The Front Porch Swing

The cinnamon rolls were a pinterest find. While they were good, and it felt good to make something from scratch, I'm not sure how often I will make them. We only ate half of them, mostly because they were SO sweet. I don't think I could stomach more than one!

Link to recipe:

The icing has whipping cream, powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, a pinch of salt, and a bit of cream cheese.
I tried a Pinterest cinnamon roll recipe that wasn't too sweet and it was easy. It was like two years ago. I made them as a special Christmas morning breakfast, but my son isn't a big cinnamon roll guy, so I haven't made them again. I will see if I can find it! The super sweet ones are good for a bite and always sound good, but I get a headache if I try to eat more then a bite or two.
Wow that is odd I think.

I cant imagine trusting my Ladies to strangers. But thinking about that, That might make me odd

I think this is all about business. Did you see the price tag? $400 for 6 months. They provide the coop, two laying hens, 100lbs of feed and support including replacement of hens if one dies (not due to neglect). Seems expensive for something you have to give back.

I don't know if it is just me, but chickens are EASY.

Coop on amazon to house two hens: maybe $200
Two laying hens: Locally $10-$15 each
100lbs of feed: $24 (that's two 50lb bags of the stuff I feed, which is good quality)
Support: BYC--FREE

So… Let's say around $250 for the set up. Say… you do not like chickens after 6 months and decide you don't want them. Sell the coop, sell the chickens, make most of your money back.

I don't know… I just can not see spending $400 and having nothing to show for it.

Crazy. Like I said, I believe I have seen it all now.
Wow that is odd I think.

I cant imagine trusting my Ladies to strangers. But thinking about that, That might make me odd

I wonder if they rent chickens through the winter when they are laying little if at all. Do they "guarantee" eggs?

Nope, I can't see it either but I guess some people have a serious lack of attention span and want everything "now".
Going in for a job interview in a couple of hours - keep your fingers crossed!

Also, although it was not on this thread that I found out that Blooie was in the hospital, I want to wish her a speedy recovery! She had Ken post that surgery went well, so get better quick Blooie!

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