The Front Porch Swing

That is crazy! I never knew that stuff could be dehydrated! I'm wanting to get a dehydrator but haven't had the extra money yet.

Ditto. One day at a time. Right?
Gooooood Morrr-ninnng! It's Monday....and it's "Finish the Coop Come Hell or High Water or Blizzard Day!" Tuesday is moving in day. ready or not! Unlike Leslie, I'm not willing to work on the final details with the chickens in the coop watching me. Too nervous about a retaliatory strike from Jane the Evil, Prince Charlie or Rose. I do remember that I'm in charge - I just don't feel up to a rematch while I've got a hammer in my hand. I just wouldn't want to be responsible for that kind of knee-jerk reaction to a bite in the hiney. We will, however, finish the outside work while they're inside the coop, no problem. And I've still got to make a quick trip to Red Apple and see if they have any frosting buckets or something similar in the deli/bakery so I can put these poultry nipples to work. They aren't doing me any good sitting in their little package on the kitchen counter.

Ken and I are gonna draw straws to see who has to clean up his office once they go out. He just doesn't know it yet. After all, this chicken idea wasn't mine to start with - it was Tam and him while we were on our way home from Cody. We had been grocery shopping and the two of them were complaining about grocery prices, additives, yadayada. Tam commented on the fact that we garden, have the mini-orchard, and can and freeze stuff...too bad there wasn't a way to raise a steer or a piggy or something and process our own meat, too. "Yeah, right!", I said. "On a lot 110 x 130 I'm gonna raise meat! Town ordinances allow it (well, not piggies) but space doesn't!" And then Ken said, "We could raise chickens....they don't take much space, not a lot of money to get started, and they practically raise themselves." And so it began. A lot of space, a lot of money, and several house a day of me raising them instead of them raising themselves and here we are!
Do you guys remember the old doughnut commercial where the little old guy is constantly getting up and dragging himself out the door in the middle of the night saying, "Time to make the doughnuts...." That's how I feel in the morning..."time to do the brooder". But this too shall pass, and then NEVER AGAIN! I'll pick them little boogers up at the post office, take them straight out to their little corner of the coop, and that's where they'll grow up! And I won't make the mistake of ordering so doggone early in the year, either. Live and learn, right? But they were awfully cute - and they are growing into beautiful, healthy chickens, so I'll just count my blessings while KEN cleans the office. Teehee

RoseMarie, I sure hope you hubby heals quickly. Glad he's doing well!

Not big into dehydrating anything. There's only two of us, so I don't think we'll starve to death if I stick to what I harvest, hunt, gather and can or freeze. Well, time to do the chickens. I'll be popping in from time to time, so keep my bucket ready!
Gooooood Morrr-ninnng! It's Monday....and it's "Finish the Coop Come Hell or High Water or Blizzard Day!" Tuesday is moving in day. ready or not! Unlike Leslie, I'm not willing to work on the final details with the chickens in the coop watching me. Too nervous about a retaliatory strike from Jane the Evil, Prince Charlie or Rose. I do remember that I'm in charge - I just don't feel up to a rematch while I've got a hammer in my hand. I just wouldn't want to be responsible for that kind of knee-jerk reaction to a bite in the hiney. We will, however, finish the outside work while they're inside the coop, no problem. And I've still got to make a quick trip to Red Apple and see if they have any frosting buckets or something similar in the deli/bakery so I can put these poultry nipples to work. They aren't doing me any good sitting in their little package on the kitchen counter.

Not big into dehydrating anything. There's only two of us, so I don't think we'll starve to death if I stick to what I harvest, hunt, gather and can or freeze. Well, time to do the chickens. I'll be popping in from time to time, so keep my bucket ready!

Blooie can we have a picture of 'a bite in the hiney' when it happens????

Lisa :)
Blooie....I am a former Navy wife myself. 15 years as a Seabee wife. I think it provides excellent training for future challenges
It absolutely does, Moxie! We retired after 26 years and I think I missed it more than he did. Now our grandson (we raised him) is a nuclear reactor operator on board a submarine, and his wife has taken to the honor of being a Navy wife beautifully. She's one in a million, and we love her dearly. Thank you and your husband for your service!
O Rose! Sorry to hear about your husband--3 hernias!!! OUCH Both of you are in my prayers!

Lisa :)

Mine too, Miss Rosemarie....a fine husband such as yours is one in a million. Give him a healing hug from me!
Let's just say I am not on the 'hiney' side!

Lisa :)

Me either...wanna see Blooie jump to the moon.....
Then I'll loan you my BUD stick....

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