The Broodiest Chicken EVER !!


Oct 1, 2011
I've read most of the posts on broodiness but haven't run across my exact situation.

About 2-3 weeks ago one of my hens (Buff Orpington) started fluffing out her feathers while walking around the yard, taking incessant dirt baths and being pecky with the other chickens (I only have 4 hens). My husband says "She thinks she has chicks", he has a little more chicken experience than I do. I thought it was cute so I didn't do anything about it.

Well this went on for a little over a week and then she started sitting in her nest refusing to move, you know, the usual no food, no water, no pooping and pecking anything and anyone who gets near her. So I separated her as many of the discussions have suggested but after 4-5 days in confinement, (I have a wire dog crate that we put on saw horses so it's off the ground) but no change so I gave up. I felt sorry for her, I know chickens don't have feelings, but I do.

Two of my others hens went broody, I put them in confinement for a couple of days and it broke the cycle. Not for Marilyn. The other weird thing is during this probably almost 3 week process she has laid an additional 2 or 3 eggs. None of the other chickens laid any eggs while they were brooding except for the first one they started laying on.

I have no rooster so no baby chickies. I wish I knew someone who had a baby chick or perhaps a fertilized egg I could give her to fulfill her dreams.

Any suggestions to break the broodiest hen ever?

Have you put her in a cage with no bedding materiel? I would only recommend this for seriously broody hens. My silkie hen just went broody and we decided to let her hatch her eggs. I know how to break a broody but I've never let one do it until now.
Yep, that's what I was referring to by confinement. Used a wire dog crate up on saw horses with no bedding only food and water. I let her back in the coop to sleep at night but put her right back in the cage next am. I did this for 4 maybe 5 days before I gave up because as soon as I let her out she's RUN back to the nesting boxes and cuddle in.
I have asked around and so far no luck finding her some fertilized eggs. I might check the internet and see although not sure I want to go that far :)
I broke broodiness of my 2 Speckled Sussex hens with the wire crate method plus dunking their undersides in cold water a couple of times per day for 2-3 days. The stubborn one took 4 days. Every time she tried to go back to the coop, she went back into the cage - she lived in there with food & water for 4 days. I think you have to be very determined to break a deep brood like this and it may take much longer. But the hens will be fine in the cage with a roost, food & water, just no nesting or bedding material.

Good luck, which ever way you go with her!


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