The Front Porch Swing

It is for an engineering technician job. Back to the career that I really enjoyed! Interview went well, I hope to get a call in the next two weeks!
Tell him you need to work on your book so he should just provide quiet and a bell. You will ring for him when you need more coffee or tea or chicken soup

And remember, he is just hovering because he loves you! AND remember, he just unexpectedly lost his sister. I bet under that concrete veneer is a very vulnerable guy right now.
Tell him you need to work on your book so he should just provide quiet and a bell. You will ring for him when you need more coffee or tea or chicken soup

And remember, he is just hovering because he loves you! AND remember, he just unexpectedly lost his sister. I bet under that concrete veneer is a very vulnerable guy right now.
Good, then with a concrete veneer he won't feel it when I clock him upside the head with a cast iron skillet..oh, wait...I can't pick up the cast iron skillets for 2 weeks. He'll have to clock himself and give me credit for it.

I know, he worries. But you can do just so much hovering before the hoveree has had enough. He had to go to Cody for an appointment he couldn't miss and boy, was he fighting leaving me here by myself. But Jenny is home right across the street (no school today) and Tammy is two blocks down. So to make good on my promise to call them right away if I had a problem, I've had my phone in my back pocket all day. BUT I did manage to get 2 loads of laundry done (no sweat - the washer and dryer are in the bathroom along with the hamper so no carrying there), unloaded our huge 18" dishwasher, and did a little dusting. I left the vacuuming and folding the jeans for him when he gets home. And I felt so much better being just a little busy. Took me longer than usual because of this monstrosity on my arm, and I stopped a couple of times to rest, but it felt good to be doing something. He just called and said he was on his way home.

Boy, you are determined that I finish that book, aren't you? Writer's block. Can't figure out how to get heroine out of the tree.

@Serenashome , glad to meet you! Porch has been kinda quiet lately. Wonder what we should do about that?
Yep, lots of time on my hands at the moment. Dare I say - if Ken doesn't quit hovering over me I'm going to put HIM in the hospital. <sigh>

If the hovering does not keep you behaving, I am going to suggest ankle chains and handcuffs to Ken. By the way he did a great job of informing us of your survival.

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