The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Sent Bob a pm last night about Maurice Wallace's (breeder of Mohawk V) library being sold to an Antique dealer in Ontario in the last few weeks and he responded at 2pm today..
I went from that PM to this thread and I'm in shock!

Spent alot of time over the last 20 years talking chickens on the phone with him..
The fancy has lost a great guy..

Zora you're in our prayers..

I spent over an hour on the phone with Bob Tuesday night. Last thing he said was he would see me at the show in Baton Rouge. Very sad to hear of his passing.
I have my heritage RC RIR's today purely on the postings and the knowledge that Bob shared with the world. What a huge loss to the poultry world.
One of my "bucket list" things was to attend a poultry show and get to talk with Bob in person.
I am stunned and saddened and offer thoughts and prayers for his family.
It is refreshing to see all the kind words for Bob. I have been in shock ever since Zora called me moments after Bob passed away. For the last hour or so I have been trying to think of what to say that would do Bob justice. Most of you guys knew Bob through his posts on this site but I knew Bob in a much different way. Bob was just at my house the other day as he was every 3-4 months for the past 4 years. The fact that I live about 15 miles from him and we both had a interest in pure bred poultry we became fast friends. We have spent countless hours here at my farm looking at birds and sharing stories. He taught me many things about poultry and his enthusiasm for poultry was infectious. I really don't think I would know what I know today about chickens if I hadn't known Bob.
But, what I came here to tell all you folks really has nothing to do with chickens. It has to do with the Man that Bob was. Bob didn't have a mean bone in his body and he would literally give you the shirt off his back. He was a kind and gentle soul and I will truly miss him as a man as well as a chicken buddy. I will miss the visits and the conversations about chickens and fishing. I am proud to have his line of "Mohawk" Rhode Island Reds and I hope that I can live up to the standard that he had for them.
Rest in Peace will be missed!

Matt Ulrich
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