The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

X2 on the light Sussex, raised 6 this past spring & my females never had that large of a comb early on.
Thank you for your feedback. I was 95% sure the Light Sussex is a Cockrel. It's a real shame, but I'll buy another couple in the Spring. I happy that I at least have 4 Pullets (with luck).
Hey everyone, I've got a thread going already but thought I'd post here for more opinions. I've got pictures of my chooks at 15 weeks now - still unsure about chicken 1 but hopefully chickens 2+3 are pullets?


Chicken #1:

Chicken #2:

Chickens #1+2:

Chicken #3:

Hey everyone, I've got a thread going already but thought I'd post here for more opinions. I've got pictures of my chooks at 15 weeks now - still unsure about chicken 1 but hopefully chickens 2+3 are pullets?


Chicken #1:

Chicken #2:

Chickens #1+2:

Chicken #3:

These birds all look like pullets to me.
They look like pullets but I'm not very sure on that...if you look at the hackles, you can tell if they're rooster or not when you put the feathers underneath your fingers to see the shape better. If they're rounded they will be pullets. If they're really pointy they'll be rooster. From the saddle feathers I can't tell because they look round, but they're too white for me to see.

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