The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread


and you'll be happy to know that Hector the Terrible has become Hector the Handsome Lover Boy right now. He is loving his chest rubs every day from both of us. No more pants-biting incidents. I think maybe he decided mama didn't like that at all and he doesn't like her reaction. He is showing his intelligence, eh?
Good boy!

So I'm watching this keen old 1934 movie on TCM, Broadway Bill. One of the stars of the show is a little rooster name Skeeter, Bill's stablemate, without whom Bill just won't run


And having a little crow while riding on Bill. I would love to know how they trained that horse to put up with that little rooster, in one scene he's sitting right up on top of Bill's head between his ears

I've occasionally have seen a chicken sitting on one of donkeys back while in the shed. The donkey doesn't seem to even acknowledge there's a chicken on it's back. I kept wondering why they would have chicken poop on their backs. Mystery was solved.
Last night was scary. Winds were probably 60 mph (they said gusts up to 40 mph, but no darn way, I know 50-70 mph when it happens!), lots of rain today, temps dropping fast. Tom is going to the annual family dinner, lots of driving because he has to go across several counties to pick up his brother, who can no longer drive, then down to his sister's house and then back up to ours-will be coming home as the temps plummet on wet roads. Me, I'm staying home to look out for my birds. I thought a tree would come down on the barn last night. The cat was completely freaked out, too! It's already dropped 12* from just an hour ago, from 67* to 55* and going down into the 20's by early evening.
Eww, stay safe y'all!

Down here, we're having the most mild of winters.... the only distressing thing going on around here is that the Sulmtaler boys are learning to crow... and we all know that that goes when it's 4 of 'em in conjunction.
Eww, stay safe y'all!

Down here, we're having the most mild of winters.... the only distressing thing going on around here is that the Sulmtaler boys are learning to crow... and we all know that that goes when it's 4 of 'em in conjunction.
Ah, yes, I remember it well. I have a whole coop full of 9 week old Delaware boys who began crowing all at once. We called them The Kazoo Band.
Here in the upper Hudson Valley we had 10 inches of snow yesterday! Today it's almost 50 degrees and raining! Crazy. We expect your cold to arrive tonight and then all this wet snow will be frozen lumps. Fun.

Poor Tom. I hope his trip goes well and he gets home early and safe!

It's dropped to 49* outside, still pouring rain. Inside the barn, it's 56* (got a remote weather station recently so we can know the temps in the barn w/o having to go out there). The high today started out at 67* and just fell from there, going down to about 25* they say, so black ice will be a problem. I hope he makes it back w/o incident. He's already tired. That wind last night was insane. I heard the cat one time out on the deck going "meowmeowmeowmeowmeow...." without a breath in between meow's. He was desperate to get in the house, hates wind like that.

I hope someone else will take Tom's brother back to his apt this afternoon. He's moving into a group type home next week which is much closer to the sisters. I hope they don't kick him out, that he behaves himself. I sure wouldn't want to live with him! It took Tom almost 2 hours to get across to his brother's then had to drive about 35 miles south to go to his sister's place for the dinner. I'm just here uploading a Youtube video and researching who has what in the way of SUV's and smaller trucks around here. Slim pickings, sadly for the cash I have to spend. I don't want a car payment. Paying off the CRV this month and want to pay cash for the other vehicle.

I wanted a truck but finding a good extended cab used truck in a small size (well, now they're more mid-size) is hard. I found a really nice Dodge Dakota 4x4 crew cab 2004 model for under $9K but I don't want that double cab, not needed. I want the extended cab if I get a truck, but not a huge one that gets 12 mpg city, already been there, done that. The mileage on mid size trucks is not much better. HAS to be 4x4, too. Plus the instances of engine failure complaints on the 2004 Dakotas were really super high. So, we're discussing if we can just get a 2nd SUV and manage the garbage the way we've been doing since we sold our truck two years ago. I love everything about the CRV except the seats. Back support is fine, but the bottom is hard. It is fabulous in every other way. Maybe a Toyota Rav4 or something like that.

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