The Front Porch Swing

aww poor baby.... Hes a pretty dog what kind is he...

How about a childrens wading pool the hard plastic kind.


Thanks, he gets away with stuff because he is just too pretty - and I tell him that too much, he is starting to believe it. ha, ha.
He is an English Setter.
We were only there to visit for a week, and only had 2 hot days, so DH decided not to mess with buying a plastic pool at that time.
Hopefully, the next time he is in WI will be because I sold the house in WY and we are moving there. Then I will have his sheep tank with us. We had a 6' kiddie pool in WI for Hondo, our Irish Setter, but one week in WY convinced me that there was no way a plastic pool would work out here, it would be in Nebraska in no time..
I found a sheep tank at the Ranch Store in town. It's only 18" tall, so the dogs can drink and hop in and out easy enough.

This is Hondo with his sheep tank. I was filling it up, again, so he had to drop his ball in. His favorite thing was to see if he could splash all the water out before it was filled.
Awesome dog pics WD.

Alice: Roo, pullet, pullet, roo, ???

Need to catch chicks, or even a full grown bird? Get yourself a butterfly net. If you drop it over their head, it stops them cold! also great to drop over those *&( yellow jackets so you can stomp them.
Quote: Quote:
By the looks of that harvest I'd say it's a bit smaller now than it was! Welcome, NanaKat!
Thank you for the welcome! The garden is sixteen 4 x 16 foot raised beds, a 20 x 16 bed and the 6 beds that are 5 feet wide 8 - 22 feet long on a diagonal fence. These were taken in early June. Tomatoes are now as high as the cattle panels.

Quote: Could he get experience helping in someone's stable learning about ALL the pros and cons of keeping a horse? When I was a girl, we got to help at a riding stable.

My girls gave me an egg flower today - got a tan, a dark brown, a green, a blue, (which I didn't break this time!) and a pink! The pink came from a Buff Orpington so I'm sure it was a first egg, pigment thing, but it sure is purty!
Beautiful! Such a pretty rainbow.
It was pretty hot and muggy in WI when I went to visit DH over the 4th. The dog looked so dang miserable so I went on a mission to find something for him to coolo ff in. He has a sheep tank here in Wyoming that he can splash around in. dH says "we bought a farm, there must be a container here for him".

All I could find was a saucer for a planter - figured he could at least soak his feet....

he figured that he needed a soak ...

He almost fit ...

That's adorable!! My neighbor has a large dog (yellow lab) she bought her a small hard plastic pool from Walmart and she loves it! (the she will just casually walk to the back yard, take care of nature, step carefully into the pool, lay down for a bit, then march right out and on her it's no big deal. We think it's hilarious! Of course, we are easily amused! lol
My son is horrible too about getting all beat up.

He came running two days ago. I tell them not to run in the house, it's small.. slick wood floors throughout.. a floor grate in the hallway where the furnace is under the floor. It's just trouble waiting to happen. He's tripped over the grate several times before.

Well, dummy comes running through the hallway, bumps into the door frame, trips over a shoe and faceplants on his nose and lip HARD. Bleeding like a pig. *sigh* He's got a big fat lip now, but he's ok. He got a popsicle to keep the swelling down.

Both boys are always covered in bruises. They're boys. Sadly, step-son's mom tried to claim abuse before. She didn't get anywhere with it, but it's annoying none the less. Boys run into things, fall off of things, fall onto things and half the time they don't even notice it happens. You ask them "where'd you get this bruise?" and they have no idea.

Dog in the saucer = hilariously cute!

Oh, Deb, you mean frenulum I think. I wish doctor's in the US weren't so out of touch with home remedies. It's SO easy to stop kids from bleeding and it calms the parent down and that way they can see what the damage is. Some wounds bleed way worse than you think they would.

Cornstarch or flour helps stop the bleeding from cuts (also helps if you cut a nail on an animal too short) and you can buy styptic pencil.. handy for hubbies too who cut themselves shaving (or ladies that cut their legs).

Thomas faceplanted on the edge of the coffee table once. God, I thought he had lost his eye, the way it was bleeding. It was one tiny cut right next to his eye. They couldn't glue it because it was so close to his eye. He's got a manly little scar now
But yeah, I was on the phone with hubby and the pediatrician before the bleeding stopped. I needed moral support

Our English Setter, Miss Molly. She knows she's not supposed to be on the furniture, so when Ken takes a nap in his recliner she naps with him - just like this. Yep, she's asleep and she'll stay that way until he wakes up. Love the crossed legs.

Kenny was our accident looking for place to happen. In San Diego we had several Navy clinics to use, so which one we used depended on the injury. Suspected broken bones or serious injuries were treated at Balboa because it had everything. Smaller things that had to be treated usually meant a trip to one of the smaller satellite clinics.

One day I was standing at the kitchen sink washing veggies when from behind me this little voice said, "Mommy, look." I turned around and he was standing with his head down and blood just pouring from it. I grabbed him and a kitchen towel, cleaned the area and saw a 3 inch gash which obviously needed stitches. He'd fallen off the neighbor kid's skateboard and hit the curb. I called my neighbor to come over and grab the girls and told her what happened. She brought over one of her baby's disposable diapers, which we slapped on Kenny's head to slow the bleeding (head wounds always bleed the most, I swear!) and then I took him to Coronado.

We're sitting in the waiting room and there's a young sailor sitting near us who obviously had broken his finger. He was waiting for a ride to Balboa. This is the conversation that took place.

"Mom, when I fell off the swing and broke my elbow, is this where we came?"
"No, Kenny, we went to Balboa for that."
"Oh. When I rolled off the hill and crashed into the rock is this where we came?
"No, we went to Balboa for that too."
"Oh. Is this where we came when I burned my hand on the torch?"
"Yep, this is where we came for that one."

Out walks a corpsman, who took the diaper off Kenny's head and asked him, "Well, young man, what did you do? Fall off your bike?"
The young wounded sailor looked up in surprise and said, "Good grief, lady, you didn't get that kid a bike did ya?"
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My son is horrible too about getting all beat up.

Oh, Deb, you mean frenulum I think.
I know the frenulum is the bit of connective tissue between the base of the tongue, and the "floor" of the mouth. Very similar in form and function to the midline tissue at the junction between the upper lip and the gum, so they could both have the same name. Medical trivia experts????

My son was incredible at getting into trouble. If he wasn't getting rabies shots for getting bit by a stray dog, (he might as well have been wearing a sign on his butt that said "bite me!") he was otherwise getting bruises and contusions. I once caught him diving head first off our front step onto the cement walkway, wearing a little plastic construction helmet. His response when i intervened: "But, I'm wearing a helmet. I can't get hurt." An other time, he climbed to the top of some A-frame staging. He was about 3 years old, and was all the way to the top when I found him. He had placed one leg between the hinges at the top, and the whole pile of A-frames started to fall down. I caught the pile in time to keep it from falling, but was not strong enough to push it back, and his leg was stuck... Then there was the time when he was 2 years old, and he ran into his room and slammed the door so hard that it completely passed by the molding on the side, so it couldn't be opened back up. I had to have my brother come down and climb into the second story window to get him out. Thank God the window wasn't locked. Then there was the time he ran down the hall with a broom, handle sticking straight out in front of him. He, of course ran all the faster when I told him to stop, and he dived on his bed, and put the broom handle straight through the window glass. An other time, i caught him and a buddy playing in a bucket of very ripe manure tea. They were covered in the stuff, and I walked out just in time to stop him from tipping the bucket up to take a drink out of it. In spite of all this, I'll tell anyone who asks, that boys are easier to raise! My troublesome boy grew up to be a full time Youth Pastor! So he's well versed in knowing just how much trouble kids can get into! He has a very active little girl, who is just a bit like him!!!
My son fell with a bottle clenched in his teeth once ....  OMG after hours  He was screaming and i couldnt see any teeth.   I called the doc on call she happened to be from India.  She said he probably ripped the skin between his upper lip and gums...  gosh there is a name for it...  She said take plain white sugar and pack it in there ....  Oh the sugar was a big hit... AND the bleeding stopped pretty quickly.  Thank goodness his teeth were still there.

Long story short Plain white sugar is a good blood stopper....  Works on the animals too.


Thanks! I'm sure it will come in handy with my son....

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