The Front Porch Swing

My day is going well, but fast!!! I need to get busy! Went out to check on new momma and chicks. Heard some peeping and one of them was out of the nest box. Put it back in and got pecked by momma!!
At least she's acting better. She's sitting tight on those eggs! Hoping for more!
We had the blue box a lot too. The only time we got homemade was at family gatherings or at Grandma's! My mom was a young mom in the 50's also, so I know what you mean!!
My aunt Ruth was even worse than my mom! She always had the latest. They had no children so when we went to her house it was awesome!! She had a really nice 1950's house! She passed about 10 years ago. My uncle passed a couple of years ago. He was 96. That house looked just like it did in the 50's -60's. I loved that house. sigh.
You may have already answered this on the FF thread, but what are you going to feed your chicks? Mash or chick feed? I thought Bee used layer mash, but not sure. I'm going to have to start some for the chicks today.
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Morning, y'all! Found this little guy this morning. We named him Sunny since he was hatched on the first day of summer.

Busy day. Hauling a load to the county dump since they are only open on the first and third Saturdays.

Wedding at 2, then swimming and grilling with friends we haven't seen in awhile!

Morning, y'all! Found this little guy this morning. We named him Sunny since he was hatched on the first day of summer.

Busy day. Hauling a load to the county dump since they are only open on the first and third Saturdays.

Wedding at 2, then swimming and grilling with friends we haven't seen in awhile!

Aww! That's a good name! We had 2 hatch out yesterday evening. Hopefully 6 more will hatch!! You have a fun day! Make some memories!!
My grandma makes the best potato salad ever. Had some at lunch! Makes it hard to like other potato salads! Lol. Does that make me a potato salad snob!

I love to make potato salad, and am also a potato salad snob. It needs just the right amount of crunch to balance the potatoes. If i don't want to chop potatoes, I just quarter them, boil them, then after I've cooled them, i add the crunchy veggies, some zesty italian dressing, mayo and mustard. Celery seed is a must as well, as well as hard boiled eggs! I either lightly mash them with the potato masher before or after adding the other ingredients. By the time you serve it, no one knows or cares that you didn't chop those potatoes. If you're a blue cheese fan, you can leave out the italian dressing and mustard and add a glug of blue cheese dressing. gotta be topped with some paprika and chopped chives to make it look pretty.
I have a question for all of you swingers.

How many of you are considered the "Crazy Chicken Lady" by your family/friends/neighbors?

I am ! And I am proud of it !

Yesterday at work, i was lamenting the fact that the meat birds have started crowing, so it was time to sharpen the axe. One of the young girls was in total dis belief. "you don't really kill them and eat them do you? How do you do it?" So, after assuring me that she really wanted to know, I told her how to separate the head from the body. I thought she was going to puke! Then she said, "You were eating chicken yesterday. Was that one of yours?" She went on to say that she can't even buy chicken at the grocery store... can't stand the sight of it. And she'll certainly never be eating anything i bring in to work to share!
Have a question for some of you that might be experienced with a broody. We have had a broody on the nest for getting close to 4 weeks. We went out to candle some of her eggs because first of all, she has been out there for a long time, and I don't believe she has been off but once in all that time We put food and water next to her and I believe she is eating a little. I didn't think she probably had many eggs and not sure they would even be fertile. But back to the candling. DH picked her up so I could start candling and there were 2 chicks out!!! One was very tiny, tiny head and bobbing around like it was very weak. I don't think that one will make it. But there were probably 12-14 eggs under her and I believe there are some rotten, because you could smell them!
My question is, should we move her tomorrow with the eggs that haven't hatched, minus the smelly ones? She is not in a good place. By that, I mean she is in the barn in an empty nail bin that is about 6x14x3". It is about 3 feet off the floor, so I don't know how she planned to get them out of there!!
In the meantime, until they are safely out of their nest, I'd be sure to get the rotten eggs out of there and i'd put a soft layer of something down for the chicks to land on when they jump off their cliff!

Morning ladies and gents, How's you day going? I went outside and worked at least 30 times yesterday. Baby chicks are hard work when you don't have a place for them. They stayed in the storeroom last night. Now I'm going to put them back out in the utility cart and pull around to keep in the shade.
I'm 67 and until I was grown I didn't know that Mac and cheese came any other way than in a blue box. Mama was a young woman in the '50's and they were enthralled with any new thing that came in a box. Cake mixes, mac and cheese, potato flakes, canned tuna.
Thanks for the mental picture into how that generation might have thought about the world of food. You've described my MIL to a T. To her, cooking mac and cheese from scratch, or a ham and pea casserole was the ultimate in a walk on the wild side of gourmet cooking.

What is all flock feed? I haven't heard of that?
It's non-medicated poultry feed that is higher in protein. Good stuff, a bit more expensive. I used it with last year's chicks, and they were all laying at 16.5 weeks.

After the tumult of the last week, i hope the porch settles down to a good blend of sharing our poultry and other pet tales and needs, as well as caring for each other's personal needs.
My day is going well, but fast!!! I need to get busy! Went out to check on new momma and chicks. Heard some peeping and one of them was out of the nest box. Put it back in and got pecked by momma!!
At least she's acting better. She's sitting tight on those eggs! Hoping for more!
We had the blue box a lot too. The only time we got homemade was at family gatherings or at Grandma's! My mom was a young mom in the 50's also, so I know what you mean!!
My aunt Ruth was even worse than my mom! She always had the latest. They had no children so when we went to her house it was awesome!! She had a really nice 1950's house! She passed about 10 years ago. My uncle passed a couple of years ago. He was 96. That house looked just like it did in the 50's -60's. I loved that house. sigh.
You may have already answered this on the FF thread, but what are you going to feed your chicks? Mash or chick feed? I thought Bee used layer mash, but not sure. I'm going to have to start some for the chicks today.

Yeah, I'm going to go with crumbles for a little. Then add scratch. I bought gamebird with 26% protein. I'll add a scoop to that and 4-5 scoops of crumbles. I've got to go to the store and buy chick starter. All I have is layer feed and gamebird. I'm even out of scratch. But I've got a heavy steel grinder attached to a table and have a whole bag of corn. I'll be agrinding for a while. It's not hard and I only do a little to throw out.
A funny thing happened last night. My 20 yo gson ask me to find the bottle opener. I found it and handed it to him. He had to have me show him how to open the bottle. I was laughing to myself but then I realized that his generation never had bottles that had to be opened. He had never seen it done. He had one of those tiny coke bottles with sugar. He never drank beer. I'm glad I didn't laugh out loud. My bad.
I love to make potato salad, and am also a potato salad snob. It needs just the right amount of crunch to balance the potatoes. If i don't want to chop potatoes, I just quarter them, boil them, then after I've cooled them, i add the crunchy veggies, some zesty italian dressing, mayo and mustard. Celery seed is a must as well, as well as hard boiled eggs! I either lightly mash them with the potato masher before or after adding the other ingredients. By the time you serve it, no one knows or cares that you didn't chop those potatoes. If you're a blue cheese fan, you can leave out the italian dressing and mustard and add a glug of blue cheese dressing. gotta be topped with some paprika and chopped chives to make it look pretty.

Yesterday at work, i was lamenting the fact that the meat birds have started crowing, so it was time to sharpen the axe. One of the young girls was in total dis belief. "you don't really kill them and eat them do you? How do you do it?" So, after assuring me that she really wanted to know, I told her how to separate the head from the body. I thought she was going to puke! Then she said, "You were eating chicken yesterday. Was that one of yours?" She went on to say that she can't even buy chicken at the grocery store... can't stand the sight of it. And she'll certainly never be eating anything i bring in to work to share!
In the meantime, until they are safely out of their nest, I'd be sure to get the rotten eggs out of there and i'd put a soft layer of something down for the chicks to land on when they jump off their cliff!

Thanks for the mental picture into how that generation might have thought about the world of food. You've described my MIL to a T. To her, cooking mac and cheese from scratch, or a ham and pea casserole was the ultimate in a walk on the wild side of gourmet cooking.

It's non-medicated poultry feed that is higher in protein. Good stuff, a bit more expensive. I used it with last year's chicks, and they were all laying at 16.5 weeks.

After the tumult of the last week, i hope the porch settles down to a good blend of sharing our poultry and other pet tales and needs, as well as caring for each other's personal needs.

Thanks for the info!

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