The Front Porch Swing

Cover the opening to the nest box with chicken wire or Netting to keep the little uns in and predators out. Momma will be fine. Once you feel most are hatched move them at night to a broody enclosure... Some of those eggs may still hatch You can put them in an incuator to finish hatching then put them under momma at night.

One thing I found with a Broodie sitting on SO many eggs is they rotate the cooling ones in under themselves and that pushes others out to the fringe. So even though she has alot of eggs less will hatch than if she were setting on a smaller clutch. I found one with about twenty eggs and only had about four hatch. Sigh.

Both my son and I have Asthma issues this time of year...  here in San Diego its Hot and Dry yet they record grass pollen as far as 20 miles out to sea....  I am one who chokes completely up when I smell some flowers.... Love em though.


It's bad, but so much better than when he was a baby. Food was a huge trigger for him. Now it's the weather and exercise and emotions are becoming a problem
I learned by observing my grandmas potato salad...  AND she supervises me still when I make it...  This was a tough week for her.  shes still in denial that she cant just jump up and GO shopping....  Her birthday is coming up in July ...  98....  


July is a good month! What day? Mine is the 16th. That is so wonderful that you get to spend that time with her. I wish I would have paid more attention with my Nana. Too immature and she was always a caregiver. Us girls were spoiled rotten!
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Gawd you would ask me that...
I want to say the 15 th but I have to ask mom.

Cover the opening to the nest box with chicken wire or Netting to keep the little uns in and predators out. Momma will be fine. Once you feel most are hatched move them at night to a broody enclosure... Some of those eggs may still hatch You can put them in an incuator to finish hatching then put them under momma at night.

One thing I found with a Broodie sitting on SO many eggs is they rotate the cooling ones in under themselves and that pushes others out to the fringe. So even though she has alot of eggs less will hatch than if she were setting on a smaller clutch. I found one with about twenty eggs and only had about four hatch. Sigh.


That is a fantastic idea! I will remember that. We have a broody in the hen house. No eggs, but I have 2 of 8 in the bator that are due to hatch in 2 weeks. The 6 other 6 were duds.
I will put the chicks under her. Thought of letting her sit on them, but I'm afraid they will get broken. Although now that I think about it, I could put her on them in the brooder (hoop greenhouse). It is big enough. Hmm! I might do that. I'm concerned that if I move her she might break her broodiness. I don't want to lose these eggs. As for the broody in the barn, we went out early this morn. We candled them and thru out the duds. There were 6 or 8 of them. We left about 6 under her, but no more had hatched as of this morn. The 2 that did hatch are adorable and lively. They were pecking DH's hand when he reached for the eggs!
So cute! I want to go out and play with them! The hen did just fine in the move. I am going to go check on her in a bit. She has more room! I will get pics when I can. Thanks for the info everyone!
And tell grandma I said happy "98" Birthday!!
That is awesome. My MIL passed last Oct. She was 97. Loved talking to her about her days!
And Happy early Birthday to you too MistyMountain!!
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That's kinda how I make mine. I actually make the mayo, mustard and eggs like for deviled eggs. mash up the potatoes, add chopped onions and celery, pour mayo mix over and stir till well mixed. I occasionally use pickle relish, but they like it without. I may have to make some potatoe salad this week!

Morning ladies and gents, How's you day going? I went outside and worked at least 30 times yesterday. Baby chicks are hard work when you don't have a place for them. They stayed in the storeroom last night. Now I'm going to put them back out in the utility cart and pull around to keep in the shade.
I'm 67 and until I was grown I didn't know that Mac and cheese came any other way than in a blue box. Mama was a young woman in the '50's and they were enthralled with any new thing that came in a box. Cake mixes, mac and cheese, potato flakes, canned tuna.
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