The Front Porch Swing

DH is really loving our new front porch in WI. The other day lightning hit a transformer and he lost power. He sat on the front porch swing and read his book. He said it was so peaceful, especially with the mosquitos outside the window screens.

I am at war with the gophers and ground squirrels. I keep telling myself that I am winning, but I doubt it. I have to sweep the gopher poop off the welcome map everyday before and after work. They are also chewing/eating it - you can barely read the E in the WELCOME any more. Grrrr...
Been single all my life.... never been asked even. I would like to have a husband but seriously now at 59 I wouldn't know how to be a wife... I have a wonderful son.... he is an old soul.... Older than me by the time he was about ten. ... LOL.

Look at the Freedom Mutts and little Penguin!


Frankly I was a little surprised that what we thought mattered one way or the other. I mean, we've had theological discussions here that would have resulted in turkey being thrown and most family Thanksgiving tables - well, if the turkey weighed less than 40 pounds. We've discussed spouses, not having spouses, difficult situations with kids, triumphs and heartaches. We've talked about weight and health issues, the political situation in a country most of us had to look up, and mistakes we've made and learned from.

To me that says that right here on the Porch as long as your hiney can find a place to land, nothing else matters....and certainly not what two beautiful young women chose to do with their lives. See, I have a theory. If one of my grandkids is hurt or sick, and I've got them in the emergency room of a hospital, I'm not going to interview the doctor. I don't care if that doctor is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, atheistic, or agnostic. I don't care what color that doctor's skin is, what country he/she came from, what his/ her sexual orientation is, whether he/she is a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, a member of the Tea Party, or totally divorced from any politics. I want to know two things - does he/she know what's wrong, and can he/she fix it!! That's all that matters.

Does that make any sense?
Frankly I was a little surprised that what we thought mattered one way or the other. I mean, we've had theological discussions here that would have resulted in turkey being thrown and most family Thanksgiving tables - well, if the turkey weighed less than 40 pounds. We've discussed spouses, not having spouses, difficult situations with kids, triumphs and heartaches. We've talked about weight and health issues, the political situation in a country most of us had to look up, and mistakes we've made and learned from.

To me that says that right here on the Porch as long as your hiney can find a place to land, nothing else matters....and certainly not what two beautiful young women chose to do with their lives. See, I have a theory. If one of my grandkids is hurt or sick, and I've got them in the emergency room of a hospital, I'm not going to interview the doctor. I don't care if that doctor is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, atheistic, or agnostic. I don't care what color that doctor's skin is, what country he/she came from, what his/ her sexual orientation is, whether he/she is a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, a member of the Tea Party, or totally divorced from any politics. I want to know two things - does he/she know what's wrong, and can he/she fix it!! That's all that matters.

Does that make any sense?

Pretty much says it all.... But even in an open group such as this I so understand the hesitation.

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Frankly I was a little surprised that what we thought mattered one way or the other.  I mean, we've had theological discussions here that would have resulted in turkey being thrown and most family Thanksgiving tables - well, if the turkey weighed less than 40 pounds.  We've discussed spouses, not having spouses, difficult situations with kids, triumphs and heartaches.  We've talked about weight and health issues, the political situation in a country most of us had to look up, and mistakes we've made and learned from.

To me that says that right here on the Porch as long as your hiney can find a place to land, nothing else matters....and certainly not what two beautiful young women chose to do with their lives.  See, I have a theory.  If one of my grandkids is hurt or sick, and I've got them in the emergency room of a hospital, I'm not going to interview the doctor.  I don't care if that doctor is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, atheistic, or agnostic.  I don't care what color that doctor's skin is, what country he/she came from, what his/ her sexual orientation is, whether he/she is a Democrat, a  Republican, an Independent, a member of the Tea Party, or totally divorced from any politics.  I want to know two things - does he/she know what's wrong, and can he/she fix it!!  That's all that matters.

Does that make any sense?

Makes perfect sense. I wish the Front Porch was the world.
Bee, this is the size of my porch. But on the bright side, I do have TWO 'welcome' mats!!

Lisa :)

And both covered in shicken leavin's.........
Yep....looks like our place! Mom and I finally built gates across our smaller porches and placed deer netting around them to keep the hoards of birds from sitting there waiting for food, grooming and pooping. What is it about our porches that appeal to them so? They have so many places to do that...but NO...must be on the porch or the steps of the porch!

Guess they are just like us old biddies, lovin' our porch!

Great idea to post pics of our porches as this thread has a definite theme. I'll try to get a pic of our bigger porch and maybe some of our small porches~more stoops than porches, really.

Anyone else want to post a pic of your porch? We'd love to see 'em!

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