The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

yes we show them, extra fluffy or not. If the judge does not like them you dont get a ribbon, but so what. you had fun right? I agree with what Roger said earlier, I have the imported birds because thats the type I wanted. I love them. the American birds have gotten to small and to common for me.

Dragon Lady would you happen to have any pictures of what you consider overdone cochin type? just curious as I dont really see very many pictures of the birds winning in England. the judges here need to get over it and stop arguing about how much fluff is wrong or right. I always did think think that maybe they should just have a variety within the breed itself so the fluff argument could get dropped. the very reason I ended up with English imports, fluff that covers the legs
my preference.
I have won Champion English and Best of Breed with very fluffy birds and the competition was not just four or five birds.. Cochin look to me has to do with the tails. My birds don't have a cochin tail. When I see the UK winners and some other European winners that is what makes me want Orpingtons. But this thread is not about American SOP. It is about how we love our imported big fluffy Orpingtons. If your birds have good wing carriage, combs and color. If their weight is up to par and you think they can compete please take them to a show and have fun. I have never been to a show where one of my birds didn't place. I have competed against birds I have sold and they done well to.
Just to ask I am English. What is so good about English orpingtons

There are many Americans who are filled with self-loathing who feel that anything from another country is automatically superior to it's American counterpart. Then there are those who are motivated by the need to have something different or unusual. The desireability lies in their having something few others have.
I have won Champion English and Best of Breed with very fluffy birds and the competition was not just four or five birds.. Cochin look to me has to do with the tails. My birds don't have a cochin tail. When I see the UK winners and some other European winners that is what makes me want Orpingtons. But this thread is not about American SOP. It is about how we love our imported big fluffy Orpingtons. If your birds have good wing carriage, combs and color. If their weight is up to par and you think they can compete please take them to a show and have fun. I have never been to a show where one of my birds didn't place. I have competed against birds I have sold and they done well to.
X2, Thanks Julie, Thats perfect.
There are many Americans who are filled with self-loathing who feel that anything from another country is automatically superior to it's American counterpart. Then there are those who are motivated by the need to have something different or unusual. The desireability lies in their having something few others have.
You may have attended the 2013 Pa Farm show in Harrisburg this year. The blue male that won best Orpington and Best English was a pure UK imported line bred bird either out of Julie's and/or Joy;s birds. You are correct though I have seen issues with some of the imports but there are also issues with some of the APA birds as well.
i have both a lemon cuckoo rooster & a splash rooster both are english but the splash is already bigger than the lemon & the splash is only about 5 months old. not sure what size buff britts are as i don't have any. maybe Renie will jump in she has some at her place. piglett
Just to ask I am English. What is so good about English orpingtons
classy birds...big...wide..terrific colors..early on when orps were first imported to US...there was no difference..but continants drifted apart on breeding ideas...usa bred a little tighter feather.. kept more leg showing...brits stressed type type type no is written in several old books free for kindle such as standard bred orpington that americans were adding rock, wyandotte..they really frowned on this..point deductions for plymoth or wyandotte breast in they can tell that i dont know but it was in british judging handbook...a well bred british bird is a sight to behold..the feathering wasnt an issue for them if the type is very good..t

hat was paramount in british breeding sure that the thinking was ..those are little things to tidy up later

here is an old page about early english style.

i have both a lemon cuckoo rooster & a splash rooster both are english but the splash is already bigger than the lemon & the splash is only about 5 months old. not sure what size buff britts are as i don't have any. maybe Renie will jump in she has some at her place.piglett
They are big babies..... I have some extra splits Piglet.... PM me
Can anyone tell me who they got their stock from in England, I am going to import a couple of buff hens (only to Ireland but it is still importing them)
Just to ask I am English. What is so good about English orpingtons

This is the picture that won me over. This is NOT my bird, nor my Pic. It was posted at the beginning of this thread by Bama and is what lead my to pursue English birds. In my opinion, THIS is what is so good about English Orps. Now if I could ever be so lucky to get one of my blues this round...I would be one happy lady..


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