The Front Porch Swing


On a different subject, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!
Happy New Years to everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday season.

Well, work is still going on. Christmas decorations are being packed away and SEED STARTING supplies are going on the shelves. As my DH says - Oh boy!
Starting seeds is like my addiction ...
Howdy, everyone! Hope the New year has been treating you well! I'm trying my very best to be optimistic and a "YES" person this year. I've taught myself how to drive (finally at age 23), I'm taking daily Spanish lessons, and I am trying to get better at my crafty things. Practice makes perfect, after all. ;)

One thing that has been kicking my butt is stress from all this family drama. It has literally been making me sick. I got to the point where I was losing hair, so I decided to cut it all off again.


The braid was 15 inches long!

I've also been lethargic and have been having migraines. That being said, I've been watching my diet and making sure that I get enough sleep. Of course, sleeping now isn't a problem since I always want to sleep. I'm hoping things will work themselves out so O don't have to deal with this nonsense anymore.

As for birds, well, I just got 17 muscovies. Oops, hehehe!
Howdy, everyone! Hope the New year has been treating you well! I'm trying my very best to be optimistic and a "YES" person this year. I've taught myself how to drive (finally at age 23), I'm taking daily Spanish lessons, and I am trying to get better at my crafty things. Practice makes perfect, after all. ;)

One thing that has been kicking my butt is stress from all this family drama. It has literally been making me sick. I got to the point where I was losing hair, so I decided to cut it all off again.


The braid was 15 inches long!

I've also been lethargic and have been having migraines. That being said, I've been watching my diet and making sure that I get enough sleep. Of course, sleeping now isn't a problem since I always want to sleep. I'm hoping things will work themselves out so O don't have to deal with this nonsense anymore.

As for birds, well, I just got 17 muscovies. Oops, hehehe!

Congratulations on learning to drive! That's great and if/when you have a car, going for a little drive is a great way to escape! I have days where my husband walks in and I'm like "by, I'm running to the store!".... it's possible that sometimes I run to the store at the next town over and maybe stop to get a coffee too... I'll never tell!

Sorry about the stress, but you look amazing! That's a lot of hair to cut off!

2016 hasn't started off well for me, but I'm hoping it just started really bad to get it all out of the way! They say bad news comes in threes, so my three have hit and maybe it will be great from here on! I do have good news, we have everything pre approved to become foster parents! I just had to resend in some paperwork that they needed the originals of, but they called today and said we are good to go once those get there and they should be there by Tuesday! Trying to focus on that because we are so excited for that!

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