The Front Porch Swing

Okay since we're on a creepy crawleys theme today apparently what would you do about this? A single paper wasp decided to set up house in the rear view mirror of my truck!

Thanks for reminding me! We have a wasp moving in on the front porch
(not this thread, my actual porch).

You poor thing! What was wrong with her?

Yes, the taste of anything you've grown on your land, all natural and full of goodness, is always better than anything in the store. That's why I love to's fresh, it taste better and it's right there waiting when you want it. That first tomato sandwich of the year and the first corn on the cob are always my biggest garden pleasure.

That must be hard to have a step child that comes and hard on the child to move from one set of rules and atmosphere to the next and back again. I've seen it over and over and it's never easy.

She was sleeping at night two weeks ago, then she slowly started staying up later and later and sleeping during the day. It was 11pm at first, then 12... 1... 2... it was 5am last night when she finally went to sleep, because I strapped her into her car seat
Needless to say, she's been sleeping most of the day. Keeping her awake is futile. You can't make babies do what they don't want to do. She acts like she's hurting, but I don't see why.. she's fine during the day and we don't do anything different. I think she just wants her daddy to hold her at night
It'll pass, I'm sure.

My step-son lives with us. The judge said the mom could have him every other weekend, but that was far too long inbetween for him.. so we agreed to saturday morning until sunday afternoon every weekend (my husband is at work on the weekends anyway). It's summer vacation now, so we're allowing some longer visits... this one was a bit too long I think. Structure is super important for him and sadly he's getting none of that at her house. I know my husband would not have put up such a fight for custody if she was able to provide a good home.... but well, it's not. It's gotten MILES better than what it was, now that she's in a stable relationship though. Very happy about that.

Sad to say she's only put up a fight because she didn't want to lose her child support check (she's still trying to get out of paying any now that he lives with us
). When he lived with her, she was shipping him off to her aunt and her parents ALL the time (even when my husband was still with her. He'd come home from work and the kid would be elsewhere). It's sad, some folks only care about money. My husband was her paycheck, nothing more.... he's such a good man, didn't realize what was going on until it all came crashing down.

I remember that, it does pass so fast!

Yummmmmm I want a peach tree. About 4 years ago I bought 8 different fruit trees, the only one that made it was the pear tree. We had some really bad droughts and I just could not compete. Even the rabbits were eating the bases to get something to eat. Have yet to get a pear off the tree that made it, maybe I should go check on it.

Peaches are tough to grow... very prone to pests. I just count my blessings. I know this tree will likely only last a few more years. I want to plant some more, but I am so darn cheap I hate spending too much on them.


Beautiful happy couple

I 10000% support gay marrage in every way. I would leave the porch to if it was a problem, but because it says this is a place for everyone and caring it shouldn't be. My cousin just married her wife last year in a beautiful wedding. My family has a few gay members. You are born the way you are. I only care about the person inside. No one should care about sexual orenintation. We live in a very accepting place thank goodness. You can't help how you are born and we have no right to tell anyone that they are wrong for the way they are born. It's like tell someone they have the wrong eye or skin color.... makes no since, it's how your born. They are both absolutely beautiful
which ones yours?

Live and let live. It really matters none to us what someone else does in their life, as long as it's between consenting adults ofcourse. I personally have always been able to look past genders and have loved people just for who they are. Not every relationship has to end up in the creation of babies. We've got plenty out there that need homes.

Here was dinner tonight, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and chives all from the garden God blessed our house with.

Yum! I made country fried steak with mashed potatoes. 6 year old loved it and he's pretty picky. Toddler didn't care for it, but that's ok.
Thank you guys. Huh. More brilliant than I expected.

I'm glad you posted so you could show what a great thread this is :) It took me awhile to decide to join because I wasn't sure, but I read the posts and saw how nice and caring everyone is. I wanted a "family" thread where everyone was nice and talked about more then just ducks! Lol! This thread has proven to be that and you just showcased it :)
No that's my daughter, Petra and her partner Kirsten, on their wedding day. I'm prepared to leave the Porch if you guys are not cool with it. But as I leave I will tell you guys how fabulous it is to be cool with it. And suggest a few musical videos!

I'm cool! Been married, divorced, dated and I know exactly why some women choose to be with their own sex!!
I'm pretty happy by myself...not totally, but I hope y'all would be cool with my singleness!!

I'm glad you posted so you could show what a great thread this is :) It took me awhile to decide to join because I wasn't sure, but I read the posts and saw how nice and caring everyone is. I wanted a "family" thread where everyone was nice and talked about more then just ducks! Lol! This thread has proven to be that and you just showcased it

Better late than never!!
I'm cool! Been married, divorced, dated and I know exactly why some women choose to be with their own sex!!
I'm pretty happy by myself...not totally, but I hope y'all would be cool with my singleness!!

Lmao! Haha! I'm cool with your singleness if you are! Hahahahahahaha! ;)

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