The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I ordered a bathroom scale yesterday. I forgot that our old one stopped working. It was over 15 years old though, so I guess I got my money's worth. I was going to worm my chickens, and realized I should weigh them. Some of them, I know their weight, but I don't remember all of them, and the youngsters' weights need to be updated. It helps when you have a working scale.
I bought one not long ago that has increments of .2 lb. Already had to change out the battery in it. The old one was still working, but was hard to figure out what the actual weight was, kept shifting, but it had a lifetime lithium battery which still works after almost 40 years.

Bailey's crop this a.m. was tiny and 100% pliable and she's hungry! That didn't take quite as long as Betsy's to fix, but it was enough. My DH is pleased as punch about it.


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Lisa, I see your weather is going south (why is it always "south"? Why not north?). The 25th, it says you'll have a low of -16* or something like that. View attachment 1215693
Yeah. It's the calm before the cold here. We got a few inches of snow. Today was a bit warmer and melty, and than I freeze my bottom off. Well actually it won't be really cold yet, that happens in the coming months when we drop down in the -20's and those lovely -40 wind chills kick in, that's cold. I actually am too warm when the temperatures are near 30.

My husband will be on call for the weekend and Christmas. He works on RR signals. That stuff breaks when it gets colder, so we will see how that goes.

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