~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

Theia shifted her hand to a Kendaran's and ran it along the display. It was picking up scent and taste. "That!" She excitedly pointed to a large bearclaw. She shifted her hand back. "That one is delicious.. so is the maple bar."


"I like you a lot Jylsse... maybe I should leave... it hurts now." She sighed. "Thanks for being a friend." She went to her room."


"Maybe he got some information at least. But if they catch him they may think you are trying to take back people and he forbid it. We will have to find another way." Angelica nuzzled under Zanders chin.


Ellendiel slept for two days unaware of the request that was made.


0.0 "Oh my it is so beautiful!" She stroked its soft tiny muzzle.
Okay, " He smiled, ordering it plus some other things.


"Why me?" He mumbled.




A little girl once in a while would peak in on her, she walked on crutches.


"And hot too." He said, not realizing that she might not know horse terms.
Quote: Mershan Smiled. "What ever you like my love. I will do it for you." She nuzzled him then sauntered off to get food foe Malakai.

Gordon went to find Nila.


Loora yelped at first but then sank into him crying. "Baby! Your okay." She squeezed and was trembling. "They were heading to Arthur's with us."


"Okay." Kiki smiled.


He chuckled and then bit down his smiled before continuing. "We have some Mobguar that only walk on 2 legs. They mostly eat meat. Scales and/or a tale can... we just don't have it in our light rules in our schools because we have not met others like you yet. But it is in the ancient text. I am an old retired guy so I know it pretty well."


"These are the best for harsh winters with hives. Thought you might like to give it a try." He held it out for her.
Later Shy approached Conner. "Selling or keeping." She handed him a beer.

He missed her cheek and accepted it. "The more I think about it, selling. I could use the cash."

"Conner...  " She took a deep breath.  "I have been waiting to tell you something because the time has been wrong.. but I think now you should know...   I am having your colt."    Shy touched his hand. "I was scared that those stallions that tried to take me may have damaged the foal but he is still moving."

" When is it due?"
Mershan Smiled. "What ever you like my love. I will do it for you." She nuzzled him then sauntered off to get food foe Malakai.

Gordon went to find Nila.


Loora yelped at first but then sank into him crying. "Baby! Your okay." She squeezed and was trembling. "They were heading to Arthur's with us."


"Okay." Kiki smiled.


He chuckled and then bit down his smiled before continuing. "We have some Mobguar that only walk on 2 legs. They mostly eat meat. Scales and/or a tale can... we just don't have it in our light rules in our schools because we have not met others like you yet. But it is in the ancient text. I am an old retired guy so I know it pretty well."


"These are the best for harsh winters with hives. Thought you might like to give it a try." He held it out for her.
He waited.


Nila was with Rolan.


He nodded, but said nothing. "It over now..." He said softly.


He smiled then kissed her again.


"Ah. Ours extend down our spine." she said with a shrug, "What I normally wear one rarely if at all sees it."


She took it, fingering the material "Okay... Thanks."
Quote: "Hey... I am having faith. You and I dd not survive that hell we went through for nothing." Torid held her hand.


After the song was over he bowed. "If you would like to again I am at you bidding my beautiful princess." he had perfect manners.


Hera was pale. "I..... I.. have to wait. I normally do not have this much trouble." She looked up at Mal.


Vader just 'killed' whatever bacteria was left in his mouth and ate a sprig of mint.


Xavier sighed. "Depends on how much you want love I guess. and safe love.... I just don;t want to loose you from my employment. I'd miss you too much." He got up.


(he he h e admit it XD)

Roland looked for his ship. It had been scrapped. -_- He thunked his 6'7" tall self against the bulkhead. "Well guess you and I will be neighbors." He scratched his head.
Quote: "Conner... " She took a deep breath. "I have been waiting to tell you something because the time has been wrong.. but I think now you should know... I am having your colt." Shy touched his hand. "I was scared that those stallions that tried to take me may have damaged the foal but he is still moving."

" When is it due?"
"5 Months.. I am not showing terribly much because I have gotten thin.... The rations are low again." She said quietly. "But you colt will bring us wealth.. My line.. all my colts will make many fillies. Your colts." She kissed his lips.

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