The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Tasha I have a freind that got here reds from Ideal Hatchery. They are laying pullets and they are not the dark Standard kind like I promote. However, you can make a profit selling nice brown eggs with this line from Ideal. You cant show them as Rhode Island Reds as they are to light in color and do not have the correct type but are a bird that can help you with lots of eggs. If you have any males watch out they can be aggresive towards children when in the coop.

Where did you get your red at? Hope you enjoy your chickens bob

hiya,ye ive been looking up about her on here n found out shes not the dark standard kind.we got her/him off someone near to me,im just trying to establish if shes infact a he.if i so i cant keep her.unfortunately i dont live in a nice secluded area,nor have lovely neighbours.if it turns out to be a male id have to get rid of her,ive only got 1 rhode island red,got 8 chickens in all.sussex a polish a dominique a blue belle speckled star 2 copper marans(one which i think is a male)and cinnamon,ive also just been told that my dominique looks like a male :mad:(.xx

oh im from the uk,xx
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Made a visit to a friends house in south alabama this saturday moarning. They got two cock birds and two hens from Flordia of the old Mohawk line that I shiped down there about 20 years ago. This is a male going through his molt and is still a great colored male. His beak color was about 90% horn , dark horn color legs, good wing color and the qill color was very dark just like the old days. The pens that I saw for these birds where excellent and took more pictures of Barred Rocks, New hampshires, Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons. Enjoyed the visit and happy these Reds are in great hands.

For those not sure if they have the true Standard Old Fashion Rhode Island Reds look at this male. See his flat top line and the dark dark color.???

There is only about 100 of these males alive today in the USA. They are very very very rare. The need help bad to bring their numbers up. Please consider taking on the old fashion Standard Rhode Island Red Large Fowl. bob
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Nice Hen with very good tail angle. Sorry she was out of condition -

Nice Rooster with a very good back -

This guy need more length of back but other than that he is quite good.

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Man I'm lovin my bantam reds!
Can't wait to get some LF reds from Loyed F. In Aug

Yup you can say that again ! the good ole reds are very,very rare & hard to come by these days

Can't wait to get started with them.
Hey yall,
I have some true heritage Rhode island reds that come from William Bennett's line in south GA
Out of the 4 only 1 turned out to be a pullet
I'm looking to trade 2 of the male for some pullets
These are from a mid Feb hatch so they are 5 months old
Sorry about the pic quality but they aren't camera friendly



I got a email from a fellow in North Alabama who wants some good large fowl. Do you have any of these Bennett birds that you could share with him. A trio or two males and three females? I am sure he could come to your home on a weekend to pick them up.

Next got a private message from a family in Kansas who got some Mohawk large fowl. The pictures are fantastic. There is a female in picture number four that is a killer. Then there was a picture of a female in picture number seven that looked like my old six year old hen I got when I started twenty years ago from Dry Creek farm that was a six year old hen that Mr. Reese produced and sold to them. This female is who produced the Mohawk gene.

These all came through Paul in Colarado who I have lost contact with. These are excellent birds and true to my old line of Standard Breed Large Fowl. I can not post the pictures with out their permission but you need to see these pictures. Brian the folks need to see your Reds if you want to post them they are that good.

I am going to put a order in for ten chicks stareted at four weeks of age of these two females to cross on the bird that came from Flordia.

Thanks for the emails and the personel messages. Maybe next spring we can make the large fowl reds as popular as the Barred Rock Large Fowl this year. Thank you for your interest and support and maybe we can get five new familys into large fowl Standard Breed Reds. If you know a hatchery that sells standard breed reds like I am talking about let me know we will plug them for their birds. The odds are slim but you never know. bob
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I wish I could help Bob but I'm just starting out with the reds myself. If you know of any one that would like to swap a pullet or two for my two extra cockerel it would be of great help for me to do my share in the bringing back the popularity of this breed. I'm in west central GA. I'd even be willing to throw in some Dominique's
There is a lady in Georgia that I helped get started last year. She may have some and I will do some back tracking on my other computer and maybe I can locate her and she could help you out. Have you contacted Bill Bennett to see if he has any spare birds? Even if Bill had old males and females that would be great for breeding. There is also a fellow in North Carolia who got 50 chicks from Bill two years ago. He may have some. I dont know if he comes to this site anymore but he had some nice ones more than he could take care of. bob
running away from the paparazzi-litterally everytime I clicked the camera.

Their favorite treat is wheat, so it works good since we are wheat farmers.

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