Announcement The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!

So... after everyone's hard work rating and writing reviews, it sure would be awesome to be able to go back and look at what we've all done.

I know there's the link on the first page of this thread that lists only the article# of coops we've rated, but you can only see your own. And they show in recent history (but disappear after a week). As it is, reviews are mixed in with all our other postings -but that's an awful lot to wade through to find them... seems like they should be in one place.

Was wondering if it be possible to create a link on our profile pages to include REVIEWS in this section?
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Then we could look at all the reviews written by other users, too!

Coop pages with ratings:

#Coops - Ratings
556 - 2 ratings
1976 - 3 ratings
186 - 4 ratings
45 - 5 ratings
22 - 6 ratings
4 - 7 ratings
5 - 8 ratings
5 - 9 ratings
6 - 10 ratings
2 - 11 ratings
4 - 12 ratings
1 - 13 ratings
2 - 15 ratings
1 - 16 ratings
1 - 22 ratings

Highest Raters:
1260 - SavKel&RynKel
790 - BlackHackle
564 - Yorkshire Coop
561 - sumi
536 - KikisGirls
513 - PNW_Peepers
477 - Hope Hughes
466 - 21hens-incharge
370 - Nardo
313 - Chickencountryuk
178 - Thyme4Chickens
159 - casportpony
157 - ronott1
152 - Tesumph
138 - Cyprus
117 - Cryss
112 - SimplyLivinthatFarmLife
98 - karenerwin
73 - MROO
70 - OhZark Biddies
69 - rjohns39
66 - mrs_organized_chaos
62 - Ms Biddy
55 - ECSandCCFS
52 - platypusGold
47 - Rose Quartz
40 - littleprairieheartsfarm
40 - FlappyFeathers
33 - BYCforlife
31 - BY Bob
29 - Nifty-Chicken
28 - BantyChooks
27 - tjo804
25 - Theladiesandagentleman
25 - Birds of a Feather
23 - Christian Pedersen
21 - Nambroth
Hmmm, NiftyChicken had me at 98 rated coops in his last post and I've done 3 more this evening, but I haven't gotten an alert yet.:idunnoNot really a big deal.:D
I am sorry..I just noticed that in his post above.
Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the alerts/trophies to kick.
Sit tight you should be getting it any minute!

Coop pages with ratings:

#Coops - Ratings
556 - 2 ratings
1976 - 3 ratings
186 - 4 ratings
45 - 5 ratings
22 - 6 ratings
4 - 7 ratings
5 - 8 ratings
5 - 9 ratings
6 - 10 ratings
2 - 11 ratings
4 - 12 ratings
1 - 13 ratings
2 - 15 ratings
1 - 16 ratings
1 - 22 ratings

Highest Raters:
1260 - SavKel&RynKel
790 - BlackHackle
564 - Yorkshire Coop
561 - sumi
536 - KikisGirls
513 - PNW_Peepers
477 - Hope Hughes
466 - 21hens-incharge
370 - Nardo
313 - Chickencountryuk
178 - Thyme4Chickens
159 - casportpony
157 - ronott1
152 - Tesumph
138 - Cyprus
117 - Cryss
112 - SimplyLivinthatFarmLife
98 - karenerwin
73 - MROO
70 - OhZark Biddies
69 - rjohns39
66 - mrs_organized_chaos
62 - Ms Biddy
55 - ECSandCCFS
52 - platypusGold
47 - Rose Quartz
40 - littleprairieheartsfarm
40 - FlappyFeathers
33 - BYCforlife
31 - BY Bob
29 - Nifty-Chicken
28 - BantyChooks
27 - tjo804
25 - Theladiesandagentleman
25 - Birds of a Feather
23 - Christian Pedersen
21 - Nambroth
Each time you post this it motivates me to rate/review a few more. ;)

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