The Front Porch Swing

C'mon, can do it....think about that little engine...the one who kept saying "I think I can, I think I can." Oh, wait.....didn't he run into a coal train on his way down from that big hill? Maybe it would better if you just thought about something else. Pulling for ya!
OK, I apologize, but I skipped pages 375 - 405. It was just too much and I kept getting farther and farther behind. BUSY Ladies!!

Blooie - I love the picture your grandaughter painted! It's amazing!

Caution: Please just know I did not teach this crude behavior and have sympathy....I beg of you.

There is farting and commentary on the farting in this film~watch the baby's face when her Dad farts. You've been warned......
I love it!! It's perfect! I hope she's doing better soon, it's tough not to be home in comfortable surroundings with a new baby.

Aww, thanks for the accolades, Bee. I'm in the same boat, Linda - got home, changed into my coop clothes, and told Ken I'd be out in a minute - I wanted to find a bucket. Well, I looked. And I looked. Then I looked some more and I finally found - TADA - an ice cream bucket. But no lid, no where, no how. Oh, I could probably cover it with foil, but if these chickens can find a way to spill it they will. Still looking! We did get the priming done, though. It'll probably take it two days to dry, but we put a heater out there so that should help. So funny - I'm looking at the back of the can (had to buy a different brand because we were in a different store today) and I busted out laughing. Ken was setting up the ladder and he asked, "What's so funny?" So I read him the back of the can....."Do not apply unless temperatures are 50 degrees or above and humidity is under 87%." Um, it was 35 degrees inside there and the rain and snow mix was hitting the sides of the coop hard! He glared at me and said, "It's a chicken coop, for crying out loud!" Oh, yeah, that's right....that little fact makes all of the instructions null and void - silly me, I forgot!
OK, when I was 'finishing' my coop, I painted it inside with some leftover peach and green indoor paint. My husband said I was nuts - but nevermind the chickens, I have to go in there every day and why shouldn't it look nice for me - especially when I'm shoveling chicken exports out the door!! The outside still needs painting - almost the weather to do it!

I couldn't be more excited !!! Just got confirmation that I'll be getting a bunch of new flock members by the end of April

I'll be adding 6 Golden Laced Wyandottes, 6 Orpingtons which will either be all Buffs or a combination of Buff,
I would love to get my hands on some gold laced orpingtons!! I will have to do some serious culling before there's enough room....

She needs to invest in some Tweety Bird pants. That always keeps your hiney safe from attack. hehe
I heard the tweety birds yesterday morning!

On another note, I'm glad it's warm outside - there's no electricity in the coop and I've got 3-week old chicks learning how to fly and how to explore the house. Hubby swore he would set me up a brooder, that it wouldn't be a problem - no brooder yet. On his side, he has been working weekends lately. Still - getting tired of little presents everywhere. Little frantic peeps - chases around the dining room table - surprises on the carpet - etc...
Do tell!  :pop

I posted on FB asking for practical help with something. Someone had lots of questions for me about why I need help ... then had advice, very VERY obvious advice telling me to do the opposite of what I've decided I need to do at this point ... so I asked them if they could give the practical help I was looking for ... and then I got a nasty reply from them telling me I was out of line to ask. So I apologized for stepping out if line. Then they accused me of being sarcastic for apologizing.
I posted on FB asking for practical help with something. Someone had lots of questions for me about why I need help ... then had advice, very VERY obvious advice telling me to do the opposite of what I've decided I need to do at this point ... so I asked them if they could give the practical help I was looking for ... and then I got a nasty reply from them telling me I was out of line to ask. So I apologized for stepping out if line. Then they accused me of being sarcastic for apologizing.

Toxic people...they are more prevalent now than ever was. You'd think a person would get used to it by now but it always shocks me to come up against one of's so needlessly destructive to walk around like that every day, to oneself and to others.
I discovered that one of the EE chicks in the brooder has a slight cross-beak..... Trying to decide if it is bad enough to cull or not. It seems to be able to eat and drink ok, just a little awkward compared to normal.

Toxic people...they are more prevalent now than ever was. You'd think a person would get used to it by now but it always shocks me to come up against one of's so needlessly destructive to walk around like that every day, to oneself and to others.
I'm feeling stupid for getting my hopes up and also feeding into their little plan to insult me and sucker me into smoothing their ruffled feathers. :/
I discovered that one of the EE chicks in the brooder has a slight cross-beak..... Trying to decide if it is bad enough to cull or not. It seems to be able to eat and drink ok, just a little awkward compared to normal.

Lindz, give her time and see what happens. Someone on another forum had a 3 mo. old cross beak that corrected itself within 2-3 wks on FF, so if this chick's problem is an absorption problem instead of a birth defect of the skull, it could be that the FF will help correct it. She doesn't look too bad, so if you trim that upper beak to help her out a little it may just correct itself or she won't do too badly even if it doesn't.

It looks more like an overbite than a cross, so that might be congenital. It's worth a shot to see how she does with the FF.
I'm feeling stupid for getting my hopes up and also feeding into their little plan to insult me and sucker me into smoothing their ruffled feathers.

Oh, LJ....that is one thing you need never feel in your life..stupid. Nobody could be more the opposite of stupid.
It's not stupid to want to make peace and show compassion, only stupid to not grasp those two things with both hands when you have them offered to you. Shake the dust off your feet and move on, as they are not worthy of your good graces.
Hey..... who got my spot on the porch floor? Been gone sick a couple three days and when I come back SOMEONE got my spot. Blooie did you give my spot away? That's okay that's why God gave me such a BIG butt I'll just root my way back in. Excuse me... excuse me....coming in.....awww there we go all nice an comfee again. Could you please past me a Diet Coke (just kidding) I'll take a glass of decaf sweet tea. Lots of catching up to do and all the talk about building new coops has got me wanting to show and tell about building mine last year. But first things first......

Rose... sorry to hear about your Hubby. There is nothing as bad as a sick husband. I would rather take care of 5 sick kids than one sick man.

Windy..... good to see you back. Got your PM thanks for the reply. And oh congrats on the soon coming of the new additions. I have/had BLRW..... it's so hard to get good color and keep the correct conformation but I bet you will do great.

Bee.... love the grandbaby video. What an facial expression. She is a keeper for sure. And the Jeanne Robertson clip was so funny. She always calls her husband "Left Brain". Too funny too funny.

Lisa.... just want to know that you are a pure ray of sunshine to my soul. Love you girlfriend!

Leslie.... All I can say about the advice is UNBELIEVEABLE !!!!!

and last but for sure not least Blooie.... Hang in there you will get that coop done today. It is a lot of hard work but so worth it. And now that brings me to my show and tell part of this post. WARNING PICTURE OVERLOAD COMING .......

As I have told you before in an earlier post I live on the old family homestead and we are the third generation to live here. There is an old and I do mean old barn (my daddy was building it when my mother was pregnant with me 57 years ago) behind my house and I had converted half of the loafing shed into a coop for my chickens. It was about 15 X 8 and I was making do but Donald said if I wanted a new coop design it and he would try to make me what I wanted. It is not the fanciest coop but it is what I wanted so here are the pictures of the building process.....

Building the hoop coops inside the shop and a lot of sweat equity

Moving them outside

Building the outside pen area

Built a north wall for protection from the weather

We then cut a door into the old coop area of the barn and converted it into a nursery

Of course then the barn had to be painted to match the north wall

Installed feeders and waters

New coop all finished notice the Caution sign above the gate....

Inside the nursery/feeding station. The white barrel has my FF in it with a light to keep it warm. Works GREAT! Thanks Bee for the help getting started on FF. Notice the orange bucket upside down, yep Blooie that's the watching station I sat on. I have two brooders set up one for little babies (the tent looking one) and then one for when they are older but still need a little heat

And the last picture is an outside picture of the two tied together. I also have rain barrels set up to catch the run off rain and that's what I water with.

So Blooie after the aches and pains are gone you will be so glad you built what you wanted. Like I said I know mine isn't fancy but it's just what I wanted and I do enjoy it so much.

Thanks for letting me gloat just a little and enduring so many pictures. You ladies are the GREATEST!
I'm feeling stupid for getting my hopes up and also feeding into their little plan to insult me and sucker me into smoothing their ruffled feathers.
Don't feel stupid. We all get taken at one point or another. Just continue to be your kind lovable self. They will get their just rewards!

Hey..... who got my spot on the porch floor? Been gone sick a couple three days and when I come back SOMEONE got my spot. Blooie did you give my spot away? That's okay that's why God gave me such a BIG butt I'll just root my way back in. Excuse me... excuse me....coming in.....awww there we go all nice an comfee again. Could you please past me a Diet Coke (just kidding) I'll take a glass of decaf sweet tea. Lots of catching up to do and all the talk about building new coops has got me wanting to show and tell about building mine last year. But first things first......

Rose... sorry to hear about your Hubby. There is nothing as bad as a sick husband. I would rather take care of 5 sick kids than one sick man.

Windy..... good to see you back. Got your PM thanks for the reply. And oh congrats on the soon coming of the new additions. I have/had BLRW..... it's so hard to get good color and keep the correct conformation but I bet you will do great.

Bee.... love the grandbaby video. What an facial expression. She is a keeper for sure. And the Jeanne Robertson clip was so funny. She always calls her husband "Left Brain". Too funny too funny.

Lisa.... just want to know that you are a pure ray of sunshine to my soul. Love you girlfriend!

Leslie.... All I can say about the advice is UNBELIEVEABLE !!!!!

and last but for sure not least Blooie.... Hang in there you will get that coop done today. It is a lot of hard work but so worth it. And now that brings me to my show and tell part of this post. WARNING PICTURE OVERLOAD COMING .......

As I have told you before in an earlier post I live on the old family homestead and we are the third generation to live here. There is an old and I do mean old barn (my daddy was building it when my mother was pregnant with me 57 years ago) behind my house and I had converted half of the loafing shed into a coop for my chickens. It was about 15 X 8 and I was making do but Donald said if I wanted a new coop design it and he would try to make me what I wanted. It is not the fanciest coop but it is what I wanted so here are the pictures of the building process.....

Building the hoop coops inside the shop and a lot of sweat equity

Moving them outside

Building the outside pen area

Built a north wall for protection from the weather

We then cut a door into the old coop area of the barn and converted it into a nursery

Of course then the barn had to be painted to match the north wall

Installed feeders and waters

New coop all finished notice the Caution sign above the gate....

Inside the nursery/feeding station. The white barrel has my FF in it with a light to keep it warm. Works GREAT! Thanks Bee for the help getting started on FF. Notice the orange bucket upside down, yep Blooie that's the watching station I sat on. I have two brooders set up one for little babies (the tent looking one) and then one for when they are older but still need a little heat

And the last picture is an outside picture of the two tied together. I also have rain barrels set up to catch the run off rain and that's what I water with.

So Blooie after the aches and pains are gone you will be so glad you built what you wanted. Like I said I know mine isn't fancy but it's just what I wanted and I do enjoy it so much.

Thanks for letting me gloat just a little and enduring so many pictures. You ladies are the GREATEST!
Isn't fancy? Isn't fancy?? Isn't fancy??? I love it and it is RED! The sign is perfect. Good to have you back!

Lisa :)
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