Announcement The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!

ME! WOW! Talk about giving details! That was fabulous. I admit I must be confused about the hawks INSIDE the run. I do everything I can to keep hawks OUT. That being said, I gave it 5 stars and a multiple positive emoticon review. Love it.

Pretty sure the OP said the run door was left open and the hawks came in hunting wild birds.

This was one of them. I don't think it shows the just starred one.
Yup, I think that one already had a rating or two, then your review was the 3rd "rating" but 1st review

I believe the “vote” tally is the relevant one here. See how there’s 1 review (yours) but 3 votes?
Yup, that's correct!

As someone said before, the point of having multiple reviews is to get a range of opinions. Don’t overthink your rating too much :)
Good point / reminder!

If someone posts a new coop article does that go straight to the top of everyone's list? Since it's a zero rated article?
Good point! For now, I've added a limiter so it only shows coops created before a week ago.
I'm rating on quality of the post. Not the coop itself. I don't mind if it's made out of a shoe as long as they wrote up a nice article on shoe size, shoe materials, shoe durability, etc. Personally, I do not feel as if I am judging. It could be a 10k coop but if it's just one picture and no description it gets one star. Just my 2cents.
This one is really cute, but how can I rate in a constructive way?
Let the author know that it's confusing with only pictures and that words would help link the images.
@SavKel&RynKel is two people on the same account so don't feel too much pressure.
she lies! feel the pressure! Catch up to us!
:gigStill, I just realized that ya'll have 200 more ratings and reviews than posts... and ya'll have only been members since March!
reviews are much easier than posts. I use the mobile app, so I do reviews when I'm texting friends, or like some people read their books before bed, or when we watched Kingsman II for our Friday night movie (don't do it, it's terrible.)
Im trying to rate them but I am having a hard time because I feel like I am judging people .
judge them! that's what this about. think about it, you don't want to hurt people's feelings because they made a quick article to get 15 trophy points, but you want to hurt other people's feelings because they worked for a week on an article worth 5 stars, when 5 star reviews are a dime a dozen!
maybe that's a little extreme. all I'm suggesting is that you can't please everyone, and I agree with the previous posters. You aren't rating their coop. you are rating their coop page. How well they shared what they did with others.
found I had to go through 8 pages when I got back went to dinner them there where 4 more
Oh man. We doubled the size of this thread in one day. Took me like an hour to play catch up!


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