The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Chris I got a emai from a fellow in Ohio who wants large fowl Reds. Do you have any to spare? How many of the Myers line did you hatch this year? Any pictures of the young birds? BOB
Since the only pictures on their site are crayon drawings it's had to guage the quality of the birds they are selling.
Chris I got a emai from a fellow in Ohio who wants large fowl Reds. Do you have any to spare? How many of the Myers line did you hatch this year? Any pictures of the young birds? BOB

Bob I hatched a whopping 20 chicks this spring.
I have no idea what happened this year but thing were not in my favor at all.
I'm going to try some fall hatching and hope for the best.

I will try to get pictures of the chicks that I have up soon.

Chris I got a phone call from a person who hatched a lot of red large fowl but only ten white rock large fowl so it happens.

Here is a question out there who has chicks or adult birds from the Don Nelson stain? bob
hi everyone,
i was only able to hatch a few this year due to us remodeling and moving into the farm house.i hope to hatch more this fall and alot next year.
here is a 3 day old chick

2 week old

3 month old

4 month old

the adults


These are the kind of RIR i've been trying to find, great pics of everyones chickens. Would love to buy some of these or hatching eggs. If you have any for sale please let me know, will travel a good distance for the right chickens.
Got a phone call asking me about his R I Red ckls they have a lot of black in thier hackle. What do I do. Do I keep the ones that has the least black in the hackle or do I kill them all. I asked how old are these ckls???

Answer: three and half months old. I sat back in my chair and laughed. They are babies.. You got to waite till they get thier adult feathers in at about five to six months of age.

I told him to zoom in on shape or type vigor dont worry about color this year. Its to hard of a subject for a rookie to learn in his or her first two years.

I then asked him how much effort do you think I put in my R I Red bantams over the last twenty years of breeding on color. He said I dont know.

I said none.

When I put my matings togeather I am looking at shape brick shape flat backs and small size. I did not worry about color at all it has followed me from large fowl to the bantams size since I crossed my first large fowl onto a Red Bantam 22 years ago.

So you beginnners becarefull on your choices. Vigor, shape or type leg station are way more important than color.

For you who have the other type of Rhode Island Reds dont pay any attention to what I am writing about. Just pick the more vigours birds as color has never or will be a issue or even shape.

Hope to see more pictures of Reds how about the Gary Ramey Reds any pictures. bob
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My son's Rhode Island Red breeding trio won a trip to the state fair for 4H. We got them as day-olds from Duane Urch, and were pretty excited to place third just behind Adrian Rademacher's birds. His are clearly more developed, but he gave our birds high praise and said that they just need more finish.

Pretty cool, huh?

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