards the barn.
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